Thursday, January 31, 2013

SF Archbishop: Homosexuality & Male Breastfeeding

After Catholic Archbishop Cordileone explained this week that "Legislating for the right for people of the same sex to marry is like legalizing male breastfeeding," the liberal media countered that some men DO lactate, including "transgender men."

For background, read Court Says San Francisco Right to Condemn Catholic Church over Gay Adoption and also read Homosexual 'Marriage' Not Enough; Next Goal of Gay Agenda as well as Pope: All Religions to Team Up Against Gay Agenda

-- From "San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Compares Legalizing Gay Marriage To Male Breastfeeding" by Meredith Bennett-Smith, The Huffington Post 1/30/13

Speaking with the United Kingdom's Catholic Herald, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone said the term gay marriage refers to a "natural impossibility" and should be rarely used.

Cordileone's comparison seems to imply that both same-sex marriage and breastfeeding by men are both impossible. However, same-sex marriage is legal in several states and while rare, men can lactate.

The Scientific American notes several scenarios that could and have caused male lactation, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jared Diamond added that male milk production could be advantageous in a modern society.

Meanwhile, some transgender men have also been able to keep their female reproductive organs and breastfeed their children. . . .

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "All our detractors can do is call us names" by Mary O'Regan, UK Catholic Herald 1/28/13

. . . Archbishop Cordileone is best known as the chairman of the US bishops’ subcommittee for the promotion and defence of marriage. He was appointed to this position in 2011. Since then, he has earned the ire of many gay marriage campaigners and his appointment to San Francisco was met with sharp words from some outspoken progressive locals. From our point of view in Britain, we may think the gay marriage lobby is surrounding Archbishop Cordileone on all sides, but support for him often outnumbers the opposition. On his installation day, October 4 2012, there were reportedly a maximum number of three dozen protesters outside. But many more people came to show support, chief among them being members of the Neocatechumenal Way, who held banners proclaiming: “Teaching the Truth about the Family.”

He says: “Truth is clear. Wanting children to be connected to a mother and father discriminates against no one. Every child has a father and a mother, and either you support the only institution that connects a child with their father and mother or you don’t. Adoption, by a mother and father, mirrors the natural union of a mother and father and provides a balanced, happy alternative for when a child may not be reared by their biological parents.”

I [Mary O'Regan] admit that I didn’t step up to the plate when Channel 4 invited me on live television to debate gay marriage, because I didn’t want to become a hate figure. I feared my career would suffer and I wouldn’t be able to pay my rent. The archbishop sighs and responds: “You say that you can’t debate it without suffering for your beliefs, so who is being discriminated against? Who is being intolerant? It is the secular orthodoxy that allows no dissent and will punish those who do.”

When I concede that I feel like a coward for passing up the opportunity to argue the case for marriage on television, Archbishop Cordileone says: “It’s a lot easier for us priests to speak out. Fellow clergy are not going to marginalise us. And we’re not going to be passed up for a promotion or lose our jobs!”

While speaking out may be less daunting for priests, he encourages lay people to embrace the challenge . . . “Fighting for marriage is our way of loving God, and the struggle is the particular gift that God has given our generation. This is our particular trial, and by overcoming it we may achieve spiritual greatness. It will entail suffering if we are to oppose gay marriage, something which poses such destruction to the understanding of natural marriage, which is a child-oriented institution.”

It’s not that Archbishop Cordileone is so indifferent and hard that he does not feel the sting of slurs. Rather, he knows that winning the battle is more important, even if it will mean personal suffering. Courage is writ large on his determined face, and he is living up to the demands of his Italian surname, which means “heart of a lion”.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Archbishop Cordileone Calls For Prayer, Renewed Culture Of Marriage" posted at Archdiocese of San Francisco 11/7/12

In response to the November 6 statewide referenda results in Washington State, Minnesota, Maryland, and Maine regarding marriage, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage, called for renewed efforts to strengthen and protect marriage and family life and expressed gratitude to marriage protection supporters.

"The meaning of marriage, though, cannot be redefined because it lies within our very nature. No matter what policy, law or judicial decision is put into place, marriage is the only institution that unites a man and a woman to each other and to any children born of their union. It is either this, or it is nothing at all. In view of the fact that every child has a mother and a father, our society either respects the basic right of every child to be raised by his or her mother and father together and so supports the true and unique meaning of marriage for the good of children, or it does not. In a society marked by increasing poverty and family fragmentation, marriage needs to be strengthened, promoted, and defended, not redefined. I hope and pray that political leaders, judges, and all people will seek to honor this foundational and common sense truth of marriage," the archbishop said.

"I extend heartfelt gratitude to all those who dedicated and sacrificed time, energy and resources to protect marriage," Archbishop Cordileone said. "I especially call on all people to pray and to build a renewed culture of marriage and the family. This is a fundamental task on which the future good and stability of our society, and particularly that of our children, rest."

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Also read Obama's National Cathedral is the Seat of Apostasy none the less, President Obama Denies Leading War Against Christianity

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Russia to Outlaw Homosexual Propaganda, Kissing

The Obama administration expressed outrage at Kremlin plans to toughen laws against public displays of homosexual affection and punishment of, what the U.S. State Dept. calls, "gay rights."  Russians believe the crackdown on homosexuality is necessary to curb its damaging effects on children and young adults, but American mainstream media blame a so-called homophobic Russian Orthodox Church for "legislating morality" and thus abetting the freedom-limiting, anti-human government of Vladimir Putin.

For background, read Russians Face Extinction from Abortion

For comparison with America's ObamaNation, read
Obama's National Cathedral is the Seat of Apostasy and also read Obama Raises Gay Agenda above Religious Liberty as well as Religious Liberty & Anti-Christian Totalitarianism

-- From "'Propaganda' by Gays Faces Russian Curbs Amid Unrest" by David M. Herszenhorn, New York Times 1/25/13

. . . lawmakers voted 388-1 for the bill, which would make it a federal crime in Russia to distribute “homosexual propaganda,” with violations punishable by fines of up to $16,000. One lawmaker abstained. The bill must be approved by the lower house two more times before being sent to the upper chamber. Similar laws have been approved by a number of regions and municipalities, including St. Petersburg, where supporters of the restriction tried unsuccessfully to use it to bring charges against the pop star Madonna.

The overwhelming vote fits with a larger pattern in recent months of the Russian government drawing closer to the Russian Orthodox Church and favoring so-called traditional values over individual liberties or behavior perceived as representing more modern, Western influences. This has included the aggressive prosecution and conviction of members of the punk band Pussy Riot for a stunt in Moscow’s main cathedral, and legislation imposing new restrictions on the Internet in the name of protecting children from pornography.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Police detain 20 as Russia’s Duma approves controversial anti-gay legislation" by The Associated Press 1/25/13

Russia decriminalized homosexuality in 1993, but homophobia remains high in the country. Authorities often ban gay rallies and parades.

