Literature from The Satanic Temple of New York will be given to students in Orange County, Florida schools in order to avoid lawsuits against the public schools from anti-Christian organizations who are opposed to Bible distributions at schools.
UPDATE 10/24/14: Atheists' X-Rated Bible to Florida Schools
UPDATE 1/14/15: Atheists, Satanists Force Bible Ban in Orange County Florida
UPDATE 3/28/16: Satanic, Atheist Books Provided in Colorado Schools
For background, read Jesus & Chaplains Banned from Florida Schools Football
Also read Satanists For Abortion Shout Down Texas Christians as well as Satan on Throne at Oklahoma Capitol with ACLU Help
In addition, read Atheists Threaten to Sue Every School in Tennessee and in Mississippi but admit they're Short on Lawyers to Sue ALL Christians
-- From "Satanists want to distribute pamphlets at Orange County schools" posted at WESH-TV2 (Orlando, FL) 9/16/14
The relatively new Satanic Temple believes Satan is "the eternal rebel against the ultimate tyrant" and claims to support social justice causes.
The Satan worshipers said they don't want to establish a precedent of providing religious pamphlets in public schools and prefer a strict separation of church and state.
But the group said if the Orange County Public Schools system is going to allow both bibles and atheist materials to get distributed to students, like they did last year, they want information from the Satanic Temple handed out as well.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Satanists want to give out materials in Orange schools" by Lauren Roth, Orlando Sentinel 9/16/14
. . . Orange [County] has twice allowed a group called World Changers of Florida to distribute Bibles, and an atheist group gave out materials last year. In both cases, district counsel Woody Rodriguez said the pamphlets and books were being allowed to avoid a lawsuit.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation and its local affiliate, the Central Florida Freethought Community, sued Orange schools last year after some of their materials were censored. The case was dismissed earlier this year when the school district agreed to allow all of the materials to be given out.
"They have no ability to keep out the Satanists and the literature they want to distribute unless they close the forum altogether," said FFRF attorney Andrew Seidel.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Satan vs. God Is Supreme Court Justice's Decision
And read Pope Francis Warns of Satan; Media, Take Heed!