Acting in a subservient role to the Gay Agenda, the Graduate Center at the City University of New York issued a new policy advising faculty to minimize usage of personal titles (Mr., Ms., Mrs.) when addressing students because identifying individuals by a gender salutation discriminates against the growing number of sexually confused "transgender students." Homosexualists are applauding the University PC police for furthering "gender inclusivity."
For background, read about the new gender-neutral pronoun "Hen" created to replace "he," "she," etc.
Click headlines below to read previous articles:
Girls College Struggles to Expel Student for 'Becoming Male'
Sex Change Possible Overnight in New York With New Law
Marquette University Bans Conservative Professor, Like a Terrorist
California School Bans Books by Christian Authors
Also read myriad examples of censorship of "politically incorrect" speech on college campuses.
In addition, read Transgenderism is a 'Delusion' According to Victim
-- From "CUNY Graduate Center Drops 'Mr.' And 'Ms.' From Official Communications" by Tyler Kingkade, The Huffington Post 1/28/15
In a Jan. 16 memo to Graduate Center faculty, reported by the [Wall Street] Journal, interim Provost Louise Lennihan wrote that the new policy was part of the school's "ongoing effort to ensure a respectful, welcoming and gender-inclusive learning environment ... and to accommodate properly the diverse population of current and prospective students."
The Graduate Center told The Huffington Post that the memo was actually aimed at advising faculty about the school's new preferred-name policy, which allows students to go by a moniker other than their legal name on certain university documents such as course rosters, student identification cards and student email addresses. The students simply have to fill out a form.
Faculty speech has not been restricted, Graduate Center President Chase F. Robinson told HuffPost in a statement. "The memo that was issued on January 16 was intended to provide guidance to administrators in addressing members of the community; as such, it offered advice and did not set, nor does it reflect, CUNY policy," he said.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "CUNY: Don’t Address Students as ‘Mr.’ or ‘Ms.’" by Mike Vilensky, The Wall Street Journal 1/26/15
The directive pertains specifically to administrators’ written interactions with students and prospective students, said Tanya Domi, a school spokeswoman. But the memo says the policy should be “interpreted as broadly as possible” and was sent to all faculty at the Graduate Center.
The policy goes into effect during the Spring 2015 semester at the Manhattan public university, where some 5,000 students study in doctoral and master’s programs.
The memo came after wide consultation with many faculty, staff and students at the Graduate Center, said Ms. Domi, a school spokeswoman. She also said the school was “working within a regulatory framework to comply with Title IX legal principles,” a federal statute banning gender discrimination in educational settings that receive government funding.
Saundra Schuster, an attorney and Title IX consultant for universities, said the statute is intended to protect individuals from gender discrimination—no matter how they identify their gender, including transgender individuals. But, she added, “to say they must [bar gendered salutations] because of the law is ridiculous.”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "University bans use of ‘Mr.’ and ‘Ms.’ in all correspondence" by Alexandra Zimmern, University of Wisconsin Madison posted at The College Fix 1/29/15
. . . Ari Cohn, free speech lawyer and advocate at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education [FIRE], took issue with the spokeswoman’s suggestion that Title IX requires or even encourages a policy similar to the one the graduate center has implemented.
“Title IX prohibits discrimination—nothing more,” he said in an email to The College Fix. “Unfortunately, this problematic justification is emblematic of a pattern that FIRE is increasingly concerned by: Title IX is being turned into a Swiss army knife that can be used by colleges and universities to justify (and provide political cover for) virtually any academic or institutional policy even tangentially related to sex or gender.”
“It’s difficult to find a principled reason why the perspectives of those who prefer traditional salutations should be valued less than the perspectives of those who favor their abandonment, and that is precisely why language policing is best avoided altogether—it always entails making distinctions based on subjective preferences for a particular viewpoint,” Cohn said.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Obama Administration Expands Title IX to Advance Gay Agenda including by Muzzling Students' Moral Speech, but nonetheless, a Christian College Won Title IX Transgender Dorm Complaint
And read Minnesota Says Title IX Forces School Boys into Girls' Showers
In addition, read Judge Forces Illinois College to Tolerate 'Anti-Gay' Speech
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
Teaching Girls to Wear Muslim Hijab: Calif. School
Although Principal Tom Rutten encouraged a Muslim student to organize 'Hijab Day' to teach non-Muslim school girls in suburban Sacramento, California how to properly dress as a Muslim, the school is now denying any involvement in the all-day project of the senior student who was an intern for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
UPDATE 4/19/15: Celebrate Islam 'Hijab Day' Canceled at Ohio School (due to public outcry)
For background, read Colorado School Visits Mosque, Enforces Sharia Law for Girls' Dress
And also read Massachusetts Students Forced To Learn Muslim Conversion as well as Muslims in Washington, D.C. Force Christmas Off School Calendar
And read Former Christian University Announces Muslim Prayers
-- From "‘Hijab Day’ Draws Unfair Criticism, School Says" by Nicole Comstock, KTXL-TV40 (Sacramento, CA)
[The unnamed Muslim student explained:]
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Taxpayer-Funded School Celebrates Hijab Day" by Eric Owens, Education Editor, The Daily Caller 1/30/15
The school and the school district began to receive criticism after Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch publicized a Hijab Day flyer sent to him by a reader.
Spencer also claims that the same student delivered a presentation about Islam and Islamophobia at a meeting that was mandatory for school employees. A CAIR representative attended that meeting, he says.
Spencer, who holds a Master’s degree in religious studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, wrote a weekly column for many years for Human Events. He now writes for PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine. He has spoken at dozens and dozens of prestigious universities and has led FBI and United States Army seminars on radical Islam.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "High school holds 'hijab day' for students" by Bob Unruh, World Net Daily 1/29/15
It was at Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep High School, also known as NP3, where officials posted a notice that said: “January 28, 2015. The hijab is a headcovering worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modesty and their devotion to God. GIRLS! Come to the library Wednesday morning and MSA [Muslim Student Association] members will assist you in putting your hijab on. You can bring ANY type of rectangular (or square) scarf that is bought at any store. (If you do not have any scarves, they will be provided for you to borrow for the day.)”
[Robert Spencer said,] “Would a Jewish or pro-Israel student be allowed to stage a similar day calling attention to anti-Semitism? If this included the rise in Islamic anti-Semitism in Europe and elsewhere, would this be allowed? Would you allow a Yarmulke Day at NP3 High?”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Click headlines below to read previous articles:
Virginity Advocacy Banned at Arkansas School
Virginia School Slow-walks Pro-life Club Approval
California School Bans Books by Christian Authors
California School Lawyers Strip Student's Jesus Speech
Saying 'Bless You' After Sneeze Gets Student Suspended
Also read myriad efforts by public schools to scrub Christian culture from campus.
“Hijab Day is a way of teaching tolerance and understanding of others.”UPDATE 12/10/15: Teaching Christians Muslim Dress at Illinois School
-- Tom Rutten, Principal, Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep High School (NP3)
UPDATE 4/19/15: Celebrate Islam 'Hijab Day' Canceled at Ohio School (due to public outcry)
For background, read Colorado School Visits Mosque, Enforces Sharia Law for Girls' Dress
And also read Massachusetts Students Forced To Learn Muslim Conversion as well as Muslims in Washington, D.C. Force Christmas Off School Calendar
And read Former Christian University Announces Muslim Prayers
-- From "‘Hijab Day’ Draws Unfair Criticism, School Says" by Nicole Comstock, KTXL-TV40 (Sacramento, CA)
[The unnamed Muslim student explained:]
“At a time when anti-Muslim sentiment is growing, I wanted to let my classmates and teachers know about the challenges that young Muslim women face when they put on a headscarf. It is unfortunate that a small effort to promote mutual understanding would provoke such a hate-filled and irrational response.Rutten said the campus has many student organized cultural days, as a way to teach and understand diversity.
“NP3 Hijab Day was part of my Senior Project, meant to bring awareness to my campus about the misconceptions surrounding Islam, particularly those surrounding the headscarf. I invited a [CAIR] speaker to talk to faculty about addressing Islamophobia in the classroom and the challenges in the Muslim world, and they appreciated the open and frank discussion.”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Taxpayer-Funded School Celebrates Hijab Day" by Eric Owens, Education Editor, The Daily Caller 1/30/15
The school and the school district began to receive criticism after Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch publicized a Hijab Day flyer sent to him by a reader.
Spencer also claims that the same student delivered a presentation about Islam and Islamophobia at a meeting that was mandatory for school employees. A CAIR representative attended that meeting, he says.
Spencer, who holds a Master’s degree in religious studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, wrote a weekly column for many years for Human Events. He now writes for PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine. He has spoken at dozens and dozens of prestigious universities and has led FBI and United States Army seminars on radical Islam.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "High school holds 'hijab day' for students" by Bob Unruh, World Net Daily 1/29/15
It was at Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep High School, also known as NP3, where officials posted a notice that said: “January 28, 2015. The hijab is a headcovering worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modesty and their devotion to God. GIRLS! Come to the library Wednesday morning and MSA [Muslim Student Association] members will assist you in putting your hijab on. You can bring ANY type of rectangular (or square) scarf that is bought at any store. (If you do not have any scarves, they will be provided for you to borrow for the day.)”
[Robert Spencer said,] “Would a Jewish or pro-Israel student be allowed to stage a similar day calling attention to anti-Semitism? If this included the rise in Islamic anti-Semitism in Europe and elsewhere, would this be allowed? Would you allow a Yarmulke Day at NP3 High?”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Click headlines below to read previous articles:
Virginity Advocacy Banned at Arkansas School
Virginia School Slow-walks Pro-life Club Approval
California School Bans Books by Christian Authors
California School Lawyers Strip Student's Jesus Speech
Saying 'Bless You' After Sneeze Gets Student Suspended
Also read myriad efforts by public schools to scrub Christian culture from campus.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Ala. Supreme Says Ignore Fed. Court—'Gay Marriage'
In a letter to Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore provided his legal review of U.S. District Judge Callie V.S."Ginny" Granade's ruling that the one-man-one-woman marriage amendment to the Alabama Constitution (passed by 81% of the state's voters in 2006) violated the U.S. Constitution. Justice Moore advised Gov. Bentley that state courts need NOT abide by Judge Granade's ruling because it violates the state’s constitution — only such a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court would be valid; therefore, probate judges are NOT to begin issuing same-sex "marriage" licenses.