Those behind the bill say minors need to be protected from “homosexual propaganda” because they are unable to evaluate the information critically.

Some lawmakers and public figures have accused gays of contributing to the fall in Russia’s already low birth rates, and have argued that they should be barred from government jobs, undergo forced medical treatment or be exiled.

According to opinion polls last year by the respected Levada Center, almost two thirds of Russians find homosexuality “morally unacceptable and worth condemning.” And about half were found to be against gay rallies and same-sex marriage, while almost a third thought homosexuality is the result of “a sickness or a psychological trauma.”

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Russian Gov’t and Orthodox Church Push Anti-Sodomy Propaganda Law to Protect Youth" by Mansur Mirovalev, Associated Press 1/28/13

The legislation being pushed by the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church would make it illegal nationwide to provide minors with information that is defined as "propaganda of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexuality and transgenderism." It includes a ban on holding public events that promote gay rights. St. Petersburg and a number of other Russian cities already have similar laws on their books.

Other laws that the Kremlin says are intended to protect young Russians have been hastily adopted in recent months, including some that allow banning and blocking web content and print publications that are deemed "extremist" or unfit for young audiences.

Those behind the bill say minors need to be protected from "homosexual propaganda" because they are unable to evaluate the information critically. "This propaganda goes through the mass media and public events that propagate homosexuality as normal behavior," the bill reads.

Cities started adopting anti-gay laws in 2006. Only one person has been prosecuted so far under a law specifically targeted at gays: Nikolai Alexeyev, a gay rights campaigner, was fined the equivalent of $160 after a one-man protest last summer in St. Petersburg.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Russian Duma gives first nod to nationwide ban on gay propaganda" posted at Russia Today RT-TV 1/25/13

The ban was submitted by deputies from the Novosibirsk Region in Siberia, who had earlier introduced similar local regulations. If approved, it would introduce heavy fines for the promotion of homosexuality among children. Those found guilty of the offence could be fined up to 5000 roubles (about $160), but the fines increase 10-fold for officials and 100-fold for companies.

The LGBT community has begun street protests against the bill in Moscow and in other Russian cities. They turned into violence several times as people who claim to be believers and defenders of traditional values attacked the gay activists.

The violence between gay activists and the people, who claim to be defenders of Orthodox Christianity, broke out again on Friday as MPs readied to hold the hearings into the bill. Over a dozen people from each side started shouting slogans “Moscow is not Sodom” and “Moscow is not Iran”, they then started smearing each other with paint and sprayed tear gas after which the police had to intervene breaking up the protest and detaining about 20 activists.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

MN Univ. Hires Church Sex Trainers to Teach Orgasm

The University of Minnesota Twin Cities has contracted with "experts on female orgasm," who also train teachers for the Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ "Our Whole Lives" sexuality education programs, to teach The Female Orgasm for the benefit of "orgasm aficionados and beginners of all genders."
The description posted on the school’s official events calendar asks “Are you coming?”
For background, click on headlines below to read what passes for education these days:

Orgasm Live Demo in Chicago College Classroom

Exotic Dancers in Catholic University Business Class

Government Teaches Children to Enjoy Sex - Daily Orgasms Recommended

U.N. Agency: Teach Five Year-olds Masturbation

School Sexualization Standards by NEA, Abortionists

Texas School Trains 12-year-olds in Oral, Anal Sex

'Dating Website' (prostitution) to Pay for College

Bondage-S&M-Sex Student Group OK'd by Harvard

UPDATE 2/10/13: Hooker, Porn Star Lectures at Univ. of Illinois

UPDATE 2/21/13: "Sex educators" set up shop at Pennsylvania's Allegheny College in the campus chapel (Ford Memorial Chapel) where weekly worship services take place.

-- From "The Female Orgasm: A Program About Sexual Health and Women's Empowerment" posted at University of Minnesota

Join us to laugh and learn about the "big O," the most popular topic sex educators Marshall Miller and Kate Weinberg teach about! Orgasm aficionados and beginners of all genders are welcome to come learn about everything from multiple orgasms to that mysterious G-spot. Kate and Marshall cover it all with lots of humor, plenty of honesty, and an underlying message of sexual health and women's empowerment.

The full Female Orgasm Program includes: An emphasis on individuals making sexual decisions that are right for them, including whether to use the information now or when married or in a serious relationship; [and] Analysis of the messages women receive about their bodies and sexuality from media, religion, families, and elsewhere . . .

To request disability accommodations, please contact the Women's Center . . .

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Public univ plans event to help female students achieve orgasm" by Oliver Darcy, 1/28/13

The description of the event, which is hosted by the university’s Office of Diversity and Equity's Women's Center, does not say whether there is an age requirement. While the average age of undergraduates at UMTC is 21, it is not uncommon for students to enroll at the age of 17.

A university spokeswoman, Patricia Mattern, however, suggested there is in fact no age requirement in an e-mail statement to Campus Reform on Monday.

“This educational workshop is open to the full university community and participation is voluntary,” she said.  “As a research institution, we study, publish and educate on a vast range of topics, including human sexuality.”

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Minnesota spends $3,400 to teach orgasm" posted at World Net Daily 1/28/13

Scheduled teachers are “sex educators” Marshall Miller and Kate Weinberg. The program also is getting support from the Women’s Student Activist Collective, Aurora Center for Advocacy & Education and GLBTA Programs Office.

Miller is a trainer of teachers for the Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ “Our Whole Lives” sexuality education program.

The Minnesota school says the event, at the Theater St. Paul Student Center in April, is for all, “whether you want to learn how to have your first orgasm, how to have better ones, or how to help your girlfriend.”

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Also in Columbia, SC at the University of South Carolina: From "I Heart Female Orgasm" posted by Joshua 1/23/13

Don’t miss this funny, educational Program about sexuality! I Heart Female Orgasm will be Wednesday, January 30th in the RH Ballroom!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Schools to Become Prisons in Fear of Evil Gunmen?

In response to the media blitz of gun violence in schools, officials at Clovercroft Elementary School in Franklin, TN believe that the solution is to incarcerate children for the day, under armed guards, and prohibit even parental access to their own kids.
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life . . . Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness . . ." (Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 6 NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. The Lord is near. (Philippians Chapter 4 NIV)
-- From "Elementary School Seeks To Eliminate Parent Involvement, Cites Sandy Hook As Reason" posted at The Inquisitr 1/24/13

Under the proposed policy implemented by the school, parents would have to apply and obtain vouchers to visit their children and would only be able to do so two times in a nine week period.

Carol Birdsong, a spokesperson for Williamson County Schools, reported that the principal came up with the idea in light of the school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.

