For background, read Is Obama Christian? Few Think So: Poll
-- From "Obama: I pray every night, read the Bible" by Elise Viebeck, The Hill 11/27/10
Praying and reading the Bible are part of his everyday life, President Obama said in a wide-ranging interview broadcast Friday.
"Michelle and I have not only benefited from our prayer life, but I think the girls have too," the president told Walters. "We say grace before we eat dinner every night. We take turns."
Obama has been dogged by criticism about his faith since he took office. A poll released in late August showed that a growing number of Americans — one in five, up from one in ten in March — say he is a Muslim.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "The Obamas' prayer: 'Live long and strong'" by Dan Gilgoff, CNN Belief Blog Co-Editor 11/27/10

[Photo at right: Mr. Spock, from Star Trek, "Live long and prosper."]
"It's interesting listening to the girls, what they pray for," the president told Barbara Walters, referring to daughters Malia and Sasha.
"They'll talk about family and thanking God for blessing us, but they'll always add a little twist: 'I hope we have a great Thanksgiving, I can't wait to see the cousins,' " Obama said. "They used to pray for a dog, until we got a dog."
"But in the end," the first lady added, "we always say, 'we hope we live long and strong.'"
The president repeated those words: "Long and strong."

The Obamas have frequently spoken about prayer since arriving in the White House. Last month, Michelle Obama told a nationally syndicated radio show that the Obamas can feel prayers that are said for them.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Obama Oblivious About Bible Week" by Janet M. LaRue posted at 11/23/10
Ramadan got a White House banquet. “National Bible Week” hasn’t gotten a mention, much less an honorable one, by its Honorary Chairman Barack Hussein Obama.
National Bible Week, founded by the National Bible Association, has been celebrated during Thanksgiving week, Nov. 21-28, since its beginning in 1941. According to the National Examiner:
December 8 through 14, 1941 was set as the very first National Bible Week. President Roosevelt agreed to host celebratory events at the White House. . . .President Ronald Reagan proclaimed 1983 the Year of the Bible, stating:
The Bible and its teachings helped form the basis for the Founding Fathers' abiding belief in the inalienable rights of the individual, rights which they found implicit in the Bible's teachings of the inherent worth and dignity of each individual.To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.