UPDATE 3/6/15: Alabama Supreme Court Halts ALL Same-sex "Marriages" (see excerpts below)
UPDATE 10/7/15: 'Gay Marriage' Stopped in Alabama by Judges
For background, read 'Gay Marriage' Loses in Federal Court, on to Supreme Court
Also read the increasing number of court rulings AGAINST the redefinition of marriage.
And read 'Gay Marriage' Not Favored in Polls, Only in Court
From "Alabama Supreme Court Justice calls same-sex marriage ruling 'tyranny'" by Matt Bradwell, UPI 1/28/15
In the letter [to Gov. Bentley], Moore claims the District Court's ruling "raised serious, legitimate concerns about the propriety of federal court jurisdiction" and he even goes as far as to assert the ruling was an "unlawful opinion" and act of "tyranny."
On Friday, U.S. District Judge Ginny Granade ruled Alabama's law banning same-sex marriage was unconstitutional and actually harmed the children its supporters attempted to frame their defense around.
Within a day of sending the letter to Bentley, civil rights group The Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC] filed an ethics complaint against Moore with the Judicial Inquiry Commission of Alabama.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore says federal judge's ruling on gay marriage not binding" by Mike Cason, The Birmingham News 1/28/15
Moore said his letter to the governor was not public comment on the case. He said as chief justice he is also the top administrator of the state court system.
"My duty as chief justice and administrative head of the court system is to enlighten those courts under my authority as to what the law is in this matter," Moore said.
"And the law is clearly that federal district courts and appellate courts are only persuasive authority to the courts of this state because the judges of state courts are equally competent to interpret federal law."
"Many states have just caved to it," Moore said. "They absolutely have. When a federal district judge rules, that's it. But they didn't have to.
"And I'm saying we don't have to. And it's in accordance with the law. It's not defiance."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore Threatens To Defy 'Tyranny' Of Federal Courts On Gay Marriage" by Ryan J. Reilly, Huffington Post 1/27/15
Moore's letter to Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley (R) came a few days after a federal judge in the state ruled that Alabama's same-sex marriage ban violates the constitutional rights of gay citizens. The ruling in Alabama is currently stayed for two weeks to allow the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to decide whether the marriages should continue to be delayed until the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on the constitutionality of state same-sex marriage bans later this year.
While he didn't spell out exactly how he planned to defy the ruling of a federal court, Moore said he would "continue to recognize the Alabama Constitution," which has an amendment that bans same-sex marriage. Moore also pointed out rulings from the Supreme Court of Alabama -- from 1870 and 1904 -- that called marriage a "divine institution" and a "sacred relation."
Moore even quoted a U.S. Supreme Court ruling from 1885 (which was later quoted in a 1908 Supreme Court case) that he said indicated the court recognized the importance of marriage and family. He said the "destruction of that institution is upon us by federal courts using specious pretexts based on the Equal Protection, Due Process, and Full Faith and Credit Clauses" of the Constitution. He said that 44 federal courts have "imposed by judicial fiat same-sex marriages in 21 states of the union."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Chief Justice of Alabama Supreme Court Against Gay Marriage" posted at JD Journal 1/28/15
In the letter, Moore wrote, “I am dismayed by those judges in our state who have stated they will recognize and unilaterally enforce a federal court decision which does not bind them. I would advise them that the issuance of such licenses would be in defiance of the laws and constitution of Alabama.”
A constitutional law expert from the University of Alabama School of Law, Ronald Krotoszynski, said that the letter from Moore will carry very little weight. The reason for this is that federal constitutional law overrides that of the individual state constitutions.
“There is no credible legal argument that an order from a federal judge with jurisdiction over a matter isn’t binding on a state government,” he said.
Governor Bentley has said that he is in support of the state’s gay marriage ban and will fight to uphold it.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore says he will continue to recognize ban on same-sex marriage" by Mike Cason, The Birmingham News 1/27/15
[Gov.] Bentley issued a statement today after Moore's letter was released.
"The people of Alabama elected me to uphold our state Constitution, and when I took the oath of office last week, that is what I promised to do," the governor said.
"The people of Alabama voted in a constitutional amendment to define marriage as being between man and woman. As governor, I must uphold the Constitution. I am disappointed in Friday's ruling, and I will continue to oppose this ruling. The Federal government must not infringe on the rights of states."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore Defies Federal Court on Gay Marriage; SPLC Files Ethics Complaint" by Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter 1/29/15
Alabama's government has opted to continue defending the constitutional amendment, filing a request to grant a stay until the US Supreme Court renders a decision on the matter.
Some observers, reported Fox News, believe that the ruling, even if it takes effect, may have a more limited scope than assumed.
"The Alabama Probate Judges' Association maintains that Friday's ruling applies only to the parties in that case, and that it doesn't require judges to issue marriage licenses to other same-sex couples," noted Fox [News].
Filed Wednesday, the SPLC's complaint was brought before the Judicial Inquiry Commission of Alabama and alleged that "Moore's actions violate Alabama's Canons of Judicial Ethics in numerous and significant regards."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Roy Moore denounces same-sex marriage ruling" by Brian Lyman, Montgomery Advertiser 1/27/15
. . . Rep. Patricia Todd, Alabama's only openly gay legislator, threatened to reveal which "pro-family value" politicians were having extramarital affairs if they continued criticizing gay marriage as immoral.
"I'm sick of the hypocrisy. If you start disparaging my [sexually deviant] community, and I know that you are not exactly the family values person that you put yourself out to be, well, then, beware," Todd, D-Birmingham, said.
Moore apparently was not worried.
Todd, who first made her threat on Facebook, has yet to follow through, and has acknowledged that to do so risked slander.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Letter from Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore to Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley" 1/27/15
The recent ruling of Judge Callie Granade of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama has raised serious, legitimate concerns about the propriety of federal court jurisdiction over the Alabama Sanctity of Marriage Amendment. Art, I, § 36.03, Ala, Const. of 1901.
As you know, nothing in the United States Constitution grants the federal government the authority to redefine the institution of marriage The people of this state have specifically recognized in our Constitution that marriage is “[a] sacred covenant, solemnized between a man and a woman”; that “[a] marriage contracted between individuals of the same sex is invalid in this state”; and that “[al union replicating marriage of or between persons of the same sex. . . shall be considered and treated in all respects as having no legal force or effect in this state.” Art. I, § 36.03(c), (b) & (g), Ala. Const. of 1901.
The Supreme Court of Alabama has likewise described marriage as “a divine institution,” imposing upon the parties “higher moral and religious obligations than those imposed by any mere human institution or government.” Hughes v. Hughes, 44 Ala. 698, 703 (1870). In Smith v. Smith, 141 Ala. 590, 592, 37 So. 638, 639 (1904), this Court again referred to marriage as a sacred relation.
Even the United States Supreme Court has repeatedly recognized that the basic foundation of marriage and family upon which our Country rests is “the union for life of one man and one woman in the holy estate of matrimony; the sure foundation of all that is stable and noble in our civilization; the best guaranty of that reverent morality which is the source of all beneficent progress in social and political improvement.” Murphy v. Ramsey, 114 U.S. 15, 45 (1885) (quoted in United States v. Bitty, 208 U.S. 393, 401 (1908)).
Today the destruction of that institution is upon us by federal courts using specious pretexts based on the Equal Protection, Due Process, and Full Faith and Credit Clauses of the United States Constitution. As of this date, 44 federal courts have imposed by judicial fiat same-sex marriages in 21 states of the Union, overturning the express will of the people in those states. If we are to preserve that “reverent morality which is our source of all beneficent progress in social and political improvement,” then we must act to oppose such tyranny!
On December 26, 1825, Thomas Jefferson wrote:
To read the entire letter above, CLICK HERE.
From "States Renew Fight to Stop Same-Sex Marriage" by Richard Fausset And Alan Blinder, New York Times 1/28/15
Republican state legislators in Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas have introduced bills this year that would prohibit state or local government employees from issuing marriage licenses to gay couples, despite federal court rulings declaring bans on same-sex marriage unconstitutional in those states and questions about the constitutionality of the proposed state laws. The bills would also strip the salaries of employees who issued the licenses.
Proponents of same-sex marriage contend that most of the state bills are almost certainly unconstitutional. And even in conservative-dominated statehouses, the chances of passage are unclear, given disagreements within the Republican Party on whether same-sex marriage should be a priority issue. Some experts say they could face sharp rebukes from judges who have ruled in favor of same-sex marriage.
Still, the bills probably foreshadow the kinds of fights that may continue to rage even if the United States Supreme Court eventually rules that same-sex marriages must be allowed in all 50 states. This month, the Supreme Court justices agreed to hear a case that could resolve whether same-sex marriage, currently allowed in 36 states and the District of Columbia, should be the law of the land.
The clash of religious principle with the rulings of the federal courts is perhaps most evident in North Carolina, where at least six magistrate judges, who are called upon to perform civil marriages, quit their jobs after a federal judge approved same-sex marriage there in October.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 3/4/15: From "A defiant Alabama regains ground against gay marriage" by Jay Reeves, Associated Press
The Alabama Supreme Court ordered county probate judges to uphold the state ban pending a final ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, which hears arguments in April on whether gay couples nationwide have a fundamental right to marry and whether states can ban such unions.
The all-Republican court ruled 7-1 that Alabama's 68 probate judges must stop issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples, despite a ruling by Granade that the ban is unconstitutional.
Montgomery County Probate Judge Steven Reed, a Democrat and one of the first to issue gay-marriage licenses following a January ruling by U.S. District Judge Callie Granade in Mobile, said he was duty-bound to turn gays and lesbians away again, for now. But he also suggested that he would join a new round of appeals.