Birdsong said armed deputies are already providing security in the district’s middle and high schools, and they’ve asked for funding to put armed officers in elementary schools and says that she understands parent frustrations.

“Please remember the primary purpose for this process is to ensure that we are able to account for all the adults in the cafeteria enjoying lunch with their children,” Principal Laura LaChance wrote in an email to parents.

[Local mother Becky] Rutland believes that parents are not the problem but that the school is usurping a parent’s role in protecting and looking after the well being of their children.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "School Wants to Limit Parental Access to Children" by Todd Starnes, 1/24/13

Rutland has four children who attend Clovercroft Elementary School in Franklin, Tenn. Like a number of other parents, she enjoys visiting her youngsters during their lunch period.

Under the new rules, parents would have to register online and obtain an “event ticket” to eat lunch with their children.

“I don’t feel like a principal or anyone else should be able to tell me when I can and can’t see my children,” [Rutland] said. “I don’t feel like a school administration knows what’s best for my children.”

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Also read Prayer Needed - Government Isn't the Solution as well as Missouri Votes to Bring Prayer Back to School

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Colorado Same-sex Unions Trample Religious Liberty

Now that Democrats control all of Colorado state government, a homosexual unions law will be enacted by March to circumvent the voters' defeat of civil unions and passage of the state constitutional one-man-one-woman amendment.  Gay Agenda supporters say the amendment was passed in the dark ages of 2006 -- apparently before voters evolved to the current enlightened hedonistic condition.
“Human history has shown us that the most important institution is not government, it’s the family. And the family is a heterosexual couple raising and rearing children. I believe this [law] is not a small change or a refinement to the concept of marriage, I believe this is a distinct step away from what marriage is and does not serve our culture or our state.”
-- Colorado State Sen. Kevin Lundberg
For background, read Catholic Adoptions Closed by Illinois Civil Unions Law and also read Homosexualists' Action Terminates DC Foster Care as well as Court Says San Francisco Right to Condemn Catholic Church over Gay Adoption

And read about the Colorado baker and myriad other Christians sued in states with same-sex unions/marriage laws.

UPDATE 3/22/13: Gov. signs civil unions into law

UPDATE 2/11/13: Colorado Democrat Senator Says Christians Belong in Monastery

-- From "As expected, Senate committee passes Colorado civil unions bill" by Lynn Bartels, The Denver Post 1/24/13

A Senate committee on Wednesday passed a bill allowing gay couples to form civil unions despite protests it violates religious freedoms and overrides the will of Coloradans.

The outcome of civil unions this session is not in doubt: Democrats control the Senate, House and the governor's mansion. But that didn't stop a string of witnesses from testifying for more than four hours, urging the bill's passage or its death.

Kellie Fiedorek with the Alliance Defending Freedom said the bill "fails to provide significant safeguards for the religious liberties of all Coloradans."

Carrie Gordon Earll with CitizenLink, an arm of Focus on the Family, said the bill isn't about benefits, but about moving toward redefining marriage.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Colorado is one step closer to civil unions" by Greg Campbell, Daily Caller 1/24/13

Similar bills failed during the past two legislative sessions. The most recent attempt was defeated in dramatic 11th-hour fashion last spring, when Republicans who controlled the House didn’t bring the bill up for a vote before the session ended.

Two openly gay senators and two openly gay representatives are sponsoring the bill. The acting chairman of the Senate judiciary committee, which heard testimony from dozens of people on both sides of the issue, is also gay.

[In testimony, President and CEO of Catholic Charities of Central Colorado, Mark] Rohlena was concerned about the major difference between this year’s bill and the one from last year. The current version no longer includes a provision exempting adoption agencies that disagree with civil unions from placing children with same-sex couples. Catholic Charities, Rohlena said, only arranges adoptions to opposite sex couples who are married.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "At rally, 'Pro-marriage' supporters offer alternative view of civil unions" by Eli Stokols, KDVR-TV31 (Denver) 1/26/13

At a “pro-marriage” rally on the Capitol’s west steps Friday, opponents of civil unions legislation that would grant same-sex couples equal protection under the law denounced it as “bigoted” and “hatred.”

Another speaker argued that the measure actually “persecutes” the religious.

Why isn’t the [religious] exemption for adoption agencies in the bill this year?

Because Democrats, who found it discriminatory, won the election and no longer have to worry about securing Republican votes.

Pretty simple, really.

To read the entire opinion column above, CLICK HERE.

From "Controversial civil unions bill clears first hurdle in committee" by Ernest Luning, The Colorado Statesman 1/25/13

. . . this time the legislation faces a less uncertain fate and is expected to land on Gov. John Hickenlooper’s desk in March.

As in its two previous hearings before the committee, a cavalcade of supporters and opponents trooped before lawmakers, some waving Bibles and others brandishing stories about their commitment to committed couples, whether gay or straight.

“This to me is a bullying bill against those of us who believe in God’s teaching on homosexual behavior,” said Rosina Kovar, who gained notoriety and brief Internet fame two years ago with explicit testimony about bodily functions.

“This is a discrimination against their religious values. It’s a judgment call on the part of the state to say we will force them to participate in what they consider to be morally wrong,” [State Sen. Kevin Lundberg, R-Berthoud] said, predicting lawsuits will ensue if the bill is adopted.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Catholics criticize Colorado Civil Union Bill" by Catholic League for Religious and Civil rights 1/25/13

Far and away the biggest problem for the Catholic community, and for the rights of other faith communities, is the matter of religious liberty. To demand that Catholic adoptive agencies place children in a household of two adults of the same sex is to eviscerate their Catholicity. There is no getting around it.

It is not without meaning that Senate Bill 11 explicitly says, “A priest, minister, rabbi or other official of a religious institution or denomination or an Indian nation or tribe is not required to certify a civil union in violation of his or her right to free exercise of religion.” So if the sponsors of the bill recognize the religious liberty implications of forcing the clergy to give their blessings to homosexual unions, they should also recognize the religious liberty implications of forcing religious social service agencies to give their blessings to such arrangements. To offer one exemption but not the other is illogical and unconstitutional.

To read the entire opinion column above, CLICK HERE.

From "Colo. Civil-Unions Bill Could Endanger Catholic Child Services" by Kevin J. Jones, Catholic News Agency 1/22/13

If the legislation passes this year, civil unions for two people of any sex would be legally equivalent to marriage under state law. The 2012 Colorado Senate bill proposing to create the unions had stated that the bill “shall not be interpreted to require a child-placement agency to place a child for adoption” with a couple in a civil union.

That language, however, is absent from the 2013 bill, S.B. 11.

[Mark Rohlena, president and CEO of Catholic Charities of Central Colorado, said] “we probably would cease the operation of our adoption programs [due to this law].”

