With each new money-generating medical procedure to determine the "health" of an unborn child, more babies are selectively killed in the womb, and due to testing errors, many of the aborted children were certainly perfectly healthy. However, even if every test were 100% accurate, how high will the bar be raised? How many babies will "make the grade" and allowed to be born?
For background, read $3 Million Awarded to Down's Baby Parents over Failed Prenatal Test as well as Abortionist Kills Healthy (Wrong) Fetus Instead of Down's Twin
Also read Designer Babies Available Upon Request
-- From "Latest DNA test for Down’s syndrome is 10 times more accurate" by Ally Stackhouse, The Westside Story 3/1/14
The importance of Pre-natal testing for chromosomal aberrations in the body has been emphasized in a study conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine. The latest DNA test, which has been developed by researchers to screen Down syndrome and other related diseases are dramatically accurate. The new test is based on DNA sequencing and it will be used to identify Down syndrome and other related diseases.
This genetic test is being marketed by Illumina Inc. of San Diego, California which also had footed the bill for the research. A crack team of researchers have perfected this genetic test which gave far less false results among the 1,941 women and the results were compared with the conventional standard serum screening methods. The tests were conducted as early as 10 week of pregnancy.
The latest research can open up a lucrative $6 billion market to biotechnology companies which are already selling these tests. Such tests usually carry a price tag of $700 to $2500.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "DNA blood tests show promise for better prenatal screening" by The Associated Press 2/27/14
[The new test] would let couples decide sooner whether to have an abortion or to prepare for a major medical problem. It also might cut down on the 200,000 invasive tests like amniocentesis done each year in the United States to diagnose or rule out problems in a fetus.
Current screening methods are imprecise. Ultrasounds and various blood tests can hint at a problem but don't directly test for one.
The next step is diagnostic testing — amniocentesis, like a needle biopsy to collect fetal cells, or chorionic villus sampling, which takes a snip of the placenta.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Prenatal DNA Tests Should be New Standard, Study Suggests" by Susan Young, MIT Technology Review 2/26/14
All pregnant women—not just those with high-risk pregnancies—should be offered a new, DNA-based screening test for Down syndrome, say researchers.
A pregnant woman’s blood contains bits of DNA from her fetus along with her own. By sequencing this mix of DNA, scientists can determine whether or not her fetus has an abnormal number of chromosomes, such as the extra copy of chromosome 21 that causes Down syndrome. Doctors are already using this finding to screen women who are at high-risk for having pregnancies with this kind of complication (say because they are over the age of 35, see “Medical Society Approval for Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing”). . . .
But so far, these tests are not used to screen the broader population of pregnant women. . . .
For now, if women want the DNA-based tests, they will have to pay for it themselves as insurers don’t yet cover it for low-risk pregnancies. The test have list prices range from $1,200 to $2,700 says Richard Rava, chief scientific officer of Verinata, the Illumina division responsible for the prenatal test.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "The Market For DNA-Sequencing-Based Down Syndrome Tests Could Exceed $6 Billion" by Matthew Herper, Forbes Staff 2/28/14
Each year in the U.S. there are 6.6 million pregnancies and 4 million births, according the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. The list prices of the tests, which are sold by four different companies, range from $700 to $2500. Assuming that pricing settles in the middle of that range and that there are 5 million women who choose to have the test, that would be a $8 billion market.
Such a market expansion could be important to all of the companies that make the tests . . .
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Arizona Cuts Time to Kill Disabled Unborn, Critics Complain
What happens if few fetuses "make the grade?" Read about the diminishing birth rate in the U.S. and worldwide