Before Tuesday's ruling, 48 of the state's 67 counties were acknowledging that Alabama had become the 37th U.S. state where gays can legally wed, according to the Human Rights Campaign, which advocates for gay marriage nationwide. By Wednesday afternoon, the group couldn't find any county issuing licenses to gay and lesbian couples.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 3/3/15: From "Alabama Court Orders a Halt to Same-Sex Marriage Licenses" by Campbell Robertson, New York Times
In the decision, the judges insisted they could “interpret the United States Constitution independently from, and even contrary to, federal courts,” and did just that. They took on not just Judge Granade’s ruling point by point but also took issue with the United States Supreme Court’s ruling striking down parts of the federal Defense of Marriage Act in 2013. The judges said marriage is a state matter, but also made a more sweeping case, maintaining that only marriage between a man and a woman “provides the optimum environment for defining the responsibilities of parents and for raising children to become productive members of society.”
“Government has an obvious interest in offspring and the consequences that flow from the creation of each new generation, which is only naturally possible in the opposite-sex relationship, which is the primary reason marriage between men and women is sanctioned by state law,” the court ruled.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 3/6/15: From "Alabama Supreme Court first in nation to defy federal court gay marriage order" by Kent Faulk, The Birmingham News
[Chief Justice Roy] Moore abstained from voting on the Alabama Supreme Court's order this week because he said he didn't want the appearance of impropriety because of his previous public stances against gay marriage.
"I can't explain why more than 20 other states have bowed down to unlawful federal authority but Alabama is not one of them," Moore said. "A federal judge has no authority to overturn a state constitutional amendment in the face of a state court's opinion on the same matter."
Only three states have adopted same-sex marriage by referendum of the people, several state legislatures passed laws allowing it, and seven or eight state supreme courts and federal district orders in about 20 states have been issued to toss out bans and allow it.
"We applaud the Alabama Supreme Court for taking the courageous step of standing up to a blatant overreach by a federal judge and instead choosing to uphold the rule of law and the state's constitutional amendment protecting time-honored marriage," Tim Wildmon, President of American Family Association, stated in a press release.
"For far too long, we have seen errant federal judges unilaterally take the law into their own hands and strike down duly passed marriage protection provisions," Wildmon stated. "The Alabama Supreme Court has shown that it does not take kindly to one federal judge upending state law and overruling the voice of thousands of Alabama voters. We hope and pray that other courts will follow suit and uphold the law, rather than cave to orders to ignore it."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
What's next? Read New York Incestuous Marriage OK: Unanimous Appeals Court and also read Teen Girl to Marry Father in New Jersey—Adult Incest is Legal
UPDATE 3/24/15: 'Husband' Impregnates Both 'Married' Lesbian Wives (Polyamory)
Also read Pedophiles Win in 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals -- that's because Pedophilia is a Sexual Orientation, Like 'Being Gay'
UPDATE 3/6/15: Alabama Supreme Court Halts ALL Same-sex "Marriages" (see excerpts below)
UPDATE 10/7/15: 'Gay Marriage' Stopped in Alabama by Judges
For background, read 'Gay Marriage' Loses in Federal Court, on to Supreme Court
Also read the increasing number of court rulings AGAINST the redefinition of marriage.
And read 'Gay Marriage' Not Favored in Polls, Only in Court
From "Alabama Supreme Court Justice calls same-sex marriage ruling 'tyranny'" by Matt Bradwell, UPI 1/28/15
In the letter [to Gov. Bentley], Moore claims the District Court's ruling "raised serious, legitimate concerns about the propriety of federal court jurisdiction" and he even goes as far as to assert the ruling was an "unlawful opinion" and act of "tyranny."
On Friday, U.S. District Judge Ginny Granade ruled Alabama's law banning same-sex marriage was unconstitutional and actually harmed the children its supporters attempted to frame their defense around.
Within a day of sending the letter to Bentley, civil rights group The Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC] filed an ethics complaint against Moore with the Judicial Inquiry Commission of Alabama.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore says federal judge's ruling on gay marriage not binding" by Mike Cason, The Birmingham News 1/28/15
Moore said his letter to the governor was not public comment on the case. He said as chief justice he is also the top administrator of the state court system.
"My duty as chief justice and administrative head of the court system is to enlighten those courts under my authority as to what the law is in this matter," Moore said.
"And the law is clearly that federal district courts and appellate courts are only persuasive authority to the courts of this state because the judges of state courts are equally competent to interpret federal law."
"Many states have just caved to it," Moore said. "They absolutely have. When a federal district judge rules, that's it. But they didn't have to.
"And I'm saying we don't have to. And it's in accordance with the law. It's not defiance."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore Threatens To Defy 'Tyranny' Of Federal Courts On Gay Marriage" by Ryan J. Reilly, Huffington Post 1/27/15
Moore's letter to Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley (R) came a few days after a federal judge in the state ruled that Alabama's same-sex marriage ban violates the constitutional rights of gay citizens. The ruling in Alabama is currently stayed for two weeks to allow the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to decide whether the marriages should continue to be delayed until the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on the constitutionality of state same-sex marriage bans later this year.
While he didn't spell out exactly how he planned to defy the ruling of a federal court, Moore said he would "continue to recognize the Alabama Constitution," which has an amendment that bans same-sex marriage. Moore also pointed out rulings from the Supreme Court of Alabama -- from 1870 and 1904 -- that called marriage a "divine institution" and a "sacred relation."
Moore even quoted a U.S. Supreme Court ruling from 1885 (which was later quoted in a 1908 Supreme Court case) that he said indicated the court recognized the importance of marriage and family. He said the "destruction of that institution is upon us by federal courts using specious pretexts based on the Equal Protection, Due Process, and Full Faith and Credit Clauses" of the Constitution. He said that 44 federal courts have "imposed by judicial fiat same-sex marriages in 21 states of the union."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Chief Justice of Alabama Supreme Court Against Gay Marriage" posted at JD Journal 1/28/15
In the letter, Moore wrote, “I am dismayed by those judges in our state who have stated they will recognize and unilaterally enforce a federal court decision which does not bind them. I would advise them that the issuance of such licenses would be in defiance of the laws and constitution of Alabama.”
A constitutional law expert from the University of Alabama School of Law, Ronald Krotoszynski, said that the letter from Moore will carry very little weight. The reason for this is that federal constitutional law overrides that of the individual state constitutions.
“There is no credible legal argument that an order from a federal judge with jurisdiction over a matter isn’t binding on a state government,” he said.
Governor Bentley has said that he is in support of the state’s gay marriage ban and will fight to uphold it.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore says he will continue to recognize ban on same-sex marriage" by Mike Cason, The Birmingham News 1/27/15
[Gov.] Bentley issued a statement today after Moore's letter was released.
"The people of Alabama elected me to uphold our state Constitution, and when I took the oath of office last week, that is what I promised to do," the governor said.
"The people of Alabama voted in a constitutional amendment to define marriage as being between man and woman. As governor, I must uphold the Constitution. I am disappointed in Friday's ruling, and I will continue to oppose this ruling. The Federal government must not infringe on the rights of states."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore Defies Federal Court on Gay Marriage; SPLC Files Ethics Complaint" by Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter 1/29/15
Alabama's government has opted to continue defending the constitutional amendment, filing a request to grant a stay until the US Supreme Court renders a decision on the matter.
Some observers, reported Fox News, believe that the ruling, even if it takes effect, may have a more limited scope than assumed.
"The Alabama Probate Judges' Association maintains that Friday's ruling applies only to the parties in that case, and that it doesn't require judges to issue marriage licenses to other same-sex couples," noted Fox [News].
Filed Wednesday, the SPLC's complaint was brought before the Judicial Inquiry Commission of Alabama and alleged that "Moore's actions violate Alabama's Canons of Judicial Ethics in numerous and significant regards."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Roy Moore denounces same-sex marriage ruling" by Brian Lyman, Montgomery Advertiser 1/27/15
. . . Rep. Patricia Todd, Alabama's only openly gay legislator, threatened to reveal which "pro-family value" politicians were having extramarital affairs if they continued criticizing gay marriage as immoral.
"I'm sick of the hypocrisy. If you start disparaging my [sexually deviant] community, and I know that you are not exactly the family values person that you put yourself out to be, well, then, beware," Todd, D-Birmingham, said.
Moore apparently was not worried.
Todd, who first made her threat on Facebook, has yet to follow through, and has acknowledged that to do so risked slander.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Letter from Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore to Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley" 1/27/15
The recent ruling of Judge Callie Granade of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama has raised serious, legitimate concerns about the propriety of federal court jurisdiction over the Alabama Sanctity of Marriage Amendment. Art, I, § 36.03, Ala, Const. of 1901.
As you know, nothing in the United States Constitution grants the federal government the authority to redefine the institution of marriage The people of this state have specifically recognized in our Constitution that marriage is “[a] sacred covenant, solemnized between a man and a woman”; that “[a] marriage contracted between individuals of the same sex is invalid in this state”; and that “[al union replicating marriage of or between persons of the same sex. . . shall be considered and treated in all respects as having no legal force or effect in this state.” Art. I, § 36.03(c), (b) & (g), Ala. Const. of 1901.
The Supreme Court of Alabama has likewise described marriage as “a divine institution,” imposing upon the parties “higher moral and religious obligations than those imposed by any mere human institution or government.” Hughes v. Hughes, 44 Ala. 698, 703 (1870). In Smith v. Smith, 141 Ala. 590, 592, 37 So. 638, 639 (1904), this Court again referred to marriage as a sacred relation.
Even the United States Supreme Court has repeatedly recognized that the basic foundation of marriage and family upon which our Country rests is “the union for life of one man and one woman in the holy estate of matrimony; the sure foundation of all that is stable and noble in our civilization; the best guaranty of that reverent morality which is the source of all beneficent progress in social and political improvement.” Murphy v. Ramsey, 114 U.S. 15, 45 (1885) (quoted in United States v. Bitty, 208 U.S. 393, 401 (1908)).
Today the destruction of that institution is upon us by federal courts using specious pretexts based on the Equal Protection, Due Process, and Full Faith and Credit Clauses of the United States Constitution. As of this date, 44 federal courts have imposed by judicial fiat same-sex marriages in 21 states of the Union, overturning the express will of the people in those states. If we are to preserve that “reverent morality which is our source of all beneficent progress in social and political improvement,” then we must act to oppose such tyranny!