Rohlena said the Colorado state Constitution, like Catholic teaching, defines marriage as only between a man and a woman. He said this recognizes “the importance of that traditional marriage relationship for stability and advancement in society.”

Colorado has become a center for homosexual-activist groups, and several influential multimillionaires have supported these causes. In 2008, software entrepreneur Tim Gill told the LGBT Caucus at the Democratic National Convention in Denver that they should specifically concentrate donations on state legislatures and primary races to shift politics in their favor and to block potential rivals from rising to higher office.

In April 2011, Gill’s lawyer, Ted Trimpa, told Denver’s Fox 31 News that Gill could spend as much as $2 million in 2012 Colorado political races to shift the state House to Democrat control.

The Democrats took control of the Colorado House in the 2012 elections and elected Rep. Mark Ferrandino as the first gay Speaker of the House. He is co-sponsoring the bill with Sen. Pat Steadman.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Pro-lifers Crowd D.C., 40 Years Since Roe v. Wade

While mainstream media gave scant attention to "thousands of protesters," about half a million Americans (mostly young adults) crowded the streets of Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life rally to decry the 1973 Supreme Court decision that has allowed the slaughter of 55 million Americans at the hands of abortionists.

For background, read Liberals Lament: Pro-life Position Prevails and also read Pres. Obama Says Girls Need Abortion Rights for Equality as well as Jimmy Carter Says Democrats Wrong on Abortion

-- From "40 Years After Roe v. Wade, Thousands March to Oppose Abortion" by Ashley Parker, New York Times 1/25/13

Three days after the 40th anniversary of the decision in Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court case that legalized abortion, tens of thousands of abortion opponents from around the country came to the National Mall on Friday for the annual March for Life rally, which culminated in a demonstration in front of the Supreme Court building.

On a gray morning when the temperature was well below freezing, the crowd pressed in close against the stage to hear more than a dozen speakers, who included Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council; Representative Diane Black, Republican of Tennessee, who recently introduced legislation to withhold financing from Planned Parenthood, and Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky; Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley of Boston; and Rick Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania and Republican presidential candidate.

The crowd was dotted with large banners, many bearing the names of the attendees’ home states and churches and colleges. Gary Storey, 36, stood holding a handmade sign that read “I was adopted. Thanks Mom for my life.” Next to him stood his adoptive mother, Ellen Storey, 66, who held her own handmade sign with a picture of her six children and the words “To the mothers of our four adopted children, ‘Thank You’ for their lives.”

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Abortion opponents march in Washington to mark 40th anniversary of landmark court decision" by The Associated Press 1/25/13

The large turnout reflected the ongoing relevance of the abortion debate four decades after the Jan. 22, 1973 decision.

Police do not provide crowd estimates, but organizers said hundreds of thousands may have turned out at Friday’s rally in Washington.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "March for Life in front of Supreme Court decries landmark 1973 ruling" by Carol Morello and James Arkin, Washington Post 1/25/13

Despite a bitter, Arctic cold that descended over the region, Friday’s crowd was large. Police no longer estimate crowd size, so it is difficult to judge how many people attended. The march permit was for 50,000 people, though organizers said the attendance was several times that number.

Though some in the crowd were veterans of previous marches held annually since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, the majority seemed to be teenagers and young adults, many of whom carried signs identifying themselves as part of a “pro-life generation.”

The archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Sean O’Malley, read a message posted early Friday by Pope Benedict XVI from his personal Twitter account: “I join all those marching for life from afar, and pray that political leaders will protect the unborn and promote a culture of life.”

House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) appeared on a giant video screen and vowed to work for passage of a bill banning taxpayer funding for abortions.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Does the media need a math lesson?" by Carol Tobias, President, National Right to Life 1/25/13

An article posted today and shared around the internet said “thousands” of demonstrators would march in Washington today at the annual March for Life.  The event drew an estimated 400,000 last year and is expected to be at least as large this year.  Nevertheless, the writer couldn’t seem to think of a number higher than “thousands.”

When National Right to Life hosted a Rally for Life in the 1990s, the National Park Service estimated that 250,000 people attended; other estimates put the total closer to 375,000 people. But CNN News stated we only had 60,000.

Media outlets also tend to “balance” their stories about the March or other large pro-life events by making note of any counter-events hosted by abortion supporters.  But that’s usually all the story says.  Rarely do they state the size of the tiny pro-abortion “crowds,” which can be in the hundreds or as few as a couple dozen people.

So apparently the media’s problems with math extend to small numbers, as well.

To read the entire opinion column above, CLICK HERE.

From "Rep. Chris Smith [R-N.J.]: Obama Is the ‘Abortion President’" by Elizabeth Harrington, 1/25/13

Smith quoted from Obama’s second inaugural address on Monday, in which he said: “Together, we can resolve that a great nation must care for the vulnerable,” and “Our journey is not complete until all of our children are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm.”

“All people are created—not born—created equal,” [Smith] said. “And our journey is not complete until all of our children, including the child in the womb, are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm.

“Yet, President Obama systematically and aggressively promotes abortion at home and overseas,” Smith added. “Despite the fact that taxpayer-subsidized Planned Parenthood claims direct responsibility for killing over 6 million babies, Planned Parenthood remains President Obama’s favorite organization. How tragic!”

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Rep. Franks [R-Ariz.]: Obama Made Case for Ending Abortion at Sandy Hook Prayer Vigil" by Penny Starr, 1/25/13

Obama’s words “make a strong, powerful case for ending the tragedy of abortion on demand in America,” Franks said at an event leading up to the March for Life that took place on the National Mall and the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday.

Franks then read this portion of Obama’s speech:

"This is our first task – caring for our children. It’s our first job. If we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right. That’s how, as a society, we will be judged. And by that measure, can we truly say, as a nation, that we are meeting our obligations? Can we honestly say that we’re doing enough to keep our children – all of them – safe from harm?

“Can we claim, as a nation, that we’re all together there, letting them know that they are loved, and teaching them to love in return? Can we say that we’re truly doing enough to give all the children of this country the chance they deserve to live out their lives in happiness and with purpose?” Franks added, quoting Obama.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.): ‘Right and Wrong Have Become Subservient to Hedonism of the Moment'" by Elizabeth Harrington, 1/25/13

“Can a nation long endure that does not respect the sanctity of life?” Paul asked. “Can a nation conceived in liberty carry its head high if it denies protection to the youngest and most vulnerable of its citizens? Can a country founded on God-given rights continue to thrive without understanding that life is a precious gift from our Creator?

“I believe that great nations and great civilizations spring from a people who have a moral compass,” he said. “Our nation is adrift, adrift in a wilderness where right and wrong have become subservient to a hedonism of the moment.

