Sunday, May 02, 2010

Pro-life Physicians to Jail in Mexico

Doctors who fail to inform their pregnant patients that they have the legal right to have an abortion -- or who refuse to refer women to doctors who perform abortions -- could be thrown into jail for up to four years . . .

From "Proposed Law in Mexico Would Send Doctors Who Don't Suggest Abortion to Jail" by Jana Winter, 4/29/10

A bill has been co-introduced by the city's Health Committee chairwoman and a leading legislator that would mandate that all pregnant women in Mexico City be informed that they have the right to have an abortion in their first three months.

The bill, which is being debated in the legislature and is expected to pass, has the support of more than a dozen members of Mexico City’s ruling Democratic Revolution party -- the same party that passed the 2007 law that legalized abortion in Mexico’s capital city.

If passed into law, doctors who do not discuss abortion with their pregnant patients will be subject to penalties that include one to four years in prison, heavy fines and the loss of their medical licenses.

“This law, it’s to try to break the back of the religiously inspired who’ve really become a national resistance,” [John Ackerman, a legal analyst and professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, said]. “This is a response to extremely aggressive moral religious politics that’s taken off since approval of this [pro-abortion] law and the way politicians and [the] religious right have tried to undermine the application of this law.”

To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.