On December 26, 1825, Thomas Jefferson wrote:
I see as you do, and with the deepest affliction, the rapid strides with which the federal branch of our government is advancing towards the usurpation of all the rights reserved to the States, and the consolidation in itself of all powers foreign and domestic and that too, by constructions which, if legitimate, leave no limits to their power. Take together the decisions of the federal court the doctrines of the President and the misconstructions of the constitutional compact [US, Constitution], acted on by the legislature of the federal branch, and it is but too evident that the three ruling branches of that department are in combination to strip their colleagues, the State authorities, of the powers reserved by them, and to exercise themselves, all functions foreign and domestic.Jefferson’s words precisely express my sentiments on this occasion. Our State Constitution and our morality are under attack by a federal court decision that has no basis in the Constitution of the United States. Nothing in the United States Constitution grants to the federal government the authority to desecrate the institution of marriage. Indeed, the Tenth Amendment states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” U.S. Const. Amend. X. An infringement upon the definition of marriage affects all that have entered into it in the past as well as all who will enter in the future.
Letter to William Branch Giles, December 26, 1825
To read the entire letter above, CLICK HERE.
From "States Renew Fight to Stop Same-Sex Marriage" by Richard Fausset And Alan Blinder, New York Times 1/28/15
Republican state legislators in Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas have introduced bills this year that would prohibit state or local government employees from issuing marriage licenses to gay couples, despite federal court rulings declaring bans on same-sex marriage unconstitutional in those states and questions about the constitutionality of the proposed state laws. The bills would also strip the salaries of employees who issued the licenses.
Proponents of same-sex marriage contend that most of the state bills are almost certainly unconstitutional. And even in conservative-dominated statehouses, the chances of passage are unclear, given disagreements within the Republican Party on whether same-sex marriage should be a priority issue. Some experts say they could face sharp rebukes from judges who have ruled in favor of same-sex marriage.
Still, the bills probably foreshadow the kinds of fights that may continue to rage even if the United States Supreme Court eventually rules that same-sex marriages must be allowed in all 50 states. This month, the Supreme Court justices agreed to hear a case that could resolve whether same-sex marriage, currently allowed in 36 states and the District of Columbia, should be the law of the land.
The clash of religious principle with the rulings of the federal courts is perhaps most evident in North Carolina, where at least six magistrate judges, who are called upon to perform civil marriages, quit their jobs after a federal judge approved same-sex marriage there in October.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 3/4/15: From "A defiant Alabama regains ground against gay marriage" by Jay Reeves, Associated Press
The Alabama Supreme Court ordered county probate judges to uphold the state ban pending a final ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, which hears arguments in April on whether gay couples nationwide have a fundamental right to marry and whether states can ban such unions.
The all-Republican court ruled 7-1 that Alabama's 68 probate judges must stop issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples, despite a ruling by Granade that the ban is unconstitutional.
Montgomery County Probate Judge Steven Reed, a Democrat and one of the first to issue gay-marriage licenses following a January ruling by U.S. District Judge Callie Granade in Mobile, said he was duty-bound to turn gays and lesbians away again, for now. But he also suggested that he would join a new round of appeals.
Before Tuesday's ruling, 48 of the state's 67 counties were acknowledging that Alabama had become the 37th U.S. state where gays can legally wed, according to the Human Rights Campaign, which advocates for gay marriage nationwide. By Wednesday afternoon, the group couldn't find any county issuing licenses to gay and lesbian couples.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 3/3/15: From "Alabama Court Orders a Halt to Same-Sex Marriage Licenses" by Campbell Robertson, New York Times
In the decision, the judges insisted they could “interpret the United States Constitution independently from, and even contrary to, federal courts,” and did just that. They took on not just Judge Granade’s ruling point by point but also took issue with the United States Supreme Court’s ruling striking down parts of the federal Defense of Marriage Act in 2013. The judges said marriage is a state matter, but also made a more sweeping case, maintaining that only marriage between a man and a woman “provides the optimum environment for defining the responsibilities of parents and for raising children to become productive members of society.”
“Government has an obvious interest in offspring and the consequences that flow from the creation of each new generation, which is only naturally possible in the opposite-sex relationship, which is the primary reason marriage between men and women is sanctioned by state law,” the court ruled.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 3/6/15: From "Alabama Supreme Court first in nation to defy federal court gay marriage order" by Kent Faulk, The Birmingham News
[Chief Justice Roy] Moore abstained from voting on the Alabama Supreme Court's order this week because he said he didn't want the appearance of impropriety because of his previous public stances against gay marriage.
"I can't explain why more than 20 other states have bowed down to unlawful federal authority but Alabama is not one of them," Moore said. "A federal judge has no authority to overturn a state constitutional amendment in the face of a state court's opinion on the same matter."
Only three states have adopted same-sex marriage by referendum of the people, several state legislatures passed laws allowing it, and seven or eight state supreme courts and federal district orders in about 20 states have been issued to toss out bans and allow it.
"We applaud the Alabama Supreme Court for taking the courageous step of standing up to a blatant overreach by a federal judge and instead choosing to uphold the rule of law and the state's constitutional amendment protecting time-honored marriage," Tim Wildmon, President of American Family Association, stated in a press release.
"For far too long, we have seen errant federal judges unilaterally take the law into their own hands and strike down duly passed marriage protection provisions," Wildmon stated. "The Alabama Supreme Court has shown that it does not take kindly to one federal judge upending state law and overruling the voice of thousands of Alabama voters. We hope and pray that other courts will follow suit and uphold the law, rather than cave to orders to ignore it."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
What's next? Read New York Incestuous Marriage OK: Unanimous Appeals Court and also read Teen Girl to Marry Father in New Jersey—Adult Incest is Legal
UPDATE 3/24/15: 'Husband' Impregnates Both 'Married' Lesbian Wives (Polyamory)
Also read Pedophiles Win in 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals -- that's because Pedophilia is a Sexual Orientation, Like 'Being Gay'
Christian citizenship,
gay agenda,
judicial activism,
marriage amendment,
same-sex marriage,
Supreme Court,
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Gay, Lesbian Teachers Arrested: Sex with Students
On Monday, police charged Michael P. Landreth, 24, a teacher at Clover (South Carolina) High School, with sexual battery of a 16-year-old male student. Also on Monday, Kandace Christopher, 26, of Fort Payne, Alabama — a teacher at Scottsboro High School — was charged with a felony for having sex with a female student under the age of 19.
For background, click headlines below to read previous articles:
Homosexual Teacher in Brooklyn Paid Boy for Oral Sex
Homosexual Teacher Jailed in Penn. for Paying Boys to Sext Him
Homosexual Teacher Rapes 1st Grader in New Orleans
Homosexual Teacher Arrested on Child Porn in Illinois
Homosexual Teacher Says Child Porn OK to View
Drama-teaching Gay Sex Offenders is a California Trend
Also read Mississippi School Attacked for Countering 'Gay Clubs'
-- From "Clover teacher charged with sexual battery with a student" posted at WBTV-TV3 (Charlotte, NC) 1/26/15
On Thursday, January 22, school principal Mark Hopkins received a report about Landreth's alleged inappropriate behavior toward a student and an investigation began. Investigators did not give further details, but school officials say the behavior happened off-campus.
Landreth, who taught math at the school, resigned from his position and was arrested on Monday.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Warrants: Clover High teacher had sex with student at his home, gave teen alcohol" by Rachel Southmayd, The State (Columbia, SC) 1/27/15
A Clover High School math teacher and coach had sex with a student and provided him with alcohol at the teacher’s home [near Lake Wylie on Valley Forge Drive] last summer, arrest warrants released Tuesday allege.
Landreth’s charge of sexual battery notes it was “without force or coercion,” meaning the sexual activity was consensual. South Carolina law states that sexual relations between a teacher and a student who is 16 or 17 is a felony regardless of consent, punishable by up to five years in prison.
Clover school officials were notified of the inappropriate relationship between Landreth and a student last week, schools spokesman Mychal Frost said. Officials immediately began an investigation and notified the York County Sheriff’s Office, he said.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Ex-Clover teacher, coach accused of having sex with student" by Rachel Southmayd, Lake Wylie Pilot 1/26/15
The [school] district said all applicants for employee positions in the school district are subject to a South Carolina Law Enforcement Division background check, and a Central Registry of Child Abuse and Neglect check through the Department of Social Services.
It is against South Carolina law for a person “affiliated with a … school in an official capacity” to have sex with a student, even if the relationship is consensual. If the student is 16 or 17 years old, the crime is a felony and that person could face up to five years in prison.
Landreth graduated from Anderson University in December 2012 with a degree in mathematics secondary education, according to the Web page, which is no longer posted on the school’s site. Landreth started working at Clover High School after graduating from Anderson.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Scottsboro High School teacher resigns; accused of sexual misconduct with student" by Melissa Riopka, WHNT-TV19 (Huntsville, AL) 1/27/15
Scottsboro Police say 26-year-old Kandace Christopher was booked on two charges Monday. Those charges are one felony count of a school employee engaging in a sex act with a student under the age of 19 and one misdemeanor count of a school employee having sexual contact with a student under 19. Christopher’s bond was set at $16,000 and she was transferred to the Jackson County Jail.
Police followed up with a criminal investigation, and determined a relationship took place between the [female] student and the teacher, Christopher, for the past three months. According to Scottsboro High School’s website, Christopher was a world history teacher as well as a softball and basketball coach.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Local teacher resigns following charges of sexual relations with student" by Wes Mayberry, The Daily Sentinel (Scottsboro, AL) 1/27/15
“Responding officers learned that the juvenile ran away after being confronted by her parents about a relationship between the juvenile and a teacher/coach from school,” [Scottsboro Police Lt. Erik] Dohring said. “The juvenile was located several hours later and returned to her parents.”