“I believe our country is in need of a revival,” Paul continued. “I believe our country is in need of a spiritual cleansing. As a physician, I have looked into the eyes of one-pound babies. I have cradled their small bodies in the palm of one hand.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Nearly 100,000 pro-lifers march in San Francisco, so media focus on a hundred abortion supporters (video):

Also read God Hears Thousands Praying for America, Media Doesn't 

GOP leader John Boehner addressed the D.C. March with this video, but will the Republican Party really be pro-life?

Friday, January 25, 2013

Will GOP Go Pro-abortion in Addition to Pro-Gay?

As evidenced with the Mitt Romney campaign, and more so after his loss, the Republican Party leadership is clearly supportive of "homosexual rights."  However, now as the party discusses a "re-start," pressure is building both by the leadership, and from the liberal mainstream media to force a formal change in the GOP platform to jettison opposition to hot-button issues like abortion and the Gay Agenda.

For background, read More GOP Congressmen Proudly Fund Abortionists, Gay Agenda and also read GOP Rising Star Jindal Pushes Liberalized Contraceptives as well as Republicans Accepting Gay Agenda More and More

The years-long drumbeat continues as the GOP Establishment & Media Say: Ignore Abortion & Gay Agenda

UPDATE 1/24/14: Biblical Beliefs Unacceptable to Illinois GOP Leaders

UPDATE 12/14/13: GOP Funds Pro-abortion Homosexual Candidates

From "Jindal: GOP Must Stop Being 'Stupid Party'" by The Associated Press 1/24/13

In the keynote address at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting, [Louisiana Gov. Bobby] Jindal said the GOP doesn't need to change its values but "might need to change just about everything else we are doing."

"We've got to stop being the stupid party. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults," he said. "We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I'm here to say we've had enough of that."

Down-ticket Republican candidates alienated female voters by backing new abortion laws in a handful of swing states like Virginia and New Hampshire, while Senate candidate Todd Akin of Missouri hurt himself and his party by declaring that women's bodies could prevent pregnancy in cases of "legitimate rape."

Hours before the speech, Republican leaders promised to release in March a report, dubbed the "Growth and Opportunity Project," outlining recommendations on party rules and messaging designed to appeal to a rapidly changing American electorate.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "One Tough-Talking Nerd: Bobby Jindal Brands Himself as Republican Reformer" by Beth Reinhard, National Journal 1/25/13

. . . Jindal wrote a Wall Street Journal column last month calling for birth control to be sold over the counter. He made the novel argument that selling it over the counter would remove religious objections to requirements that employers or insurers to cover birth control, and it would preclude Democrats from using contraception as a wedge issue to get women votes.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "At Winter Gathering, GOP Asks: Where Do We Go From Here?" by Don Gonyea, National Public Radio 1/24/13

. . . [GOP] Chairman Reince Priebus has posed some questions to party members nationally in a video posted online: "What do you think the party must do better? Where do we go in the future? This is your chance to make your voice heard — and we're listening."

. . . he said. "Listen, we've got to grow our party without compromising our principles. That's the bottom line."

And while Republicans have alienated many voters who might be fiscal conservatives but don't like the party's positions on social issues, [GOP insider Saul] Anuzis says: "I just think we have to be cognizant of the fact that you can approach it in such a way that is open and inclusive and tolerant and understanding of other people's positions."

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Will gay marriage stance cost GOP chairman his job?" by Kerry Lester, Daily Herald (Chicago suburbs) 1/24/13

[Illinois GOP chairman Pat Brady of St. Charles] is under fire for recent statements he made supporting same-sex marriage.

The public clash between the conservative and moderate wings of the Illinois GOP comes as the party is working to win several key upcoming elections in a traditionally blue state.

Brady, through a statement and calls to lawmakers earlier this month, voiced his full support of same-sex marriage legislation being considered by the General Assembly. Brady said he did so as a private citizen, and not in his capacity as party chairman.

"I did it because I feel that it is discrimination," said Brady, an attorney and former federal prosecutor. "We need to get these issues behind us and start focusing on the issues where people like our message. Like fiscal issues."

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Will the GOP go gay?: ‘Not anytime soon’ says former presidential contender Gary Bauer" by Kirsten Andersen, 1/23/13

The Republican Party platform holds that marriage is a union between one man and one woman, but homosexual activists both within the party and without would like to see that change.  A growing number of gay advocacy groups are now targeting the GOP, not for defeat, but for assimilation.

Another group, Freedom to Marry, has launched a sub-group called “Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry,” which describes itself as “a campaign to highlight and build support for the freedom to marry among young conservatives across America.”

[Gary] Bauer, who now heads American Values – a group that promotes traditional marriage within the Republican Party – told LSN “To the extent that young people, including growing numbers of young Christians support same-sex “marriage,” he said, “it’s not a failure of the GOP, it is a failure of the culture and the church.”

Said Bauer, “It’s a mistake to expect political parties to have the main responsibility in winning cultural and moral debates.  Parties surrender on things when it’s being lost outside of politics. Right now you have a lot of confusion in the church, a lot of people who won’t speak up about things, a lot of religious leaders that are avoiding the issue.  I don’t think we can expect the Republican Party to save us when even the church won’t do it.”

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Why Republicans should stop talking about Roe v. Wade" by Aaron Blake, Washington Post 1/22/13

As they are with issues like gay marriage and illegal immigration . . . Republicans are now caught between their base and the general public.

While much of the GOP base remains firmly anti-abortion rights and those most passionate conservatives would like to see Roe overturned, Republicans need to recognize more broadly that overturning Roe is no longer sound politics.

Abortion [is] . . . still a wedge issue that is increasingly working against the GOP and risks turning off female voters, who stuck by President Obama more than a lot of other demographics in 2012.

The question is whether the GOP will allow their party to accept the political realities of the abortion issue.

To read the entire (liberal) opinion column above, CLICK HERE.

Also read Liberals Lament: Pro-life Position Prevails as every reliable Poll Shows Most Americans Pro-life

UPDATE 1/25/13 - Liberal Huffington Post says GOP placating Christians, besides being out-of-touch (video):

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Obama's National Cathedral is the Seat of Apostasy

Are we seeing a precursor in D.C.?  The Obamanation of desolation?

The claimed mission of the Episcopal National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. is to be "the spiritual home for our nation."  So what does it say for America that the head of this institution is ordained by the ECUSA to preach liberal politics and perform homosexual "weddings," and that the "leader of the free world" presided over a parade of apostate preaching in the cathedral for the inauguration "prayer" service?

