From "The Runner-up for “Worst Person in the World” Speaks Out" by Sandy Rios, posted 9/8/07 at Crosswalk.com
“Please do us all a favor … get raped and then killed. You rancid, filthy ___.” That’s a direct quote from an e-mail I received after appearing on “The O’Reilly Factor.” I was on the show objecting to the San Diego Padres celebration of “Gay Pride” on the same day they invited hundreds of children for a floppy hat giveaway.
“You are a shameful disgrace and hate monger,” penned another in response to my statement that homosexuality is an unhealthy, life-shortening lifestyle that should not be promoted by the Padres to children.
For such “hate” I was named runner up for the “Worst Person in the World” by MSNBC’s Keith Olberman. This kind of vulgarity, exaggeration and the not-so-veiled threats are nothing new to those of us who dare speak the truth to a world turned upside down. Homosexual activists have propagated their deceptive message so effectively that their own community tragically believes they cannot change, they have no choice—and that people who oppose their “choice” hate them.Forgive me for interrupting Sandy here, but I've come to the conclusion that they convince themselves that we hate them because that way they don't have to actually answer our objections...
It's easier to just shoot the messenger.
And because they have managed to so effectively intimidate anyone who would question their claims, thousands of homosexuals have never heard there is a better way … a God who forgives and a life to live that’s more abundant and free.
While I will never enjoy death threats and vulgar accusations, I know they can, at times, be the natural response of evil to truth. Committed Christ-followers for centuries gave their lives rather than be silenced. Can we not bear these comparatively little consequences in our own lost generation? Yes, we can.
But the responses that bother me most are ones that out of confusion or, worse, intentionally try to equate a Biblical perspective on homosexuality with godless criminal acts. A recent report from ABC News, “Hate Takes a Life in Houston,” tells the story of Kenneth Cummings, Jr., 46, a gay male flight attendant murdered by Terry Magnum, 26, who claimed, “I believe with all my heart that I was doing the right thing. I planned on sending him to hell.” Terry said he’d been called by God to “carry out a code of retribution” because “sexual perversion” is the “worst sin.”That story was forwarded to me with the following e-mail: “I just wanted to write and say that I lay the blame for this incident and hundreds of others like it on you … as far as I’m concerned, you have blood on your hands.”
Let me be clear: The murder of Kenneth Cummings and the loss to his loving family is tragic, but to think that the circumstances of his death should force others to be silent on the dangers of the homosexual lifestyle would be wrong-headed and irresponsible. I would have far more to answer for if I kept silent while he and other homosexual brothers and sisters remained tormented in this life and facing condemnation in the next.
Read the rest of Sandy's commentary.