The Scottsboro Police Department Detective Unit followed up with a criminal investigation following this allegation of an inappropriate relationship between the student and her teacher. Dohring said the investigation revealed that the relationship did occur involving the student and history teacher Kandace Marie Christopher, 26 of Fort Payne, over the past three months. Christopher also served as a junior high basketball coach and assistant varsity softball coach.
On Monday, at 11:55 a.m., officers arrested Christopher and charged her with school employee engaging in a sex act or deviant sexual intercourse with a student under the age of 19 (Class B felony) and school employee having sexual contact with a student under the age of 19 (Class A misdemeanor). Christopher was transported to the Scottsboro City Jail and was transferred to the Jackson County Jail. She was released on $16,000 bond at 4:36 p.m. Monday. Per Judge Don Word, the bond holds the condition that Christopher makes no contact with the juvenile victim.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Scottsboro High School Teacher arrested" posted at The Clarion (Northeast Alabama) 1/27/15
According to a statement released by the Scottsboro City School System superintendent, Dr. Sandra Spivey: "Yesterday, we received a report of misconduct by a teacher in our school system. We immediately notified DHR, the Scottsboro Police Department and the Alabama State Department of Education. While conducting our internal investigation, the employee submitted a resignation effective immediately. It is the practice of the Scottsboro City School System to cooperate with law enforcement in situations of this kind and we will continue to cooperate with law enforcement in the criminal investigation of this matter."
Jail records confirm that Christopher posted bond and has been released.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Most Americans Say Gay Men Untrustworthy with Boys
In addition, read Pedophilia is Sexual Orientation, Like 'Being Gay' and also read Normalization of Pedophilia Urged by Psychiatrists
For background, click headlines below to read previous articles:
Homosexual Teacher in Brooklyn Paid Boy for Oral Sex
Homosexual Teacher Jailed in Penn. for Paying Boys to Sext Him
Homosexual Teacher Rapes 1st Grader in New Orleans
Homosexual Teacher Arrested on Child Porn in Illinois
Homosexual Teacher Says Child Porn OK to View
Drama-teaching Gay Sex Offenders is a California Trend
Also read Mississippi School Attacked for Countering 'Gay Clubs'
-- From "Clover teacher charged with sexual battery with a student" posted at WBTV-TV3 (Charlotte, NC) 1/26/15
On Thursday, January 22, school principal Mark Hopkins received a report about Landreth's alleged inappropriate behavior toward a student and an investigation began. Investigators did not give further details, but school officials say the behavior happened off-campus.
Landreth, who taught math at the school, resigned from his position and was arrested on Monday.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Warrants: Clover High teacher had sex with student at his home, gave teen alcohol" by Rachel Southmayd, The State (Columbia, SC) 1/27/15
A Clover High School math teacher and coach had sex with a student and provided him with alcohol at the teacher’s home [near Lake Wylie on Valley Forge Drive] last summer, arrest warrants released Tuesday allege.
Landreth’s charge of sexual battery notes it was “without force or coercion,” meaning the sexual activity was consensual. South Carolina law states that sexual relations between a teacher and a student who is 16 or 17 is a felony regardless of consent, punishable by up to five years in prison.
Clover school officials were notified of the inappropriate relationship between Landreth and a student last week, schools spokesman Mychal Frost said. Officials immediately began an investigation and notified the York County Sheriff’s Office, he said.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Ex-Clover teacher, coach accused of having sex with student" by Rachel Southmayd, Lake Wylie Pilot 1/26/15
The [school] district said all applicants for employee positions in the school district are subject to a South Carolina Law Enforcement Division background check, and a Central Registry of Child Abuse and Neglect check through the Department of Social Services.
It is against South Carolina law for a person “affiliated with a … school in an official capacity” to have sex with a student, even if the relationship is consensual. If the student is 16 or 17 years old, the crime is a felony and that person could face up to five years in prison.
Landreth graduated from Anderson University in December 2012 with a degree in mathematics secondary education, according to the Web page, which is no longer posted on the school’s site. Landreth started working at Clover High School after graduating from Anderson.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Scottsboro High School teacher resigns; accused of sexual misconduct with student" by Melissa Riopka, WHNT-TV19 (Huntsville, AL) 1/27/15
Scottsboro Police say 26-year-old Kandace Christopher was booked on two charges Monday. Those charges are one felony count of a school employee engaging in a sex act with a student under the age of 19 and one misdemeanor count of a school employee having sexual contact with a student under 19. Christopher’s bond was set at $16,000 and she was transferred to the Jackson County Jail.
Police followed up with a criminal investigation, and determined a relationship took place between the [female] student and the teacher, Christopher, for the past three months. According to Scottsboro High School’s website, Christopher was a world history teacher as well as a softball and basketball coach.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Local teacher resigns following charges of sexual relations with student" by Wes Mayberry, The Daily Sentinel (Scottsboro, AL) 1/27/15
“Responding officers learned that the juvenile ran away after being confronted by her parents about a relationship between the juvenile and a teacher/coach from school,” [Scottsboro Police Lt. Erik] Dohring said. “The juvenile was located several hours later and returned to her parents.”
The Scottsboro Police Department Detective Unit followed up with a criminal investigation following this allegation of an inappropriate relationship between the student and her teacher. Dohring said the investigation revealed that the relationship did occur involving the student and history teacher Kandace Marie Christopher, 26 of Fort Payne, over the past three months. Christopher also served as a junior high basketball coach and assistant varsity softball coach.
On Monday, at 11:55 a.m., officers arrested Christopher and charged her with school employee engaging in a sex act or deviant sexual intercourse with a student under the age of 19 (Class B felony) and school employee having sexual contact with a student under the age of 19 (Class A misdemeanor). Christopher was transported to the Scottsboro City Jail and was transferred to the Jackson County Jail. She was released on $16,000 bond at 4:36 p.m. Monday. Per Judge Don Word, the bond holds the condition that Christopher makes no contact with the juvenile victim.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Scottsboro High School Teacher arrested" posted at The Clarion (Northeast Alabama) 1/27/15
According to a statement released by the Scottsboro City School System superintendent, Dr. Sandra Spivey: "Yesterday, we received a report of misconduct by a teacher in our school system. We immediately notified DHR, the Scottsboro Police Department and the Alabama State Department of Education. While conducting our internal investigation, the employee submitted a resignation effective immediately. It is the practice of the Scottsboro City School System to cooperate with law enforcement in situations of this kind and we will continue to cooperate with law enforcement in the criminal investigation of this matter."
Jail records confirm that Christopher posted bond and has been released.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Most Americans Say Gay Men Untrustworthy with Boys
In addition, read Pedophilia is Sexual Orientation, Like 'Being Gay' and also read Normalization of Pedophilia Urged by Psychiatrists
public schools,
sex offenders,
sexual immorality,
sexual predator,
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Pelosi Anti-Life Science NOT Catholic: Archbishop
When San Francisco Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was asked if an unborn baby is a human being at 20 weeks gestation, she said that the mother is the one who matters and anyway that's not a question for politicians to answer. In response, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone denounced House Minority Leader Pelosi's refusal to verbalize the “scientific fact that human life begins at conception,” and he further stated that “no Catholic can dissent in good conscience” from the Church teaching on abortion.
For background, read Archbishop Cordileone Rebuts Pelosi's Government-run Church and also read Rep. Nancy Pelosi is a Fraud, Catholic Leaders Say as well as Pope Francis Says Wayward Politicians Can't Take Communion (e.g.: Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, et. al.)
And read Pelosi Thanks God for Nuns' Support for Abortion Bill
Not surprisingly, the liberal media ignore Pope Francis when he speaks on the sanctity of life.
In addition, read Liberals Embrace Science Lies, Reject Science Truth
-- From "Pelosi On Abortion: The Mother Comes First" by Rachel Stoltzfoos, Reporter, Daily Caller 1/22/15
“I don’t think it’s up to politicians to do that,” Pelosi said in a briefing Thursday.
“You know it’s really interesting that you would come to these meetings to talk about [abortion],” she told the reporter. “The fact is what we have said. The life and the health of a mother is what is preeminent when a decision is made about a woman’s reproductive health.”
“It isn’t an ideological fight,” she added. “It’s a personal health issue. This is up to women — their conscience, their god their doctor, their health, their fate, survival.”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "SF Archbishop on Pelosi: No Catholic Can Dissent from Church Teaching on Abortion" by Lauretta Brown, 1/26/15
At her Jan. 22 briefing Pelosi said she had "great standing" to speak on the issue of abortion, noting that she was a "Catholic and a mom of five" and asserting that it was "true" she knew "more about having babies than the pope." asked Archbishop Cordileone about Pelosi’s comments on human life, particularly in light her self-description “as a Catholic and a mom of five."
"It is a scientific fact that human life begins at conception," the archbishop said in a written statement to "This has been established in medical science for over 100 years. Catholic moral teaching acknowledges this scientific fact, and has always affirmed the grave moral evil of taking an innocent human life.
“This has been the consistent teaching of the Church from the very beginning, a teaching already discernible in the natural moral law, and so a teaching from which no Catholic can dissent in good conscience,” he said.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Pelosi asked twice if unborn baby at 20 weeks is ‘human’: refuses to respond" by John Jalsevac, 1/23/15
The question, and follow-up, were asked by a reporter with CNSNews in reference to the ongoing debate about a bill in Congress that would ban abortion after 20 weeks, except in cases of rape, incest, and a threat to the life of the mother. . . . One recent poll found that 84% of Americans support the bill. "Is an unborn child 20 weeks into pregnancy a human being?"
Pelosi: "You know what, what we're talking about on the floor of the House is something that says politicians should determine what effects the health of a woman, her life, her health, and the rest. I don't think it's up to politicians to do that. And that's why we are very overwhelmingly opposing what is going on on the floor of the House."
Later… "My question is pretty simple. On the abortion issue, I understand your position on the legislation, but even the legislation aside, when it comes to the matter of whether or not an unborn child is a human being at 20 weeks gestation, what is your personal take on it. If it is not a human being, then what do you believe it is?
Pelosi: “You know it is really interesting that you would come to these meetings to talk about it. The fact is is what we have said: The life and the health of the mother is what is preeminent in when a decision is made about a woman’s reproductive health. It isn't an ideological fight, it is a personal health issue."
