Sunday, November 30, 2008
Priest Calls Catholic Obama Voters to Confession
-- From "Modesto pastor condemns votes for Obama" by Sue Nowicki, The Modesto Bee 11/28/08
MODESTO -- Father Joseph Illo, pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, has told parishioners in a homily and in a follow-up letter that if they voted for Barack Obama, they should consider going to confession because of the president-elect's pro-choice position.
The letter was sent to more than 15,000 members of the St. Joseph's parish. It is one of 34 parishes in the Stockton Diocese, which has more than 200,000 members in Stanislaus, San Joaquin and four other counties.
Though Obama's support of abortion rights angered many Catholics nationally during the campaign, Illo's letter is believed to be the first in Central California from a priest to his parishioners on the topic.
The Most Rev. Stephen Blaire, bishop of the Stockton Diocese, disagrees with Illo.
To read the bishop's defense of voting for pro-abortion candidates, CLICK HERE.
In Economic Crisis, Al-Qaida Claims Victory
Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader appeared in a new video posted Friday calling on Americans to embrace Islam to overcome the financial meltdown, which he said was a consequence of the Sept. 11 attacks and militant strikes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
-- From "Al-Qaida No. 2 to US: Overcome meltdown with Islam" by the Associated Press 11/28/08
Appearing in a white turban and robe, [Ayman al-Zawahri] discussed the roots of the U.S. economic crisis. He said it was a repercussion of the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States, and that the crisis would continue "as long as the foolish American policy of wading in Muslim blood continues."
"The American economy was afflicted by a downturn and loss of investor confidence in the market following the events of Sept. 11," he said.
"The modern economy has been destroyed by the strikes of the mujahedeen (in Iraq and Afghanistan) and usury," he said, using the Arabic term for holy warriors.
Under Islamic Sharia law, usury, like drinking alcohol, is among the grand sins.
Zawahri then called on the American people to "embrace Islam to live a life free of greed, exploitation and forbidden wealth."
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Planned Parenthood's Holiday Gift of Death
-- From "Gift certificates for Planned Parenthood" by Leslie Olsen (edited by Hyacinth Williams) WISH TV-8 11/25/08
For the first time, Planned Parenthood in Indiana is offering gift certificates. The organization said a big increase in calls and visits from newly unemployed and uninsured Hoosiers prompted what it calls the unusual, yet practical gift option.
The certificates come in $25 increments. They can be used for everything from birth control to $58 examinations that include breast exams and pap tests. Men who receive healthcare at Planned Parenthood can use them too.
Some Hoosiers 24-Hour News 8 talked to asked if the gift certificates could be used towards abortions. The answer is yes. But, Planned Parenthood said that's not the purpose of the gift certificates.
"They really are intended for preventative healthcare. We decided not to put restrictions on the gift certificates so it's for whatever people feel they need the services for most," [said Chrystal Struben-Hall, Vice President of Planned Parenthood of Indiana].
Indiana Family Institute President Curt Smith said he is appalled by the certificates.
"I think the way to help family planning is to give the money where there's no agenda. So if somebody wants to help a woman at a time of crisis, they can support the life centers throughout Indiana," said Smith.
Stop your taxes from going to Planned Parenthood - E-mail your congressman - Illinois residents CLICK HERE to de-fund America's largest abortion mill.
Liberals Ready to Hold Obama to his Promises
-- From "For Obama, many liberal wish lists await - Stymied for years, groups see chance" by Mike Dorning and Jim Tankersley, Chicago Tribune Washington Bureau 11/28/08
Now, with President-elect Barack Obama preparing to take the White House and Democrats firmly in control of Congress, the party's liberal constituencies can see their way to a promised land.
For progressives, that means a nation where it is easier for unions to organize workers, where federal laws ban job discrimination against gays, hate crime laws are expanded and public lands are shielded from logging and oil drilling.
Instead of waging the defensive battles they have fought for years, liberal groups—labor unions, environmentalists and others—are eagerly preparing for new confrontations with business and conservative interests. This time, they feel secure in having allies within Washington's power centers.
While advocates express a willingness to allow the new administration space to pursue its agenda on its own terms, they are determined not to be thwarted.
A top priority for civil rights and gay-rights groups is an expanded federal hate crimes law, which was vetoed by President George W. Bush.
Gay-rights activists want to make sure gays have equal job access and protection.
"It feels like there's an air of transparency," said Rea Carey, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. "As people are appointed [by Obama], and progressive people, the word spreads. And the word is, 'I look forward to talking with you.' ... It is this different feeling, that the door is not closed—the door is opening."
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Religious Left 'Taste' the Millennium in Obama
-- From "The Religious Left Celebrates" Commentary by Mark D. Tooley, posted at 11/12/08
"We at the National Council of Churches urge all Americans to come together to uphold you with our hands, our hearts and our prayers," the NCC's chief, Michael Kinnamon wrote his congratulatory letter to Obama. The NCC, previously the voice of America's premier religious denominations, once truly walked in the corridors of power. It has never fully accepted its transition from mainline to sideline in America's religious demographic. As recently as 1995, the NCC was invited to the White House to "pray" for President Clinton as he was resisting the new Republican Congress. No doubt, the NCC is praying that its White House visitation rights will soon be restored.
. . . Rev. Kinnamon could not suppress his excitement. "The leaders of this Council pledge to you our unstinting support in the difficult days to come," he promised Obama. "All of us are dependent on God's loving mercy, and we will regularly pray for you and others elected to high leadership. May your wisdom and discernment serve you well, and may your health never wane."
Maybe even more excitable than the NCC was the United Methodist Council of Bishops, who were meeting in Georgia during the election, and could barely contain their joy.
