Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Adultery a Crime in N.H. - Sodomy in 'Marriage' Legal

Although the centuries-old adultery law has not been enforced, the legislature has failed to repeal it, but recently succeeded in passing the same-sex 'marriage' bill.

-- From "Senate keeps 200-year-old adultery law on the books" by Garry Rayno, New Hampshire Union Leader Staff 4/29/10

The state's 200-year-old statute making adultery a crime remains after the Senate voted to kill a bill repealing the unenforced law.

The Senate also yesterday voted to give the secretary of state greater flexibility in setting the date for the New Hampshire Presidential primary in order to maintain its first-in-the-nation status.

Although the House already approved repealing the criminal adultery law, Sen. Bette Lasky, D-Nashua, said the civil statute is vague. "Repealing the statute is problematic without first changing the civil code," she said.

When the law was first passed, the penalty included standing on a gallows with a noose around the neck.

To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.