To read the entire Pelosi transcript above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 1/27/15: Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-Calif. and chairman of House Democratic Caucus) won't answer if unborn child 20 weeks into pregnancy is human being. (video)
Also read President Obama Touts Abortion, While Americans March Against It
And read As Pro-life Laws Sweep America, Liberals Battle Back as well as 75% of Abortion Clinics Closed: Jan. 2015 vs. 1991
For background, read Archbishop Cordileone Rebuts Pelosi's Government-run Church and also read Rep. Nancy Pelosi is a Fraud, Catholic Leaders Say as well as Pope Francis Says Wayward Politicians Can't Take Communion (e.g.: Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, et. al.)
And read Pelosi Thanks God for Nuns' Support for Abortion Bill
Not surprisingly, the liberal media ignore Pope Francis when he speaks on the sanctity of life.
In addition, read Liberals Embrace Science Lies, Reject Science Truth
-- From "Pelosi On Abortion: The Mother Comes First" by Rachel Stoltzfoos, Reporter, Daily Caller 1/22/15
“I don’t think it’s up to politicians to do that,” Pelosi said in a briefing Thursday.
“You know it’s really interesting that you would come to these meetings to talk about [abortion],” she told the reporter. “The fact is what we have said. The life and the health of a mother is what is preeminent when a decision is made about a woman’s reproductive health.”
“It isn’t an ideological fight,” she added. “It’s a personal health issue. This is up to women — their conscience, their god their doctor, their health, their fate, survival.”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "SF Archbishop on Pelosi: No Catholic Can Dissent from Church Teaching on Abortion" by Lauretta Brown, 1/26/15
At her Jan. 22 briefing Pelosi said she had "great standing" to speak on the issue of abortion, noting that she was a "Catholic and a mom of five" and asserting that it was "true" she knew "more about having babies than the pope." asked Archbishop Cordileone about Pelosi’s comments on human life, particularly in light her self-description “as a Catholic and a mom of five."
"It is a scientific fact that human life begins at conception," the archbishop said in a written statement to "This has been established in medical science for over 100 years. Catholic moral teaching acknowledges this scientific fact, and has always affirmed the grave moral evil of taking an innocent human life.
“This has been the consistent teaching of the Church from the very beginning, a teaching already discernible in the natural moral law, and so a teaching from which no Catholic can dissent in good conscience,” he said.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Pelosi asked twice if unborn baby at 20 weeks is ‘human’: refuses to respond" by John Jalsevac, 1/23/15
The question, and follow-up, were asked by a reporter with CNSNews in reference to the ongoing debate about a bill in Congress that would ban abortion after 20 weeks, except in cases of rape, incest, and a threat to the life of the mother. . . . One recent poll found that 84% of Americans support the bill. "Is an unborn child 20 weeks into pregnancy a human being?"
Pelosi: "You know what, what we're talking about on the floor of the House is something that says politicians should determine what effects the health of a woman, her life, her health, and the rest. I don't think it's up to politicians to do that. And that's why we are very overwhelmingly opposing what is going on on the floor of the House."
Later… "My question is pretty simple. On the abortion issue, I understand your position on the legislation, but even the legislation aside, when it comes to the matter of whether or not an unborn child is a human being at 20 weeks gestation, what is your personal take on it. If it is not a human being, then what do you believe it is?
Pelosi: “You know it is really interesting that you would come to these meetings to talk about it. The fact is is what we have said: The life and the health of the mother is what is preeminent in when a decision is made about a woman’s reproductive health. It isn't an ideological fight, it is a personal health issue."
To read the entire Pelosi transcript above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 1/27/15: Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-Calif. and chairman of House Democratic Caucus) won't answer if unborn child 20 weeks into pregnancy is human being. (video)
Also read President Obama Touts Abortion, While Americans March Against It
And read As Pro-life Laws Sweep America, Liberals Battle Back as well as 75% of Abortion Clinics Closed: Jan. 2015 vs. 1991
church leadership,
fetal pain,
Nancy Pelosi,
San Francisco,
Monday, January 26, 2015
LSU Homosexualists Protest Louisiana Prayer Rally
As many as 7,000 Christians gathered Saturday on the LSU campus in Baton Rouge for "The Response: A Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crisis" with the Louisiana governor as headline speaker, but the LSU academia could only rouse a paltry few hundred of their faithful Gay Agenda advocates outside, while inside . . .
Also read Liberal Media Ignore 40,000 National Prayer Events even though there's a long list of states enacting laws to bring prayer back into public view.
In addition, read myriad examples of censorship of "politically incorrect" speech on college campuses across America.
-- From "Bobby Jindal Headlines All-Day Prayer Rally In Baton Rouge" by Melinda Deslatte, Associated Press 1/24/15
The rally attracted thousands to the basketball arena on LSU's campus but drew controversy both because of the group hosting it, the American Family Association [AFA], and Jindal's well-advertised headlining appearance [at this event, which was not publicly embraced by local Catholic leaders].
Holding his Bible, the two-term Republican governor opened the event by urging a revival to "begin right here, right here in our hearts." Later Saturday afternoon, he described his conversion to Christianity as a teenager.
"Today is about humbling ourselves before the Lord. Today we repent for our sins," he said. Later Jindal told attendees: "We can't just elect a candidate to fix our country ... We need a spiritual revival to fix our country."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "At controversial prayer rally, Jindal calls for spiritual revival" by Rosalind S. Helderman, Washington Post 1/24/15
The event drew protests outside the basketball arena where several hundred were gathered because of accusations that the American Family Association promotes discrimination against gays and is hostile to non-Christians. Jindal briefly referred to the protests in his appearance, asking the rally's attendees to pray for the demonstrators.
Otherwise, he stuck to his personal story, describing his seven-year path to Christianity as he paced the stage in jeans, a blazer, and a TED-speech style microphone headset. He spoke of a high school friend who had told him that he would be missed when the friend and his family went to heaven but Jindal did not. Jindal recalled a girl in high school who said she wanted to grow up to be a Supreme Court justice, so she could "save innocent human lives" from abortion. He spoke of a revelation as he watched a video about Jesus dying on the cross.
By hosting the event, Jindal was unable to attend a more prominent gathering of conservatives being held simultaneously in Iowa. The Iowa Freedom Summit drew a series of possible Republican presidential contenders, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "AFA prayer rally at LSU featuring governor provokes protests" by Nancy Cook, KTAL-TV6 (Texarkana, TX / Shreveport, LA) 1/25/15
"Twenty-seven years ago, I came to Christ as a teenager right here at this campus at Chapel on the campus. It is amazing to me that 27 years later, I'd be able, as Governor, to invite people to come back and offer spiritual renewal and revival that we so desperately need in our state," Jindal said.
But members of LGBTQ communities from around the state, as well as LSU students and faculty, were not buying it, or anyway were not buying that the event should be held on the LSU campus.
The LSU Faculty Senate, in fact, passed a resolution opposing the prayer rally, in part because it was funded by the AFA, which it said was classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The AFA, the resolution claimed, demonizes and makes false claims “about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics, Native Americans and atheists.” The resolution said the event contridicted LSU’s mission “to use its extensive resources to solve economic, environmental and social challenges.”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Thousands turn out for Bobby Jindal's prayer rally at LSU; students, activists protest too" by Elizabeth Crisp, The New Orleans Advocate 1/24/15
Outside LSU’s Pete Maravich Assembly Center, about 400 LSU students, faculty and others peacefully demonstrated, calling for equality for gay people and lesbians, an end to education funding cuts, and unity among the races and religions. Despite the controversy and concern it spawned in the weeks leading up to Jindal’s much-discussed prayer rally, those who attended said they left the event feeling uplifted.
Shamaka Schumake, of Baton Rouge, was among the protestors outside the PMAC. She said she wanted to get involved in the protest because of what she sees as anti-Muslim and anti-gay rhetoric from AFA and others involved.
Though [Jindal] and others have stressed repeatedly that the prayer rally wasn’t political, the event offered Jindal another chance to court evangelicals and the Christian right as he weighs a run for president. Critics had accused him of putting on a political show, just days after his supporters launched a political action committee that would set up a financial framework if he decides to seek the GOP nomination.
He also spoke briefly to an anti-abortion rally at the outdoors Greek Theater on campus while the prayer rally was in progress nearby.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Potential 2016 candidates road test messages on immigration, marriage" by Rebecca Kaplan, CBS News 1/25/15
"If I do decide to run [for president] I think this country, I think our nation, needs leaders who have the courage to speak the truth to us. And unfortunately we don't have that right now," Jindal said. "I'll give you an example: Earlier this week I gave a speech in London where I talked about the threats of radical Islamic terrorism. I know it made a lot of people upset, but we need leaders to tell us the truth. For example, people coming to our country need to integrate, need to assimilate."
Jindal . . . reiterated his believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and took a shot at those politicians who have changed their stance on the issue.
"I know that many politicians are evolving, so-called evolving on this issue based on the polls. I don't change my views based on the polls," Jindal said.
He noted that Louisiana has a law defining marriage as being between a man and a woman, and said that if the court handed down a ruling that invalidated it, he would urge lawmakers in Washington, D.C. to pass a constitutional amendment that allowed states to continue defining marriage.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Atheists, Liberals Lament Recent Supreme Court Religious Liberty Rulings including the ruling that Christians Are Free to Pray in Jesus' Name at Government Meetings
And read Public Prayer: Poll Shows Vast Majority of Americans Want it
In addition, read President Obama Provokes Second 'In God We Trust' Movement
“It's about praying to God. It's about coming together. . . . today is all about a spiritual revival.”For background, read Liberals Launch Salvo at Gov. Jindal Prayer Rally
-- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, self-described "evangelical Catholic" since high school (he was raised Hindu)
Also read Liberal Media Ignore 40,000 National Prayer Events even though there's a long list of states enacting laws to bring prayer back into public view.
In addition, read myriad examples of censorship of "politically incorrect" speech on college campuses across America.