United Methodism's chief lobbyist on Capitol Hill, Jim Winkler, who once called for President Bush's impeachment before retracting the call amid controversy, was also looking forward to ending his exile from White House events. "Barack Obama is a person of deep faith," he enthused. "I fully expect The United Methodist Church, for the first time in many years, will be welcomed in the White House." [Note: President Bush is the first Methodist president since William McKinley]
Another likely White House religious visitor during the Obama years is Sojourners chief Jim Wallis, who has been feverishly attempting to create an Evangelical Left that would undermine evangelicals' traditional conservative voting habits. This new Evangelical Left, largely a repackaging of the old Religious Left for a new audience that cannot remember the 1960's, wants to persuade evangelicals that Global Warming and opposing U.S. military actions is more important than upholding traditional marriage or opposing abortion.
Wallis claimed that his campaign was successful. "Polls leading up to the election showed a significant break from the previous generation on issues like gay marriage and abortion, which while still a top concern, it is not the only one," he rejoiced. . . Wallis, an old 1960's student radical who now wants to be seen as a soothing centrist, claimed, "These religious voters refuse to be distracted by the culture wars of the previous generation."
To read the entire commentary, CLICK HERE.
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AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Full Movie) FREE to watch for a limited time (click here)! from Copybook Heading Productions LLC on Vimeo.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Reaction to Losing on Election Day
-- From "Homosexuals not so 'gay' in California" commentary by Judge Roy Moore © 2008 WorldNetDaily 11/26/08
Americans who believe in traditional moral values like the right to life and one-man-one-woman marriage suffered a disappointing loss with the election of Barack Hussein Obama as president of the United States. The most liberal, pro-abortion president in our history, Obama also supports civil unions between people of the same sex. Conservatives were also frustrated by the rejection of pro-life measures at the polls in Colorado and South Dakota, and the failure of a law requiring parental notification for an abortion by a minor in California.
The homosexuals' response to the passage in California of Proposition 8, a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman, has been marked by violence, hatred and anti-religious bigotry. Earlier this year, the California Supreme Court struck down Proposition 22, a law passed in 2000 wherein the people of California had declared marriage to be only "between a man and a woman." Once again voicing their support for traditional marriage this Nov. 4, Californians approved Proposition 8, joining 29 other states where, by an average vote of 67 percent, the biblical definition of marriage has been protected in state constitutions. Proving to be the sorest of losers, thousands of angry homosexuals took to the streets to protest Proposition 8, even attacking Mormon and Christian churches in the process.
. . . Those who claimed that Proposition 8 was about "hate" are now showing what hate really looks like.
Homosexual riots in the streets and physical attacks on people of God seem more fitting for Sodom and Gomorrah than America. But those disturbing reactions reveal that radical homosexuals seek more than "tolerance" – they will not stop until they impose their immoral lifestyle on the rest of us, even to the point of making their perverse behavior legally sanctioned by law. Any setbacks are met by violent public tantrums and personal attacks.
While we must never adopt the unlawful and hateful tactics of radical homosexuals, Christians must continue to oppose their immoral agenda in our schools, courts and political establishments. We must pray for those who like the people of Sodom are still blinded by their sins. Finally, pray for our country and a return to the moral foundation that made us a great nation.
To read the entire commentary, CLICK HERE.
Children's Defense Fund Won't Defend Unborn
-- From "Liberal Children’s Defense Fund Has No Position on Freedom of Choice Act, Edelman Says" by Nicholas Ballasy, CNSNews 11/25/08
The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) is proposed federal legislation that would remove nearly all restrictions on abortion, and President-elect Barack Obama has said that one of his first steps as president will be to sign FOCA into law.
“The Children’s Defense Fund has never taken a position for or against abortion,” said Edelman. “We don’t think we’ve got anything to add to that debate. We’re concerned with the children who are here – and I want both pro-choice and pro-life people to make sure that every child that comes here can have a safe and decent and safe life, and I stay functioning on that line. So I don’t have a position on that.”
Edelman was honored Monday at the National Press Club by U.S. News and World Report as one of "America's Best Leaders" in 2008 for her work with the Children’s Defense Fund. According to its Web site, the CDF is a non-profit child advocacy organization that has “worked relentlessly for 35 years to ensure a level playing field for all children.”
The Freedom of Choice Act would abolish all federal, state, and local restrictions and limitations on abortion prior to “fetal viability.” In the Senate, the bill was sponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), and co-sponsored by Sens. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) among others.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Judge Places Young Boys with Homosexual Men
-- From "Florida ban on gay adoptions ruled unconstitutional" by Carol Marbin Miller, Miami Herald 11/25/08
In a 53-page order that sets the stage for what could become a constitutional showdown, Circuit Judge Cindy Lederman permitted 47-year-old Frank Gill to adopt the 4- and 8-year-old boys he and his partner have raised since just before Christmas four years ago. A child abuse investigator had asked Gill to care for the boys temporarily; they were never able to return to their birth parents.
Moments after Lederman released the ruling, attorneys for Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum announced they would appeal the decision to the Third District Court of Appeal in Miami.
The attorney general's office had argued that gay men and lesbians are disproportionately more likely to suffer from mental illness or a substance abuse problem than straight people, rendering them less fit to parent -- especially children in foster care who already are under tremendous stress.
In a ruling that, at times, reads more like a social science research paper, Lederman dissected 30 years worth of psychological and sociological research, concluding that studies overwhelmingly have shown that gay people can parent every bit as effectively as straight people and do no harm to their children.
Lederman, who overseas Miami's juvenile and child welfare courts, is the second judge this year to declare the state's blanket ban on adoption by gay men and lesbians unconstitutional.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Students Face Arrest for Display of Abortion Photos
-- From "U of C students risk arrest for anti-abortion displays" posted at Canadian Broadcasting CBC 11/24/08
The anti-abortion group University of Calgary Campus Pro-Life plans to put up giant posters outside MacEwan Student Centre on Wednesday and Thursday showing aborted fetuses. The posters compare abortion to the Holocaust, the Ku Klux Klan and the genocide in Rwanda.
Earlier this year, university administrators asked the group, which has about 30 members, to make the posters less visible, citing safety concerns. But when they refused to comply, the school issued a letter last month threatening legal action.
University of Calgary Campus Pro-Life has held the Genocide Awareness Project displays five times since 2005, sometimes attracting counter-protests.
