Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pres. Obama Denies Leading War Against Christianity

While President Obama has always lagged in support by Christian America, the latest polls show him dropping in the heretofore loyal demographics of Catholics, Jews, and African Americans who oppose his Gay Agenda.  The president has responded with a new campaign aimed at Americans who have not paid attention to his record of attack on religious liberty.

For background, read Most Americans Oppose Obama's War on Christianity

In addition, read Christians OK with Romney, Non-religious Prefer Obama and also read Catholic Bishops Throw Down Gauntlet: Obama War on Christianity as well as Black Pastors Line up to Oppose Obama and for the "big picture," read Religious Liberty & Anti-Christian Totalitarianism in America

UPDATE 7/1/14: Supreme Court Rules Against Liberals' War on Religious Liberty

UPDATE 5/2/13: President Obama Prays to an Unknown God

UPDATE 1/24/13: Obama's National Cathedral is the Seat of Apostasy

UPDATE 11/12/12: Obama NOT Antichrist, Poll Numbers too Low, Says Pastor

-- From "Obama campaign expands faith effort" by Eric Marrapodi, CNN Belief Blog Co-Editor 9/17/12

President Barack Obama's campaign is continuing its push for people of faith to cast a November ballot in their favor.  On Monday they unveiled a "People of Faith for Obama" a new initiative to mobilize voters that included Web video of the president and a faith platform.

Religious liberty has become a hot-button political issue in this campaign cycle . . .

In the video the president also framed the auto bailout and the passage of health care legislation, two signature issues of his presidency, as playing into his faith narrative.  "We're greater together than we are on our own.  These shared moral obligations have guided me as president," he said.

The campaign is also releasing what it's calling a "faith platform."

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Obama makes ‘unwavering’ pledge to protect religious liberty in new video" by Alicia M. Cohn, The Hill 9/17/12

“I know faith is often used as a wedge in our politics, and with a new election year comes new attacks,” Obama said in the video. “The American people should know this: In a changing world, my commitment to protecting religious liberty is and always will be unwavering. As America's religious diversity grows, we have the chance to reaffirm the pluralism that has defined us as a nation. A pluralism that is expansive enough to protect the rights of all to speak their minds and to follow their conscience.”

The video points supporters to a page on the campaign website set up specifically for “people of faith” to sign up to support the president’s reelection

Obama has faced numerous charges of conducting a “war on religion” from Republicans.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Religion in a Footnote" by Ashley E. McGuire, Editor-in-Chief of Altcatholicah (posted at Real Clear Religion) 9/19/12

Remember the time that Barack Obama looked right into the camera and pledged his "unwavering" support for religious liberty while concurrently being sued by countless Americans whose religious liberty he is expressly violating?

That was Monday.

In a bizarre and befuddling new campaign video, President Obama makes himself to be the patron saint of American religious freedom. Forget how sappy and trite the video is, it's the most disingenuousness and dishonest thing he has done yet.

To read the entire opinion column above, CLICK HERE.

For more background, read Obama a Christian? No, Say Two-Thirds of Americans 

Also read about the
Christian Tea Party Uprising Across America

AGENDA: Grinding America Down (full movie on YouTube):

AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Full Movie) FREE to watch for a limited time (click here)! from Copybook Heading Productions LLC on Vimeo.