-- From "Bobby Jindal Headlines All-Day Prayer Rally In Baton Rouge" by Melinda Deslatte, Associated Press 1/24/15
The rally attracted thousands to the basketball arena on LSU's campus but drew controversy both because of the group hosting it, the American Family Association [AFA], and Jindal's well-advertised headlining appearance [at this event, which was not publicly embraced by local Catholic leaders].
Holding his Bible, the two-term Republican governor opened the event by urging a revival to "begin right here, right here in our hearts." Later Saturday afternoon, he described his conversion to Christianity as a teenager.
"Today is about humbling ourselves before the Lord. Today we repent for our sins," he said. Later Jindal told attendees: "We can't just elect a candidate to fix our country ... We need a spiritual revival to fix our country."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "At controversial prayer rally, Jindal calls for spiritual revival" by Rosalind S. Helderman, Washington Post 1/24/15
The event drew protests outside the basketball arena where several hundred were gathered because of accusations that the American Family Association promotes discrimination against gays and is hostile to non-Christians. Jindal briefly referred to the protests in his appearance, asking the rally's attendees to pray for the demonstrators.
Otherwise, he stuck to his personal story, describing his seven-year path to Christianity as he paced the stage in jeans, a blazer, and a TED-speech style microphone headset. He spoke of a high school friend who had told him that he would be missed when the friend and his family went to heaven but Jindal did not. Jindal recalled a girl in high school who said she wanted to grow up to be a Supreme Court justice, so she could "save innocent human lives" from abortion. He spoke of a revelation as he watched a video about Jesus dying on the cross.
By hosting the event, Jindal was unable to attend a more prominent gathering of conservatives being held simultaneously in Iowa. The Iowa Freedom Summit drew a series of possible Republican presidential contenders, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "AFA prayer rally at LSU featuring governor provokes protests" by Nancy Cook, KTAL-TV6 (Texarkana, TX / Shreveport, LA) 1/25/15
"Twenty-seven years ago, I came to Christ as a teenager right here at this campus at Chapel on the campus. It is amazing to me that 27 years later, I'd be able, as Governor, to invite people to come back and offer spiritual renewal and revival that we so desperately need in our state," Jindal said.
But members of LGBTQ communities from around the state, as well as LSU students and faculty, were not buying it, or anyway were not buying that the event should be held on the LSU campus.
The LSU Faculty Senate, in fact, passed a resolution opposing the prayer rally, in part because it was funded by the AFA, which it said was classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The AFA, the resolution claimed, demonizes and makes false claims “about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics, Native Americans and atheists.” The resolution said the event contridicted LSU’s mission “to use its extensive resources to solve economic, environmental and social challenges.”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Thousands turn out for Bobby Jindal's prayer rally at LSU; students, activists protest too" by Elizabeth Crisp, The New Orleans Advocate 1/24/15
Outside LSU’s Pete Maravich Assembly Center, about 400 LSU students, faculty and others peacefully demonstrated, calling for equality for gay people and lesbians, an end to education funding cuts, and unity among the races and religions. Despite the controversy and concern it spawned in the weeks leading up to Jindal’s much-discussed prayer rally, those who attended said they left the event feeling uplifted.
Shamaka Schumake, of Baton Rouge, was among the protestors outside the PMAC. She said she wanted to get involved in the protest because of what she sees as anti-Muslim and anti-gay rhetoric from AFA and others involved.
Though [Jindal] and others have stressed repeatedly that the prayer rally wasn’t political, the event offered Jindal another chance to court evangelicals and the Christian right as he weighs a run for president. Critics had accused him of putting on a political show, just days after his supporters launched a political action committee that would set up a financial framework if he decides to seek the GOP nomination.
He also spoke briefly to an anti-abortion rally at the outdoors Greek Theater on campus while the prayer rally was in progress nearby.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Potential 2016 candidates road test messages on immigration, marriage" by Rebecca Kaplan, CBS News 1/25/15
"If I do decide to run [for president] I think this country, I think our nation, needs leaders who have the courage to speak the truth to us. And unfortunately we don't have that right now," Jindal said. "I'll give you an example: Earlier this week I gave a speech in London where I talked about the threats of radical Islamic terrorism. I know it made a lot of people upset, but we need leaders to tell us the truth. For example, people coming to our country need to integrate, need to assimilate."
Jindal . . . reiterated his believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and took a shot at those politicians who have changed their stance on the issue.
"I know that many politicians are evolving, so-called evolving on this issue based on the polls. I don't change my views based on the polls," Jindal said.
He noted that Louisiana has a law defining marriage as being between a man and a woman, and said that if the court handed down a ruling that invalidated it, he would urge lawmakers in Washington, D.C. to pass a constitutional amendment that allowed states to continue defining marriage.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Atheists, Liberals Lament Recent Supreme Court Religious Liberty Rulings including the ruling that Christians Are Free to Pray in Jesus' Name at Government Meetings
And read Public Prayer: Poll Shows Vast Majority of Americans Want it
In addition, read President Obama Provokes Second 'In God We Trust' Movement
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Obama Touts Abortion; Americans March Against It
Although the media largely ignored hundreds of thousands of citizens on the streets across America this week, attention was paid to congressional Republicans debating how to reduce the killing of unborn children. As Americans marched, the president praised ObamaCare for forcing all citizens to pay for the slaughter.
For background, read President Obama Praises Abortion on 41st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
UPDATE 2/9/15 - Gallup Poll: Americans Want Abortion Laws Changed
Also read As Pro-life Laws Sweep America, Liberals Battle Back as well as 75% of Abortion Clinics Closed: Jan. 2015 vs. 1991
-- From "'Roe v. Wade' turns 42; thousands march in opposition" by John Bacon and Greg Toppo, USATODAY 1/22/15
After a brief rally at the Washington Monument, the crowd filled Constitution Avenue, stretching for several blocks as people headed for Capitol Hill.
The march was scheduled to pass in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, but as it neared the marble edifice, a small counterprotest stepped into the street and stopped the marchers. . . . The group, which numbered a few dozen, chanted, "Without these basic rights, women can't be free — abortion on demand and without apology."
Police quickly moved the abortion opponents to the curb and arrested most of the counterprotesters, restraining their arms behind them with plastic ties and carrying them off as the march members cheered. A few chanted, "Je-sus! Je-sus!" and "USA! USA!"
The march took place as congressional leaders canceled a vote, scheduled for Thursday, on an abortion bill sponsored by Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz. The decision came after some members objected that the legislation was too restrictive and would hurt them with voters. Lawmakers instead approved a watered-down bill that would ban federal funding for abortions.
Franks' bill would have banned abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy and provided exceptions for a woman's health and in cases of reported rape or incest involving a minor.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Traffic At A Virtual Standstill As Thousands Of Anti-Abortion Demonstrators Converge On San Francisco" posted at KCBS 1/24/15
Tens of thousands of people who oppose abortion gathered in San Francisco Saturday for the 11th Annual Walk for Life event. The event created major gridlock in The City, with traffic backed up all the way onto the Bay Bridge.
The Walk for Life in San Francisco is one of the largest in the country. It marks the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe Vs. Wade that made abortion legal in this country. The event attracts more than 50,000 people from all over the country who come in by the busloads.
Pastor Clenard Childress was one of them. He came all the way from New Jersey. Childress said it is intellectually dishonest for a woman “to claim a right for herself and in so doing, take away the right of somebody else.”
“This is so hypocritical to me, that we are grateful that our mothers chose life, yet we want a child in the womb to be denied the access we have already gained,” he said.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "White House signals Obama will veto abortion ban" by Irin Carmon, MSNBC 1/20/15
Thursday is, not coincidentally, the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and the day when anti-abortion activists are marching on the National Mall in the annual March for Life, featuring several Republican elected officials. H.R. 36, which bans abortion at 20 weeks on the unscientific (and so far legally irrelevant) claim that fetuses feel pain at that point, passed the House in 2013 but never got a vote in the Senate — which may change now that Republicans control it. About 1% of abortions take place after 20 weeks.
The political strategy of the 20 week ban is clear: Force Democrats to get on the record about later abortions, which poll poorly unless accompanied by information about the difficult circumstances facing women who get them. The legal strategy is also pretty clear: Justice Anthony Kennedy, once a swing vote on abortion, signaled his distaste for later abortions in the last major Supreme Court abortion case, Gonzales v. Carhart. Anti-abortion strategists are hoping to get him to sign onto a 20-week ban with vivid talk of fetal pain, thus undercutting his repeated holding that it’s unconstitutional to ban abortion before a fetus can survive outside of the womb. So far, the Supreme Court has declined to hear recent abortion cases before them, including Arizona’s 20-week ban, which was held unconstitutional by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "House votes to block federal funding of abortion" by Natalie Villacorta, Politico 1/22/15
President Barack Obama lashed out at House passage Thursday of a bill that would permanently prohibit taxpayer funding for abortion. The House easily passed it after GOP leaders had to cancel a vote on another bill that would have banned most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, which got caught up in a fight about exemptions for rape victims.
The House vote took place on the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. Anti-abortion protesters had come to Washington for the annual March for Life.
More than 50 angry march participants showed up outside the office of Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.), who pulled her co-sponsorship of the 20-week ban because of the requirement that rape victims report the crime to law enforcement authorities in order to obtain an exemption.
The House did easily pass H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2015, sponsored by Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.). White House advisers said they would recommend a veto should the bill reach the president’s desk.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Statement by the President on the 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade" posted at 1/22/15
I am deeply committed to protecting this core constitutional right, and I believe that efforts like H.R. 7, the bill the House considered today, would intrude on women's reproductive freedom and access to health care and unnecessarily restrict the private insurance choices that consumers have today. The federal government should not be injecting itself into decisions best made between women, their families, and their doctors. I am also deeply committed to continuing our work to reduce unintended pregnancies, support maternal and child health, promote adoptions, and minimize the need for abortion.
Today, as we reflect on this critical moment in our history, may we all rededicate ourselves to ensuring that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons.