Student Julia Kittelsen, who filed a complaint, says she considers the displays hate propaganda. "I think it unfairly targets women who have had abortions."
To read the WorldNetDaily account of this story, CLICK HERE.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Legal Same-sex 'Marriage' Wedges Apostasy into Churches
The following secular news media story is a case study of success of the 'gay agenda' in corrupting the church
-- From "Same-Sex Couples First Must Find A Willing And Able Cleric" by Elizabeth Hamilton, The Hartford Courant (Connecticut) 11/21/08
As [the lesbians] knelt on the altar in the soaring main sanctuary of Immanuel Congregational Church, [they were married] with the "blessing of Christ's church" . . .
Just because the [Connecticut] law says homosexual couples can marry, it doesn't mean clergy have to perform the ceremonies, or even have the authority to do so.
United Church Of Christ ministers . . . belong to one of the few mainline Christian denominations that are allowing their clergy to choose how they respond to the new law, along with Reform and Conservative Jews.
Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, Evangelical Lutherans, Orthodox Jews and a variety of other denominations have clearly stated policies that clergy are not permitted to perform marriage rites for same-sex couples.
For many of these religious groups, the twin issues of same-sex marriage and the ordination of openly homosexual clergy have been divisive — some, like the Episcopal Church and the Methodists, have suffered painful schisms because of disagreements over the church's position about biblical authority and homosexuality.
In California, for example, United Methodist ministers defied orders from their bishop last summer and performed same-sex marriages before the law was overturned on the Nov. 4 ballot.
The American Baptist Church also allows its clergy to make up their own minds when it comes to marrying same-sex couples.
Connecticut Episcopal Bishop Andrew Smith said this is the first time in history that the state's definition of marriage no longer agrees with that held by the church.
Smith gave his permission in 2006 for Episcopal priests in his diocese to perform "pastoral blessings" for same-sex couples who have been joined in civil unions. He has extended that permission to allow for such blessings at same sex wedding ceremonies, but priests may not actually officiate at the weddings.
But at the denomination's annual conference last month, 26 clergy and lay people signed a resolution that passed by a two-thirds vote, imploring that Smith allow his priests the right to exercise their own discretion when officiating at same-sex marriages. Smith said he would take the resolution under advisement.
Obadiah Ballinger, the religious organizer for the advocacy group Love Makes a Family, said she has heard that some clergy, including Episcopal priests, "are working creatively within their guidelines" to participate in same-sex marriage ceremonies.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Brazilian Judge Bans Christian Book
The 'Gay Agenda' has been effectively diminishing religious liberty in Brazil. Christians are being sued into silence and even face jail under popular legislation.
-- From "Brazilian Christian Censored and Fined for Making 'Homophobic' Remarks in Book" by Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, LifeSiteNews 11/22/08
Naurio Martins Franca, a resident of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, is the author of "The Curse of God on the Homosexual: The Homosexual Needs to Know the Divine Curse that is Upon Him".
The book reportedly states the Christian belief that homosexual behavior is sinful, and even "demonic", and warns those who do not repent that "he who continues being a homosexual is defying the power of God and runs a great risk."
Franca's ordeal began last year when a judge ordered his book to be pulled from bookstores after three hundred of a total of 600 printed had been sold. Following the confiscation, a group of homosexuals burned the book in a protest outside of the International Church of Grace, Franca's church.
"The book is based on the Bible, on the word of God. The law regards it as homophobia, etc.," said Pastor Franca after charges were filed. "What can I do? The Bible is being usurped through the law of man. The Bible is the law of God," .
Although Franca's attorney reportedly argued at trial that his client had the right to freely express his opinions and religious beliefs, the judge responded that such rights were outweighed by the "principles outlined in the Federal Constitution, which would be the equality and dignity of the human person" and "discrimination is not tolerated", according to a paraphrase by TV Morena.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Citizens Encouraged to Set Up Nativity Scenes
-- From "Nativity Scene Goes to U.S. Supreme Court" by Paul Strand, CBN News Sr. Washington correspondent 11/20/08
A couple of Christian rights groups placed a nativity scene in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Thursday, as part of an effort to encourage Americans to do the same in front of public buildings all across the United States.
The National Clergy Council and the Christian Defense Coalition point out many Americans falsely believe such displays are forbidden, and so creches have disappeared from many places where they used to be commonplace.
"Tragically the courts have ruled that in many places, cities themselves can no longer display nativity scenes," [said Reverend Pat Mahoney, national director of the Christian Defense Coalition.] "But we've discovered individual citizens can go to their city halls, state capitol buildings, government buildings, and as individual citizens they can place nativity scenes up in these public places."
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Proposed Chicago High School Not Gay Enough
-- From "No gay high school -- at least not in '09" by Rosalind Rossi, Chicago Sun Times Education Reporter 11/19/08
Some lead members of the design team had thought that the latest version of the proposal -- which deleted all specific references to gay students from the mission statement and changed the school's name -- had been the best way to garner support for the new school, Chicago public school officials said. But on Tuesday, other members balked.
"When we tried to compromise as much as we could with our language, even changing our name, in the end, the design team couldn't fully agree that this proposal should go through," one team member, Katherine Hogan, told WTTW-Channel 11's "Chicago Tonight" Tuesday.
Hogan, a literature teacher at Social Justice High School, insisted the design team had the "full support" of Schools CEO Arne Duncan and would "absolutely" submit an "even stronger" version of the plan next year, in time for the school to open in 2010, as planned.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Gay Agenda Defeats eHarmony
-- From " to match 'gays'" by Chelsea Schilling © 2008 WorldNetDaily 11/19/08
The popular California-based service has been known for focusing on long-term relationships, especially marriage, which has been said to align with founder Clark Warren's early work with Focus on the Family's evangelical Christian base and perspective.
Warren, a psychologist with a divinity degree, has had three of his 10 books on love and dating published by Focus on the Family. It was an appearance on James Dobson's radio program, in 2001, that triggered a response of 90,000 new referrals to the website, starting a climb of registered participants on the site from 4,000 to today's 20 million clients.
