"The school board between now and then can say we’re not distributing any materials. . . . Period."For background, read Satanic Book Distribution in Florida Schools
-- Katherine Marsh, Communications Director, Orange County Public Schools
UPDATE 1/14/15: Atheists, Satanists Force Bible Ban in Orange County Florida
-- From "What School Officials Have Just Agreed To Do With This Shocking Booklet Will Leave You Speechless" by Norvell Rose, Western Journalism 10/23/14
High school students in Florida will soon be given free copies of a Bible-bashing booklet promoted by an atheist organization — a publication whose front cover depicts a lecherous, cartoon Bible sexually assaulting a screaming woman.
The pamphlet entitled “An X-Rated Book: Sex and Obscenity in the Bible” will be distributed in 11 public high schools in Orange County, Florida. An atheist organization, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), pressured reluctant school officials who eventually agreed to allow the booklet to be handed out to students.
And when will this little purple pamphlet be offered to Florida teens for free in their schools? On National Religious Freedom Day this coming January.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Will this shocking atheist pamphlet be handed out in some Florida schools?" By Husna Haq, Correspondent, Christian Science Monitor 10/23/14
The pamphlet includes Biblical passages mentioning sex, nudity and circumcision, excerpts that the FFRF deems "obscene" and is including in its pamphlet to make a point that the Bible also contains explicit material.
According to a news release posted on its website, the FFRF also plans to distribute other previously banned pamphlets that discuss what the Bible says about abortion and which, according to the school district, “assert that God is hateful, arrogant, sexist and cruel." It also plans to make available for students Robert Price’s Jesus Is Dead, which the district banned earlier because “[t]he claim that Jesus was not crucified or resurrected is age-inappropriate for the maturity levels of many of the students in high school.”
On May 2, 2013, the FFRF distributed approved materials at some Orange County schools, but on June 13, 2013, the group filed a lawsuit against OCPS, claiming the school district had unlawfully discriminated against it and violated its First and Fourteenth Amendment rights by banning certain materials, as reported by CNS News.
After talks with legal counsel, the school ultimately decided to allow the FFRF to distribute the materials that were previously banned and the lawsuit was dismissed.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Illustration to be Handed Out at Public Schools: Human Bible Sexually Assaulting Woman" by Brittany M. Hughes, CNSNews.com 10/22/14
[FFRF Legal Counsel Andrew] Seidel said he believes the school district backed down from it position banning some of FFRF’s materials after realizing it could not legally keep FFRF from passing out materials while still allowing Bibles to be distributed.
According to Seidel, OCPS is the first school district the group has targeted for distribution of its materials--but it won’t be the last.
“We’re focusing on Orange County for the moment, but we will probably be expanding to other school districts that allow this,” he explained.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.