For background, read Episcopal Church Blesses Deviant Sexual Behavior and also read Liberal 'Churches' Conforming to Decadent Culture

God has judged this Obamanation (where the Gay Agenda Carried in 4 More States), and where Biblical Prayer is Stricken from the Inauguration

UPDATE 4/1/13: Obama's Apostate Easter Sermon at D.C. ECUSA

UPDATE 6/22/14: Sexually Confused Chaplain Preaches at National Cathedral, Media Ecstatic

UPDATE 11/14/14: ECUSA Hands National Cathedral over to Muslims as Call to Prayer

-- From "Obamas, Bidens Attend Washington National Cathedral Prayer Service" by Jennifer C. Kerr, Huffington Post 1/22/13

[Prayer] For Obama and Biden: "Make them bold for the work you have set before them," said Kathryn Lohre, president of the National Council of Churches.

[Rev. Adam Hamilton, senior pastor at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kan.] said Obama has been blessed with a unique vision. "You should have been a preacher," Hamilton told Obama.

A range of faiths was represented among speakers at the cathedral service, including the Rev. Barbara Williams-Skinner, co-chair of the National African American Clergy Network; Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, executive vice president of the Rabbinical Assembly; Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America, and Rev. Nancy Wilson, leader of the Metropolitan Community Churches – a denomination founded as a spiritual refuge for gay Christians.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Famous church's bells to ring for same-sex couples" by Brett Zongker, The Associated Press 1/10/13

[In July 2012,] the Episcopal Church approved a ceremony for same-sex unions at its General Convention in Indianapolis, followed by the legalization of gay marriage in Maryland, which joined the District of Columbia. The [ECUSA] national church made a special allowance for marriage ceremonies in states where gay marriage is legal.

Longtime same-sex marriage advocate the Very Rev. Gary Hall took over as the cathedral's dean in October. Conversations began even before he arrived to clear the way for the ceremonies at the church that so often serves as a symbolic house of prayer for national celebrations and tragedies.

"I read the Bible as seriously as fundamentalists do," Hall told the AP. "And my reading of the Bible leads me to want to do this because I think it's being faithful to the kind of community that Jesus would have us be."

"As a kind of tall-steeple, public church in the nation's capital, by saying we're going to bless same-sex marriages, conduct same-sex marriages, we are really trying to take the next step for marriage equality in the nation and in the culture," Hall said.

Some congregations have left the Episcopal Church over its inclusion of gays and lesbians over the years.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "At National Cathedral, dean preaches the gospel of activism" by Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post 1/23/13

It was partly Hall’s comfort in the media spotlight and with controversy that landed him the job in the fall of transforming the cathedral from a dimming star struggling to boost its profile and fundraising to a hot spot for community activism and debate.

But as someone drawn to religion in the ’60s by activist antiwar, antisegregation chaplains raring to make a scene, he believes he can use this. He can use it to hold the church up as the place that provides justice and hope in the dark times. That message fueled a generation of progressive religion and activism, and Hall is among those who hope it can again today.

[Hall] calls himself a “left-wing Democrat” . . .

“In the spirit of Dr. King, I want to say that opposing gun violence may have political implications, but it is not primarily a political issue. It is a religious issue,” Hall preached. “If we want to stand with Jesus and with Martin Luther King, we’ve also got to stand with those who, like them, die by means of violence. And that means we who follow Jesus and stand with King have to stand against guns.”

Ushers handed out 10,000 call-your-lawmaker cards to worshippers over the Christmas period. Hall and the Washington diocese’s bishop, Mariann Budde, traveled to Johns Hopkins University this week for a summit on gun control. They are soliciting criticism from gun-owning Episcopalians, hoping to broaden their pool of allies.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Episcopal dean of the National Cathedral teaming up with Democrats on guns" by Alex Pappas, Political Reporter, Daily Caller 1/23/13

According to that [press] release, Hall and the Cathedral “have come to the end of the ‘preaching part,’ and are now turning their attention toward organizing in support of a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, supporting universal background checks, and supporting stiffer criminal penalties for those engaged in gun trafficking.”

“I believe we at the Cathedral need to get behind the President and Vice President’s recommendations on gun control legislation, supporting a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, supporting universal background checks, and supporting stiffer criminal penalties for those engaged in gun trafficking,” Hall said Sunday.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "National Cathedral: Seat of Liberalism" by Jeff Walton, Institute on Religion and Democracy 1/21/13

. . . Dean Gary R. Hall has frequently spoken of the church's role as being "at the center" of American public life. Hall wants to raise the cathedral's profile as not just a center of worship, but as an organized political advocacy center on a host of liberal issues.

Despite having freshly arrived from a failed seminary and a parish that by Evangelical or Roman Catholic standards would be viewed as somewhat small, Hall clearly has feelings of grandeur about his new office, seeing the National Cathedral as the center of American religious life.

. . . Hall represents a younger generation of liberal Episcopalians who resemble nothing so much as Unitarian Universalists decked out in stoles and surplices; they are quick to denounce those who advocate historic Christian teaching-especially moral teaching-as intolerant perpetrators of injustice who must be silenced.

In an October interview with the Detroit Free Press Hall announced that he is, "not about trying to convert someone to Christianity. I don't feel I'm supposed to convert Jews or Muslims or Hindus or Buddhists or Native Americans to Christianity so that they can be saved. That's not an issue for me."

"I have much more in common with progressive Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists than I do with certain people in my own tradition, with fundamentalist Christians," Hall declared. "The part of Christianity I stand with is the part in which we can live with ambiguity and with pluralism."

To read the opinion column above, CLICK HERE.

From "Apostasy -- the place where religion and revelation part company" by Michael Bresciani 1/13/13

While we have been warned that apostasy is part and parcel to the last days prophecies that precede the return of Christ, it is still difficult to watch the steadiest of the churches dissimulate, disintegrate and fade into a sort of colorless gray blob of social interaction with secularism, guided by and over run with pop-culture thinking.

The Apostle Paul provided warning, but little consolation, concerning the apostasy. Paul said, "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition" (2Th 2: 3)

Paul obviously did not mean to console us with this warning, but he did mean to prepare us. In fact along with the news events of the day the falling churches are perfect indicators of exactly how close we are to the second coming of Christ.

. . . Now, the most important question of all; if the church you are attending or the spiritual guides in your life are also supporting lust and perverting the ways of the Lord, don't you think it may be time to hit the road for some higher ground?

To read the opinion column above, CLICK HERE.

Also read President Obama Denies Leading War Against Christianity as well as Religious Liberty & Anti-Christian Totalitarianism

AGENDA: Grinding America Down (full movie on YouTube):

AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Full Movie) FREE to watch for a limited time (click here)! from Copybook Heading Productions LLC on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Atheists Push Porn into Schools to Refute Bibles

After World Changers of Florida won a court battle to allow free Bibles be placed within Orange County, Florida schools, atheist organizations are demanding the equal right to "passively distribute" anti-Christian and even pornographic materials in the schools to students.