As WND reported, the company originally said it was "based on the Christian principles of Focus on the Family author Dr. Neil Clark Warren." It stood firm on its decision to reject homosexuals from its profiling and matching services. Its entire compatibility system is based on research of married heterosexual couples.
In 2005, Warren told USA Today the company's goal is marriage and that same-sex marriage is illegal in most states.
"We don't really want to participate in something that's illegal," he said.
But now the company has been compelled to changed its nationwide policy as part of a New Jersey lawsuit settlement.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Catholic Bishops' Statement Warns Obama on Abortion
-- From "Catholic bishops plan to forcefully confront Obama" by Manya Brachear, Chicago Tribune staff reporter 11/11/08
In a direct challenge to President-elect Barack Obama, America's Roman Catholic bishops vowed on Tuesday [November 11th] to accept no compromise for the sake of national unity until there is legal protection for the unborn.
About 300 bishops, gathered in Baltimore for their national meeting, adopted a formal blessing for a child in the womb and advised Chicago's Cardinal Francis George, president of the conference, as he began drafting a statement from the bishops to the incoming Obama administration. That document will call on the administration and Catholics who supported Obama to work to outlaw abortion.
"This is not a matter of political compromise or a matter of finding some way of common ground," said Bishop Daniel Conlon of Steubenville, Ohio. "It's a matter of absolutes."
Several bishops said that Catholics could not in good conscience vote for a candidate who favored abortion rights after Obama pledged to pass legislation that would overturn state's restrictions on abortion such as late-term abortion bans and requirements of parental consent.
Bishops Thomas Paprocki of Chicago said such legislation could threaten laws that allow health-care workers to refrain from carrying out procedures that violate their conscience, putting Catholic health care institutions in jeopardy.
George agreed that losing federal funds would put Catholic health care facilities, which make up a third of the nation's hospitals, out of business. Closing Catholic hospitals would put many patients seeking charitable care from those facilities at risk, he added.
In crafting the statement to Obama, the bishops urged the cardinal to indicate a desire to work with the administration in areas of economic justice, immigration reform, health care for the poor and religious freedom. But they stressed the church's "intent on opposing evil" and "defense of the unborn child."
Read the full statement: Cardinal George Voices Hope for Obama Administration, Points to Possible Obstacles to Our Desired Unity
Obama, Media Pounce on Bush for 'Right of Conscience' Reg
-- From "Last-minute Bush abortion ruling causes furor" by Robert Pear, New York Times (International) 11/18/08
The proposed rule would prohibit recipients of federal money from discriminating against doctors, nurses and other health care workers who refuse to perform or to assist in the performance of abortions or sterilization procedures because of their "religious beliefs or moral convictions."
It would also prevent hospitals, clinics, doctors' offices and drugstores from requiring employees with religious or moral objections to "assist in the performance of any part of a health service program or research activity" financed by the Department of Health and Human Services.
[The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission counsel] Reed Russell, and two Democratic members of the commission, Stuart Ishimaru and Christine Griffin, . . . said that the rule was unnecessary for the protection of employees and potentially confusing to employers.
Obama has said the proposal will raise new hurdles to women seeking reproductive health services, like abortion and some contraceptives. Michael Leavitt, the health and human services secretary, said that was not the purpose.
Officials at the Health and Human Services Department said they intended to issue a final version of the rule within days. Aides and advisers to Obama said he would try to rescind it, a process that could take three to six months.
The proposal is supported by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Catholic Health Association, which represents Catholic hospitals.
Sister Carol Keehan, president of the Catholic Health Association, said that in recent years, "we have seen a variety of efforts to force Catholic and other health care providers to perform or refer for abortions and sterilizations."
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Christians Suffer Chemical Attack at Abortion Clinic
-- From "Chemical Attack on Pro-lifers at Abortion Clinic Sickens Two" posted at Christian Newswire 11/13/08
One of the pro-lifers, Jennifer McCoy, was treated for four hours at a local hospital emergency room suffering from vomiting, diarrhea, and swelling of the face and eyes.
Another woman, Brandi Lozier, was with McCoy praying outside the abortion clinic in the early morning hours of Sunday, November 2, 2008, as part of the 40 Days For Life event. She suffered similar symptoms, but was not hospitalized.
Hazmat was called to the abortion clinic and treated the area with a kitty-litter type of substance in order to absorb the noxious oily spill.
After being released from the hospital, McCoy filed a complaint with the Wichita Police Department, but, a week and a half later, arrest and prosecution of the unknown perpetrator seems unlikely.
This was not the first of such attacks on pro-lifers who minister outside Tiller's abortion mill. In September, 2007, Tiller's security guard, John Rayburn, was photographed with a "stink bomb" that also sickened those on the scene. Prosecutors refused to file charges, and efforts to hold Tiller accountable in small claims court failed.
To view a video report at the scene, CLICK HERE.
Texas Diocese Exits Apostate Episcopal Denomination
-- From "Diocese in Texas Leaves Episcopal Church" by Gretel C. Kovach, New York Times 11/16/08
The Fort Worth diocese amended its constitution to shift allegiance from the Episcopal Church [ECUSA] to the Anglican Communion, its parent body. The measure passed by a vote of 72 to 19 among the clergy and 102 to 25 among the laity, at the diocese’s 26th annual convention at St. Vincent’s Cathedral in Bedford, Tex.
The diocese was welcomed Saturday into the Province of the Southern Cone, based in Argentina, but the realignment is expected to be temporary while the diocese works to establish a conservative province of the Anglican Communion in the United States, diocese leaders said.
Bishop Jack L. Iker laid blame for the split on what he described as “a church that is increasingly unfaithful and disobedient to the word of God, a church that has caused division and dissension both at home and abroad, a church that has torn the fabric of the communion at its deepest level, a church that acts more and more like a rebellious protestant sect and less and less like an integral part of the one holy catholic and apostolic church. It is time to say enough is enough.”
Dioceses in Pittsburgh; Quincy, Ill.; and Fresno, Calif., have also voted to leave the national church.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Same-sex 'Marriage' Advocates Post Christian Hit-lists
-- From "Prop. 8 Anger Spurs Donor Blacklists" posted at CBS News 11/13/08
. . . supporters of same-sex marriage are posting blacklists - the names and businesses of those who gave money to help Proposition 8 pass.
Chris Lee, an engineer who is an immigrant from China, was shocked to see his name on the Web site after he gave $1,000 to the campaign to end same-sex marriage.
"I was completely disgusted," Li said. "This sort of blacklist should only appear in communist countries, should not be found in the United States."
In Los Angeles, demonstrators called for a boycott of a restaurant whose manager made a personal donation of $100 to the "Yes on 8" campaign.
The Internet has made open political financing even more open - and perhaps more intimidating.
To read the entire story, CLICK HERE.
Under Obama, Taxpayers will Fund Abortion
-- From "Congresswoman Confident Obama Will Fund UNFPA, Which Supports China's Coercive Abortion Program" by Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer, CNSNews 11/13/08
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) said she is confident that President-elect Barack Obama will reverse the Bush administration’s decision six years ago to stop the $40 million in annual funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) because of its support of China’s one-child policy – a policy that includes coercive abortion.
In July, Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte submitted a letter along with a report explaining the U.S. decision not to fund UNFPA for the sixth year in a row.
“The United States opposes coercive abortion and involuntary sterilization. I have determined that by providing financial and technical resources … to [China’s] National Population and Family Planning Commission and related entities, UNFPA provides support for and participates in the management of the Chinese government’s program of coercive abortion and involuntary sterilization,” he wrote.
During his campaign, Obama said he supports the 1973 Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in the United States.
He also promised Planned Parenthood that he would sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which strikes down all federal and state restrictions on abortion, including the ban on partial-birth abortion, and will establish abortion-on-demand in every state and the U.S. territories.
Obama also has said he supports “comprehensive sex education” in public schools that would include abstinence and information on “safe sex” practices.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Woman Assaulted by Homosexual Advocates Files Charges
-- CLICK HERE to launch news report video
Friday, November 14, 2008
Theater Director Forced to Resign by Homosexual Advocates
-- From "Theater Director Resigns Amid Gay-Rights Ire" by Jesse McKinley, New York Times 11/13/08
The artistic director, Scott Eckern, came under fire recently after it became known that he contributed $1,000 to support Proposition 8, which amended the state Constitution to recognize only male-female marriages. The measure was approved by 52 percent of California voters on Election Day. (Same-sex marriages had been performed in California since June.)
His donation was brought to light by online activists angry about the measure’s success at the polls.
“I understand that my choice of supporting Proposition 8 has been the cause of many hurt feelings, maybe even betrayal,” Mr. Eckern said. “It was not my intent. I honestly had no idea that this would be the reaction.”
Marc Shaiman, the Tony Award-winning composer (“Hairspray”), called Mr. Eckern last week and said that he would not let his work be performed in the theater. “I was uncomfortable with money made off my work being used to put discrimination in the Constitution,” Mr. Shaiman said. He added, however, that the entire episode left him “deeply troubled” because of the potential for backlash against gays who protested Mr. Eckern’s donation.
“It will not help our cause because we will be branded exactly as what we were trying to fight,” said Mr. Shaiman, who is gay. “But I do believe there comes a time when you cannot sit back and accept what I think is the most dangerous form of bigotry.”
Supporters of the marriage ban said that critics of Mr. Eckern were attacking freedom of expression, and they chastised the theater’s board for subjecting Mr. Eckern to a political litmus test.
In his statement Mr. Eckern said that he would donate $1,000 to a gay-rights group, adding that he respected gay people, including a sister who is a lesbian.
Susan Egan, a Broadway actress (“Beauty and the Beast”) who landed her first professional job at the California Musical Theater, said she had been saddened by both Mr. Eckern’s actions and her own involvement, which included posting a letter on her Facebook page supporting the idea of boycotting the theater.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Australian Government to Filter Internet Content
-- From "Australia planning to block 10,000 websites" by Bonnie Malkin, The Telegraph in Sydney 11/14/08
The websites will be blocked as part of a government-sponsored trial of its filter technology that will start before Christmas and last six weeks.
The government has already identified 1300 websites that it wants to black list as part of the clean feeds scheme.
Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said the sites mostly contained child pornography and other unwanted content, including images and videos.
Colin Jacobs, board member of Electronic Frontiers Australia said he was concerned at what would be deemed "unwanted content".
"Conroy said the list would contain illegal and unwanted content but we still have to see what would end up on that list."
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Same-sex 'Marriage' Advocates Target Minorities for Attacks
-- From "Religion today" by Eric Gorski, Associated Press 11/13/08
For months, the Mormon church sought to portray itself as just one member of a coalition of Catholics, evangelicals, black Protestants and others supporting Proposition 8, a measure to stop gay marriage in California.
Since the measure's passage last week, media outlets reported chants of "Mormon scum" and slurs against church founder Joseph Smith at a demonstration outside a Los Angeles-area temple, and a church meeting-house was vandalized. More Mormon-specific protests are in the works.
One factor in Mormons becoming an opposition target was, a Web site founded by Nadine Hansen, a 61-year-old semiretired lawyer from Cedar City, Utah.
Originally, the site named Mormon givers, but Hansen said she changed it to include only first names and last-name initials over concerns Mormons would be hate-crime targets.
Some gay marriage backers in California began taking a sharper tone against Mormons in October. The liberal group Courage Campaign organized an online petition asking LDS Church President Thomas Monson to stop bearing false witness, among other things.
On Election Night, the group aired a controversial ad that depicted Mormon missionaries ransacking a lesbian couple's house and destroying their marriage certificate.
Roman Catholic Bishop William Weigand of Sacramento . . . defended Mormons, calling the backlash "serious religious bigotry."
Gay-marriage backers "look at this whole thing as a discrimination issue. And they're giving the same, in a sense, to Mormons and other religious people," Weigand said in an interview.