For background, read Teacher Fired for Bible Gift at New Jersey School and also read Georgia High School Bible Classes Held at Churches as well as Idaho School Takes Bible to Supreme Court

-- From "Florida atheist group wants equal time after Bible giveaway at school" posted at 1/17/13

The atheist group Central Florida Freethought says a recent Collier County court ruling gives them the right to distribute books such as "Why Jesus?," "What is a Free Thinker?" and "Why Women Need Freedom from Religion" after the World Changers Religious Organization was allowed to place Bibles in the schools.

An attorney for "Freedom From Religion Foundation" sent a letter to Orange County Public Schools objecting to the district's policy allowing outside groups into schools at all. If the district doesn't change its policy, they will go ahead with the plan to distribute their atheist literature, reports.

The general counsel for Orange County schools said their policy will stand, with very specific rules for what can be distributed.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Atheists, others want equal access to schools after Bible distribution" by Lauren Roth, Orlando Sentinel 1/17/13

Rabbi Steven Engel of Congregation of Reform Judaism in Orange County, said he was "deeply disturbed" that the New Testament was given out in schools. "This is absolutely wrong. It violates the separation of church and state very clearly." He said allowing the distribution on campus makes it appear government is endorsing a particular religious viewpoint.

"The court has ruled Bibles are OK," said Woody Rodriguez, the district counsel for Orange County schools. He contested Engel's interpretation of the law. "I rely on legal books as my guiding light," Rodriguez said. "I've got to follow what the court order said."

Imam Muhammad Musri, president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, said there may be a double standard at work.

"If this action was taken by a Muslim group placing the Quran on tables, I'm sure there would be some uproar about it," Musri said. "We're better without it," he said of the handouts.

But Atif Fareed, chairman of American Muslim Community Centers based in Longwood, was more open to the idea. "More power to the Christians if they want to go out there and spread the Word," he said. "People need more religion in their lives, not less."

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Atheist, agnostic books to be offered to Orange County students" posted at WKMG-TV6 (Orlando, FL) 1/17/13

According to a news release from the Central Florida Freethought Community, the group is in the planning stages with the Orange County school board to discuss how they can distribute to students.

Books, pamphlets, and brochures from the Freedom From Religion Foundation, American Atheists, and the Secular Student Alliance are on their way as of Wednesday to Central Florida and distribution will begin as soon as the promised written permission is received from the School Board and volunteers are cleared to come on campus, CFFC officials said.

Officials said some of the items being considered are “An X-Rated Book: Sex & Obscenity in the Bible,” “Ten Common Myths About Atheists," and more.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Atheists to Distribute Literature at Fla. Public Schools in Response to Bible Giveaway" by Katherine Weber, Christian Post Reporter 1/18/13

According to a memo previously provided to The Christian Post by Media Relations for Orange County Public Schools, those who distributed the bibles on Wednesday followed the guidelines of school policy, which included background checks on volunteers.

Additionally, volunteers could only participate in "passive distribution," meaning they can leave an unmanned display table on school grounds where students would congregate, and may only be present at the tables to replenish the Bible stock.

Diego "Woody" Rodriguez, general counsel for the Orange County School District, ensured the Christian News Network that the policy will stand and continue to impose strict regulations on what type of literature can be distributed on school campuses.

"Anything that contains pornographic material, any references to advertising, alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or anything disruptive to school district and their educational facility [is prohibited]," Rodriguez told the media outlet.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Fla. Conservative Group Distributes Bibles at Public Schools" by Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter 1/16/13

Greg Harper, vice president of Education for World Changers, wrote in a blog entry, "We have given out thousands of Bibles over the last few years and we are working to expand the program to many other school districts."

"Our members and volunteers from many local churches will place Bibles on tables during the lunch periods for students to pick up."

"Passive distribution means the Bibles may be placed on one unmanned table for distribution in a location where students normally congregate during non-instructional time," reads the memo [ from Orange County Public Schools]. "The representatives may only be allowed to replenish Bibles if they run out and must remove any undistributed literature at the end of the distribution day."

As Bibles are distributed to high schools in Orange County, volunteers hope to do likewise on Thursday for high schools in Collier County.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Obama Condoms Commemorate Inauguration, Agenda

What could be more memorable of President Obama's inauguration than official Obama condoms?  Just as the president equated homosexual "marriage" to civil rights, every deviant sex act with an Obama Condom equates America with Sodom and Gomorrah.

For background, read Anal Sex is Main Cause of HIV Pandemic: Study and also read Federal Government Reports Majority of New HIV Cases from Homosexual Behavior as well as Obama Raises Gay Agenda above Religious Liberty

God has judged this Obamanation (where the Gay Agenda Carried in 4 More States), and where Biblical Prayer is Stricken from the Inauguration even though Prayer is Essential to Save America as says a wise Congressman: Prayer is Needed to Solve America's Problems

-- From "President Obama’s second inauguration brings out festive crowd" by Jason Flanagan, Baltimore Post-Examiner 1/21/13

In 2009, the streets around the Mall were filled with people with some streets packed to the point where people were squished together in a standstill for 30 minutes. But today the pace is quicker, either due to a less-than-expected turnout or a much more organized method of moving people onto the Mall.

As people made their way to the Mall, they were flagged down by vendors and peddlers selling all things Obama – hats, shirts, posters, and even condoms.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Scenes around D.C. on Inauguration Day" by Taylor Holland, Staff writer, The Washington Examiner 1/21/13

Vendors looking to profit from inaugural activities turned out in droves, selling just about anything that could fit the face of President Obama on it. Buttons, bookmarks, lanyards and T-shirts were some of the more popular items sold, but at least one New York business was reporting record sales of something else: Obama condoms.

The 2012 "Erection Election Collection," as vendor Benjamin Sherman calls it, was sold by a 40-person team scattered throughout D.C.

For $5, people could buy a condom that was "as thin as [Sarah Palin's] resume," or one known as "the ultimate stimulus package" or, for Republicans, one that "won't break as easily as [Obama's] promises."

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Obama Offers Liberal Vision: 'We Must Act'" by Peter Baker, New York Times 1/21/13

On a day that echoed with refrains from the civil rights era and tributes to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mr. Obama dispensed with the post-partisan appeals of four years ago to lay out a forceful vision of advancing gay rights, showing more tolerance toward illegal immigrants, preserving the social welfare safety net and acting to stop climate change.

For a president who opposed same-sex marriage as recently as nine months ago, the speech was a clear call for gay rights, as he noted the journey “through Seneca Falls and Selma and Stonewall,” symbolically linking seminal moments in the struggles for equal rights for women, blacks and gay men and lesbians.

“Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law — for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well,” he said.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "First inaugural use of the word 'gay'" [referring to deviant sex, that is] by Kevin Robillard, Politico, 1/21/13

President Barack Obama on Monday became the first president to use the word “gay” in an inaugural address in reference to sexual orientation, making two references to gay rights as he began his second term.

Obama also invoked the Stonewall Riots, a historic event in the gay rights movement, coupling it to references to signature legendary moments in the civil rights and women’s suffrage movements. The riots were sparked by a 1969 police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in Greenwich Village.

“We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths — that all of us are created equal — is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall,” Obama said.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Why Did the Mafia Own the [Stonewall] Bar?" posted at WGBH-TV (Boston

At the time of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising, the Greenwich Village bar Stonewall Inn was owned and operated by the New York Mafia.

Organized crime families owned the majority of the city's gay bars and clubs in an unlikely but mutually beneficial association that lasted throughout the late 1960s.

The SLA [NY State Liquor Authority] refused to issue liquor licenses to many gay bars, and several popular establishments had licenses suspended or revoked for "indecent conduct." Businesses that remained open were frequently raided by the police.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Monday, January 21, 2013

West Point Study Warns of Christian Terrorists

A report from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point titled "Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right" is intended to indoctrinate cadets to believe that Christians, conservatives and anyone not "future oriented" (a.k.a. liberal) are potential terrorists because they desire "to restore or preserve values and practices that are part of the idealized historical heritage of the nation or ethnic community."
". . . they support civil activism, individual freedoms, and self government."
-- Arie Perliger, Director of Terrorism Studies, West Point
Sound familiar?  "We want to take our country back."  (Christian Tea Party Movement)

For background, read U.S. Military Fights Christians, NOT Jihadists and also read Obama Security Nominee Says Terrorists Include Christians as well as American Christian Militants = Muslim Jihadists

UPDATE 10/26/13: Army Admits Training Labeled Christians as Terrorists; Air Force Drops God

-- From "'Far Right' report outrages critics of federalism" by Rowan Scarborough, The Washington Times 1/21/13

[Critics] say that a thorough report on ideologically fed violence would scrutinize unions, Occupy Wall Street demonstrators and radical environmentalists.

“This report is outrageous in and of itself,” said a Washington Times reader, one of more than 1,600 to post a comment. “But it speaks of a far worse scenario at the hallowed West Point; the rise of liberalism within the faculty there and their desire to shape the next generation of warrior/patriots into left-of-center thinkers. Sad and troubling. Our country is in trouble on so many fronts now.”

The report states that there were 350 acts of violence against people or property by the “far right” in 2011. It does not break down the attacks to show who the victims/perpetrators were.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "West Point center cites dangers of ‘far right’ in U.S." by Rowan Scarborough, The Washington Times 1/17/13

[The report] lumps limited government activists with three movements it identifies as “a racist/white supremacy movement, an anti-federalist movement and a fundamentalist movement.”

The report also draws a link between the mainstream conservative movement and the violent “far right,” and describes liberals as “future oriented” and conservatives as living in the past.

The report adds: “While far-right groups’ ideology is designed to exclude minorities and foreigners, the liberal-democratic system is designed to emphasize civil rights, minority rights and the balance of power.”

A Republican congressional staffer who served in the military told The Washington Times: “If [the Defense Department] is looking for places to cut spending, this junk study is ground zero.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Conservatives Don't Like This West Point Report on America's Violent Far-Right" by David Wagner, The Atlantic Wire 1/18/13

. . . Christian fundamentalists, Militia movement groups, Skinheads, neo-Nazis, and violent anti-abortionists were all cited in the report . . . These factions may harbor different ideological goals, but . . . they've all ramped up their violent tactics in trying to achieve them . . .

In short, this report makes a convincing case about extremists trying to inflict harm upon innocent Americans, and it's full of alarming data and clear policy recommendations. . . .

To read the entire (liberal) opinion column above, CLICK HERE.

From "A New Anti-Terror Front? Yes, the Government Thinks It's 'Right-Wing Extremists'" by John Fund, National Review Online 1/18/13

This is not the first time elements of the federal government have tried to smear conservatives with sloppy work and a broadbrush analysis.

In 2009, liberals in the Department of Homeland Security prepared a . . . report [that] bore the ominous title: “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.” . . . After much public ridicule, the DHS report vanished from public view . . .

No one doubts the existence of racist and hate-filled groups that require monitoring. But both the DHS and West Point reports read as if they were laying the groundwork for a rhetorical attack on mainstream conservatism of the sort that President Clinton launched in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995, when he blamed talk radio for stirring up anti-government passions. No one should be surprised if supporters of new gun-control measures begin justifying them by referring to the West Point report.

To read the entire opinion column above, CLICK HERE.

From "West Point: 'Far right' dangerous to U.S." by Michael Carl, World Net Daily 1/18/13

“The anti-abortionists have been extremely productive during the last two decades, amassing 227 attacks, many of them perpetrated without the responsible perpetrators identified or caught,” Perliger wrote. “And while, in both cases, the 1990s were more violent than the last decade, in the case of anti-abortion, the trend is much more extreme, as 90 percent of attacks were perpetrated before 2001.”

Another suspect group in Perliger’s study are people who support the sovereignty of the United States. And he concludes the anti-government movement is a recent phenomenon.

“The anti-federalist rationale is multifaceted, and includes the beliefs that the American political system and its proxies were hijacked by external forces interested in promoting a New World Order in which the United States will be absorbed into the United Nations or another version of global government,” Perliger wrote.

Perliger turned his attention to Christian fundamentalism and asserts a connection between all three of his sub-groups.

“Unlike the movements discussed previously, the fundamentalist movement’s militant and violent nature was relatively late to develop. For many years the… fundamentalist movement did not produce violent sub-groups, but rather functioned as a source of intellectual inspiration and a moral justification for the violent activities and operations of ideologically related movements,” Perliger wrote.

“Hence, it is not surprising that many of the prominent ideologues of the white supremacist and anti-federalist movements intensively cooperated with – and at times saw themselves as part of – the fundamentalist movement. This dynamic allowed the penetration of non-identity ideas into the movement, and in many ways facilitated the narrowing of the gaps between the fundamentalist movement and other streams of the American far right,” Perliger wrote.

Former Army intelligence officer and NATO intelligence specialist Tim Tooman says the juxtaposition of all three groups in one paragraph is intentional and notes the frequent use of the words for Christianity.

“Christian and derivatives [are] used 75 times in the document, although often carefully qualified as in Christian Identity Group. Perliger’s writing is OK, but could be misinterpreted by the quick reader,” Tooman said.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Also read President Obama Denies Leading War Against Christianity as well as Religious Liberty & Anti-Christian Totalitarianism