Anti-Mormon rhetoric is politically safe because Mormons remain a relatively small minority and "have never been completely assimilated as 'normal Americans' to completely live down the image of 'weirdness' inherited from the 19th century," [said Armand Mauss, a retired Washington State University sociologist.]
To read all of this very lengthy article, CLICK HERE.
Anti-Marriage Fever Expands Nationwide Saturday
Prop 8 Protest: A Call to the LGBTQ Community, Friends, & Family
I’m sure all would agree that with the election of Barack Obama, this week has been one of amazing wins in the world of equality! Still, Tuesday night was a bitter-sweet celebration. We came together to witness the first black man who will become our president, yet watched in sadness as Florida, Arizona, Arkansas, and California all voted down equal rights for all citizens.
We need to show this nation that we are ONE LOUD VOICE THAT DEMANDS TO BE HEARD! We need to be one organized unit. . . . It’s time we come together for debate, for public recognition, and for LOVE! Let’s move as one full unit, on the same day, at the same hour, and let’s show the United States of America that we too are UNITED CITIZENS EQUAL IN MIND, BODY, SPIRIT AND DESERVING OF FULL EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW!
Send this post to everyone! We have one week and must react to the pro-hate votes cast against us! Let’s help our LGBTQ friends, families, neighbors, and each other to IMPACT this country with a demand for our basic human rights! Join the cause, join the voice, and JOIN THE IMPACT!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Homosexual Advocates Infiltrate, then Disrupt Worship Service

UPDATE 5/15/09: Lawsuit filed against militants
NewsBusters reports their analysis of the few local news sources that covered the story with little criticism of the harassers, and the absence of any reporting nationally:
Belaboring what is by now terribly predictable: A Google News search at 11 AM ET [11/12/08] for November 8-12 returned 14 results, none of which were Old Media sources outside of Michigan. The New York Times . . . as expected, has nothing relevant.Below are excerpts with links to eye-witness reports of the incident, including from the perpetrators. It's disappointing to read that despite the harassment, the hateful chants against the Christians, and the pulling of the fire alarm, the authorities arrested no one.
The Right Michigan report includes this:
On Sunday, November 9, 2008 . . . at Lansing's Mount Hope Church.Here's, in part, what the perpetrators, calling themselves "Bash Back" had to say:
Prayer had just finished when men and women stood up in pockets across the congregation, on the main floor and in the balcony. "Jesus was gay," they shouted among other profanities and blasphemies as they rushed the stage. Some forced their way through rows of women and kids to try to hang a profane banner from the balcony while others began tossing fliers into the air. Two women made their way to the pulpit and began to kiss.
The "open minded" and "tolerant" liberals ran down the aisles and across the pews, hoping against hope to catch a "right winger" on tape daring to push back (none did). And just in case their camera missed the target, they had a reporter in tow. According to a source inside the church yesterday there was a "journalist" from the Lansing City Pulse along for the ride .....
The Mount Hope Church is a deplorable, anti-queer mega-church in Lansing, Michigan.
Bash Back! ain’t down with that. And so on Sunday November 9th, about thirty radical queers from Lansing, Chicago, Memphis and Milwaukee disrupted the church’s most well-attended sermon.
[We] began demonstrating outside the church. The group was extremely loud and wildly offensive.
The demonstration drew a majority of Mount Hope’s security staff outside to watch them.
Meanwhile, with the guards pre-occupied by the distraction, over a dozen queers had put on their Sunday-best and infiltrated the church’s congregation. At the signal that the guards had been lured outside, the infiltrators sprung into action.
Upon hearing the loud interruption, other affinity groups went into action. A team that had been hiding under the pews in the closed-off balcony dropped a banner and pulled back the curtains to reveal “IT’S OKAY TO BE GAY! BASH BACK!”.
Another group threw over a thousand fliers to the entirety of the congregation. The fire alarm was pulled. Queers began making out in front of the pastor. And within a matter of minutes, everyone had evaded the guards and made their escapes.
Let it be known: So long as bigots kill us in the streets, this pack of wolves will continue to BASH BACK!
ACLU Attempts to Ban Christians from Public Streets
-- From "Legal battle erupts over religion at Thibodaux festival" by Ben Lundin, Staff Writer, Daily Comet Laforche Parish, LA 10/8/08
The Alliance Defense Fund, a national conservative-Christian nonprofit, said Friday that it would offer the city free legal defense against the ACLU’s charge that the city has violated the U.S. Constitution by promoting “Christian music and dance” at the arts, crafts and music festival.
Michael Johnson, senior legal counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund, said the ACLU’s threat is “baseless” and that “there is certainly no legal concern with the festival’s live musical entertainment, which is provided free of charge by a variety of local and regional artists.”
“The ACLU has increasingly made sport of bullying public officials throughout the state of Louisiana,” Johnson said.
The Alliance Defense Fund’s announcement comes in response to the ACLU’s request that the city give written notice that it will cease participation in any event promoting a religious ideology.
“Contrary to the contentions of the ACLU, Christian artists and performers have the same rights of access and participation at the festival as anyone else and can not, and should not, be treated as second-class citizens,” Johnson wrote in the letter, a copy of which is posted on the group’s Web site. “Their music and their messages are fully protected under the free-speech and free-exercise clauses of the First Amendment, regardless of whether the ACLU is offended by them.”
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Same-sex 'Marriage' Advocates Confront Lone Woman with Cross
-- From "Watch church lady meet same-sex 'marriage' protesters" by Bob Unruh © 2008 WorldNetDaily 11/10/08
An angry mob of homosexual activists in Southern California attacked an elderly bespectacled woman carrying a cross, then shouted her down during a live TV interview as she tried to explain to a reporter her defense of the state's new marriage amendment.
"WE SHOULD FIGHT! WE SHOULD FIGHT!" screams one pro-'gay'-marriage protester as the woman, identified as Phyllis Burgess, stands calmly with a reporter waiting to be interviewed.
The video is available on this link, courtesy KPSP-TV in Palm Springs.
Another is screaming, "GET OUT OF HERE," and the reporter tells her anchor team back at the station, "As you can see we are being attacked."
The video later was posted on the San Francisco State University College Republicans' website.
But the worst was yet to come, said Ryan Sorba, chairman of the college group.
"The video is astounding and chilling and speaks for itself," he wrote. "The end of this video illustrates the fate of religious freedom and marriage should pro-sodomy activists ultimately legalize so-called same-sex marriage by way of activist California courts."
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Interview with Phyllis Burgess explaining why she's pressing charges
Police investigate -- Phyllis Burgess may press charges
Monday, November 10, 2008
Abortionists Anticipate Pay-back from Obama
Obama 2007 speech to Planned Parenthood (excerpt video):
-- From "Abortion Groups Confident Obama Will Push His Pro-Abortion Agenda" by Matthew Hadro, 11/10/08
Planned Parenthood, NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) Pro-Choice America, and the Center for Reproductive Rights have each publicly congratulated the new president-elect on his victory.
“NARAL Pro-Choice America worked hard for our slate of pro-choice candidates across the country, including pro-choice Sen. Barack Obama, and that hard work resulted in the reaffirmation of our commitment to the values of freedom and privacy,” Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America said in a statement.
Obama was the most pro-abortion presidential candidate in history.
In a speech to Planned Parenthood on the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade -- the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion – Obama said: “Throughout my career, I’ve been a consistent and strong supporter of reproductive justice, and have consistently had a 100 percent pro-choice rating with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America.”
Obama also pledged to push for the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) as president. FOCA was introduced in 2004, “to prohibit, consistent with Roe v. Wade, the interference by the government with a woman’s right to choose to bear a child or terminate a pregnancy, and for other purposes.”
The proposal would overturn all existing state regulations on abortion and partial-birth abortion, if enacted.
Now it is up to the president-elect to make good on his promises, the abortion groups say.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Full Obama 2007 speech to Planned Parenthood (video):
Churches Across America Reflect on Obama Election
-- From "Churches across America reflect on Obama election" by Allen G. Breed, Associated Press National Writer 11/9/08
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - Pastor Shirley Caesar-Williams opened her sermon Sunday at Mount Calvary Word of Faith Church with a prayer of thanks for the election of Barack Obama—at the risk of her flock getting "more excited over this than you do over the word."
"God has vindicated the black folk," the Grammy-winning gospel singer said as a member of the congregation waved an American flag and another marched among the pews blowing a ram's horn.
"Too long we've been at the bottom of the totem pole, but he has vindicated us, hallelujah," she cried. "I don't know about you, but I don't have nothing to put my head down for, praise God. Because when I look toward Washington, D.C., we got a new family coming in. We got a new family coming in. And you know what? They look like us. Amen, amen. They look like us."
Across the country, from a mostly white church in the Southwest to the pulpit from which the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. preached his message of equality and nonviolent change, Christian clergy members on Sunday asked God to give Obama the wisdom and strength to lead the country out of what many consider a wilderness of despair and gloom.
To read the long list of anecdotes in this article, CLICK HERE.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Illegal Infanticide Continues at Planned Parenthood
-- From "Video documents infanticide" by Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow 11/9/2008
Hawkins says she asked twice if the baby might be born alive. "And she said mostly no, but sometimes it can happen -- but eventually the baby will die, without giving him any medical treatment."
That violates the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, says Hawkins, which calls for medical treatment if a baby is born alive during an abortion. But there has been no enforcement.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
CLICK HERE, IL residents, to E-mail your congressman: de-fund Planned Parenthood
To see the video, CLICK HERE.
Christians Leave Wayward Episcopal Denomination in Droves
-- From "3rd Episcopal diocese splits from national church" Associated Press 11/8/08
A third conservative diocese is splitting from the liberal Episcopal Church in a long-running dispute over the Bible, gay relationships and other issues.
The Diocese of Quincy voted to leave the national denomination during an annual meeting that ends Saturday.
It joins dioceses in Fresno, Calif., and Pittsburgh. A fourth diocese, in Fort Worth, Texas, will decide next weekend whether to follow suit.
The secessions are a response to decades of debate over what Episcopalians should believe. Tensions erupted in 2003 when the denomination consecrated its first openly gay bishop, V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire.
The [new revelation, pro-homosexual] head of the Episcopal Church, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, says she laments the departure.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Oregon Town Elects Transgender Person for Mayor

-- From "America's First Transgender Mayor" by Lee Ferran, ABC News 11/8/08
The first time Stu Rasmussen was elected mayor of Silverton, Ore., he wore shirts and pants.
"Obviously, it was shocking to them," he said. "We all kind of went through it together. It was pretty obvious I was making a change, it had to happen in my head. They were ready before I was."
"It's a rural or a community considered more conservative," he said. "They judge people on talent and ability rather than their shape."
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Adoption: Arkansas Voters Reject 'Gay Agenda'
-- From "Rural Arkansas championed foster, adoption ban" by Jon Gambrell, Associated Press 11/6/08
Championed by religious conservatives and fueled by a pulpit campaign, the ban passed with the endorsement of 56.9 percent of the voters. Major support came from rural counties in southwest Arkansas, where about two-thirds of voters supported the measure.
Only Pulaski County, home to Little Rock, offered a strong 15,000-vote margin opposing the ban. Washington County, home to the University of Arkansas, rejected the ban by a margin of 2,300 votes out of 65,000 cast.
The result came as a surprise to opponents. Gov. Mike Beebe had opposed the measure, citing a lack of foster homes in the state. Arkansas Families First had launched a series of television advertisements urging voters to reject the ban and a University of Arkansas poll showed 55 percent of the respondents opposed it.
Though the measure bans unmarried couples from adopting and fostering children, the Arkansas Family Council portrayed it as a battle against a "gay agenda." The council relied on fliers and church sermons to buoy its cause.
Arkansas joins Utah, home to a large, conservative Mormon population, as the only states with bans against unmarried couples fostering or adopting children. Mississippi bans gay couples, but not single gays, from adopting children. Florida is the only state to completely ban gay adoption.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Friday, November 07, 2008
CA Same-sex 'Marriage' Advocates Attempt to Nullify Voters
-- From "Homosexual Groups File Last Ditch Lawsuits to Stop California Marriage Initiative" by Matt Hadro, CNSNews 11/6/08
Three lawsuits have been filed in an attempt to block California’s Proposition 8, which limits valid marriages to “one man and one woman.”
Attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union and two homosexual activist groups – Lambda Legal Foundation and the National Center for Lesbian Rights – asked the California Supreme Court Wednesday to invalidate Proposition 8.
“The petition charges that Proposition 8 is invalid because the initiative process was improperly used in an attempt to undo the constitution’s core commitment to equality for everyone by eliminating a fundamental right from just one group – lesbian and gay Californians,” the groups said in a new release.
The cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles, joined by Santa Clara County, have also sued, and Los Angeles lawyer Gloria Allred filed a third suit on behalf of a married lesbian couple.
Randy Thomasson, president of the Campaign for Families and Children said . . . “It is time for all Californians to respect the new marriage law, which has restored an age-old institution, whether they voted for or against Prop. 8.”
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE: Calif. Supreme Court Proceeds
Most Americans Believe Media Campaigned for Obama
-- From "Majority Say Reporters Tried To Help Obama" posted by 11/5/08
As the presidential campaign comes to a close, a majority of voters (51%) say most reporters have tried to help Barack Obama win the presidency. Just seven percent (7%) think they tried to help John McCain.
Thirty-one percent (31%) say reporters have offered unbiased coverage, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Ten percent (10%) are undecided.
Men are far more suspicious than women. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of male voters think reporters actively favored Obama, compared to a plurality of female voters (46%).
Eighty-four percent (84%) of Republicans and 51% of unaffiliated voters say reporters have tried to help Obama, but just 24% of Democrats agree. Nearly half of Democrats (49%) say reporters tried to be unbiased, and only 12% think they tried to help McCain.
Sixty-eight percent (68%) of voters continue to believe most reporters try to help the candidate they want to win, while 23% think most try to offer unbiased coverage. Nine percent (9%) are undecided. These numbers have been fairly consistent through the summer.
This suggests why even though voters overwhelmingly believe politicians will "break the rules to help people who give them a lot of money," 55% believe media bias is more of a problem than big campaign contributions.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE: Read Washington Post's self-critique admitting bias toward Obama
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Liberal Media Lament Passage of Marriage Amendment
-- From "Backers focused Prop. 8 battle beyond marriage" by Dan Morain and Jessica Garrison, LA Times 11/6/08
"It was masterful of the campaign to raise the implications of what it could mean in terms of the school system," said Republican political consultant Wayne Johnson. He said voters may have started out "thinking that as long as it doesn't affect me, do what you want" but the supporters shifted the focus to children.
Ron Prentice of the Protect Marriage Coalition said in a statement that "the people of California stood up for traditional marriage and reclaimed this great institution. We are gratified that voters chose to protect traditional marriage and to enshrine its importance in the state Constitution."
To read the LA Times' lamentations, and all of this very lengthy article, CLICK HERE.
Challenge to Churches: Is America a Christian Nation?
-- From "Life will not go on" by Jill Stanek, 11/6/08
Barack Obama was elected president despite the fact he supports abortion into the fourth trimester.
Either the 63 million people voting for him didn't know about his radical record, which includes abandoning abortion survivors to die, didn't care, or didn't believe it.
Meanwhile all three state pro-life initiatives failed Tuesday: the California Abortion Waiting Period and Parental Notification Initiative, the Colorado Equal Rights Amendment (defining personhood as beginning at conception) and the South Dakota Abortion Ban Initiative.
And both state anti-life initiatives passed: the Michigan Stem Cell Initiative (allowing human embryo experimentation) and the Washington Death with Dignity Initiative (allowing physician assisted suicide).
Altogether, this means we are fooling ourselves if we think the United States is still a Christian nation. Its people just elected a barbarian as president, authorized the killing of both its youngest and sickest, rejected scientific fact that human life begins at conception, blocked parental intervention of abortions of young girls, and voted down the wording of an abortion ban they said only two years ago they would support.
The pro-life movement was actually born of necessity by a void in church teaching, and now the church is almost completely reliant on our para-church organizations and the government to handle the gravest human atrocity in all of history.
Face it. It is the Christian church's fault that legalized abortion in America – and now infanticide – exists and persists.
The church must stop abdicating responsibility to stop abortion to the pro-life movement and politicians. God's people are commissioned.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
CA Kindergartners Pledge to be Homosexual Advocates

-- From "School Clams Up on 'Gay' Pledge Cards Given to Kindergartners" by Michelle Maskaly, FOX News, 11/01/08
During a celebration of National Ally Week, Tara Miller, a teacher at the Faith Ringgold School of Arts and Science in Hayward, Calif., passed out cards produced by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network to her class of kindergartners.
Parent Adela Voelker, who declined to be interviewed in depth for this report, said she was furious when she found her child's signature on one of the cards. She said she contacted a non-profit legal defense organization specializing in parents' rights.
Val Joyner, a school district spokeswoman, told in an e-mail that when deciding what to teach on this subject matter, educators "gather materials from community agencies and other education groups" and that "the materials have grade level indicators which help determine what is age-appropriate."
The district employs a "Professional Learning Specialist: Equity," who is in charge of gathering material and helping teachers decide what should be taught on the subject matter.
Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, the group representing Voelker, said parents at the Faith Ringgold School weren't notified of what was going to take place in the classroom.
He said that teaching students as young as pre-school about gay, lesbian and transgender issues is common in California, but that there are "all kinds of material the average parent could find highly objectionable or potentially harmful" to their children.
"[There is] tremendous peer pressure put on children to accept a pro-homosexual philosophy and attitude," Dacus said.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.