To read the entire statement from President Obama above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 1/22/16: From "Statement by the President on the 43rd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade" posted at
Today, we mark the 43rd anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade, which affirmed a woman’s freedom to make her own choices about her body and her health. The decision supports the broader principle that the government should not intrude on private decisions made between a woman and her doctor. As we commemorate this day, we also redouble our commitment to protecting these constitutional rights, including protecting a woman’s access to safe, affordable health care and her right to reproductive freedom from efforts to undermine or overturn them. In America, every single one of us deserves the rights, freedoms, and opportunities to fulfill our dreams.
To read the entire statement from President Obama above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Taxpayers Provide Almost Half of Planned Parenthood's $Billion$
And read Planned Parenthood Reports its Abortions & Profits Increased Last Year
For background, read President Obama Praises Abortion on 41st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
UPDATE 2/9/15 - Gallup Poll: Americans Want Abortion Laws Changed
Also read As Pro-life Laws Sweep America, Liberals Battle Back as well as 75% of Abortion Clinics Closed: Jan. 2015 vs. 1991
-- From "'Roe v. Wade' turns 42; thousands march in opposition" by John Bacon and Greg Toppo, USATODAY 1/22/15
After a brief rally at the Washington Monument, the crowd filled Constitution Avenue, stretching for several blocks as people headed for Capitol Hill.
The march was scheduled to pass in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, but as it neared the marble edifice, a small counterprotest stepped into the street and stopped the marchers. . . . The group, which numbered a few dozen, chanted, "Without these basic rights, women can't be free — abortion on demand and without apology."
Police quickly moved the abortion opponents to the curb and arrested most of the counterprotesters, restraining their arms behind them with plastic ties and carrying them off as the march members cheered. A few chanted, "Je-sus! Je-sus!" and "USA! USA!"
The march took place as congressional leaders canceled a vote, scheduled for Thursday, on an abortion bill sponsored by Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz. The decision came after some members objected that the legislation was too restrictive and would hurt them with voters. Lawmakers instead approved a watered-down bill that would ban federal funding for abortions.
Franks' bill would have banned abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy and provided exceptions for a woman's health and in cases of reported rape or incest involving a minor.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Traffic At A Virtual Standstill As Thousands Of Anti-Abortion Demonstrators Converge On San Francisco" posted at KCBS 1/24/15
Tens of thousands of people who oppose abortion gathered in San Francisco Saturday for the 11th Annual Walk for Life event. The event created major gridlock in The City, with traffic backed up all the way onto the Bay Bridge.
The Walk for Life in San Francisco is one of the largest in the country. It marks the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe Vs. Wade that made abortion legal in this country. The event attracts more than 50,000 people from all over the country who come in by the busloads.
Pastor Clenard Childress was one of them. He came all the way from New Jersey. Childress said it is intellectually dishonest for a woman “to claim a right for herself and in so doing, take away the right of somebody else.”
“This is so hypocritical to me, that we are grateful that our mothers chose life, yet we want a child in the womb to be denied the access we have already gained,” he said.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "White House signals Obama will veto abortion ban" by Irin Carmon, MSNBC 1/20/15
Thursday is, not coincidentally, the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and the day when anti-abortion activists are marching on the National Mall in the annual March for Life, featuring several Republican elected officials. H.R. 36, which bans abortion at 20 weeks on the unscientific (and so far legally irrelevant) claim that fetuses feel pain at that point, passed the House in 2013 but never got a vote in the Senate — which may change now that Republicans control it. About 1% of abortions take place after 20 weeks.
The political strategy of the 20 week ban is clear: Force Democrats to get on the record about later abortions, which poll poorly unless accompanied by information about the difficult circumstances facing women who get them. The legal strategy is also pretty clear: Justice Anthony Kennedy, once a swing vote on abortion, signaled his distaste for later abortions in the last major Supreme Court abortion case, Gonzales v. Carhart. Anti-abortion strategists are hoping to get him to sign onto a 20-week ban with vivid talk of fetal pain, thus undercutting his repeated holding that it’s unconstitutional to ban abortion before a fetus can survive outside of the womb. So far, the Supreme Court has declined to hear recent abortion cases before them, including Arizona’s 20-week ban, which was held unconstitutional by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "House votes to block federal funding of abortion" by Natalie Villacorta, Politico 1/22/15
President Barack Obama lashed out at House passage Thursday of a bill that would permanently prohibit taxpayer funding for abortion. The House easily passed it after GOP leaders had to cancel a vote on another bill that would have banned most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, which got caught up in a fight about exemptions for rape victims.
The House vote took place on the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. Anti-abortion protesters had come to Washington for the annual March for Life.
More than 50 angry march participants showed up outside the office of Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.), who pulled her co-sponsorship of the 20-week ban because of the requirement that rape victims report the crime to law enforcement authorities in order to obtain an exemption.
The House did easily pass H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2015, sponsored by Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.). White House advisers said they would recommend a veto should the bill reach the president’s desk.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Statement by the President on the 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade" posted at 1/22/15
I am deeply committed to protecting this core constitutional right, and I believe that efforts like H.R. 7, the bill the House considered today, would intrude on women's reproductive freedom and access to health care and unnecessarily restrict the private insurance choices that consumers have today. The federal government should not be injecting itself into decisions best made between women, their families, and their doctors. I am also deeply committed to continuing our work to reduce unintended pregnancies, support maternal and child health, promote adoptions, and minimize the need for abortion.
Today, as we reflect on this critical moment in our history, may we all rededicate ourselves to ensuring that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons.
To read the entire statement from President Obama above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 1/22/16: From "Statement by the President on the 43rd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade" posted at
Today, we mark the 43rd anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade, which affirmed a woman’s freedom to make her own choices about her body and her health. The decision supports the broader principle that the government should not intrude on private decisions made between a woman and her doctor. As we commemorate this day, we also redouble our commitment to protecting these constitutional rights, including protecting a woman’s access to safe, affordable health care and her right to reproductive freedom from efforts to undermine or overturn them. In America, every single one of us deserves the rights, freedoms, and opportunities to fulfill our dreams.
To read the entire statement from President Obama above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Taxpayers Provide Almost Half of Planned Parenthood's $Billion$
And read Planned Parenthood Reports its Abortions & Profits Increased Last Year
Saturday, January 24, 2015
IL College Must Accept 'Anti-Gay' Speech: Judge
U.S. District Court Judge Robert W. Gettleman ruled this week that Waubonsee Community College (WCC) in Sugar Grove, Illinois must allow Wayne Lela and John McCartney, of Heterosexuals Organized for a Moral Environment, to distribute flyers on campus. WCC had barred the social activists' "politically incorrect" opinions because the speech was not "consistent with the philosophy, goals and mission of the college."
For background, click headlines below to read previous articles:
Marquette Univ. Bans Conservative Prof, Like a Terrorist
Atheists Force Bible Bans at Colleges Across America
California Univ. Says Student's Cross Necklace Offends Freshmen
Also read myriad examples of censorship of "politically incorrect" speech on college campuses.
In addition, read endless examples of "higher education" hostility toward Christianity in curriculum, and regarding employment, and discrimination in student admissions.
-- From "Federal judge rules against Waubonsee Community College in free speech lawsuit" by Eric Schelkopf, Suburban Life Media (Downers Grove, IL) 1/23/15
“Allowing plaintiffs to exercise their First Amendment rights on WCC’s campus does not amount to the college endorsing [the] plaintiff’s views or speech,” U.S. District Judge Robert Gettleman wrote in an opinion and order he issued this week. “In fact, as plaintiffs point out, the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has publicly stated that its policies should not be carried out in ways that impair First Amendment rights.”
Gettleman granted Lela and McCartney’s motion to preliminarily prevent WCC from denying them access to the campus for purposes of leafleting. [WCC] now must submit to the court on or before Monday a written proposal for a reasonable time, place and manner for leafleting, according to the order.
Gettleman on Wednesday is set to make a definitive preliminary injunction order. In response, Jim Sibley, WCC’s executive director of marketing and communications, wrote in an emailed statement: “While we await the court’s final determination, we consider this a matter of pending litigation. Waubonsee Community College remains committed to maintaining a nondiscriminatory campus that is not disruptive to our educational mission.”
Whitman Brisky and Noel Sterett of Chicago-based Mauck & Baker LLC are assisting The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties organization, in its defense of Lela and McCartney’s constitutional rights.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Anti-gay group claims Waubonsee violated its freedom of speech" by Eric Schelkopf, Kane County Chronicle 7/22/14
Wayne Lela and John McCartney, members of the group Heterosexuals Organized for a Moral Environment, filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court on July 16.
In the suit, Lela and McCartney are seeking to have Waubonsee Community College’s Use of College Facilities declared discriminatory and that it violates their free speech rights. The suit also seeks unspecified monetary damages.
According to the suit, Lela and McCartney contacted WCC administrators in early January seeking approval to pass out fliers titled “The Uncensored Truth About Homosexuality” and “Gay Activism and Freedom of Speech and Religion.” The fliers were sponsored by H.O.M.E.
In the lawsuit, Lela and McCartney claim that WCC’s Use of College Facilities and Services policy is discrimination because it “prohibits all speech which espouse views which WCC deems inconsistent and unfavorable with, or critical of, its philosophy, goals and mission, but not views that are consistent or favorable with its philosophy, goals and mission.”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Free Speech Victory: Federal Court Orders Illinois College to Cease Censorship, Allow Social Activists to Pass Out 'Politically Incorrect' Flyers on Campus" by Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute posted at Standard Newswire 1/23/15
. . . In holding that WCC's actions inflicted irreparable harm upon the activists, U.S. District Court Judge Robert W. Gettleman noted, "provocative speech is entitled to the same protection as speech promoting popular notions." As an attorney, Judge Gettleman successfully defended the Nazis' right to march in their landmark free speech case against the Village of Skokie.
"University campuses once served as the breeding ground for much of the protests that gave rise to needed change in the 1960s—protests that altered the conscience of our nation and created a legacy for future dissenters," said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of A Government of Wolves: the Emerging American Police State. "We are pleased that the district court recognized the value of free speech, provocative or not, in our society. If college administrators today were allowed to have their way, college campuses would be little more than breeding grounds for compliant citizens content to speak only when spoken to, on politically correct topics guaranteed not to cause disruption or disagreement, and in Orwellian areas designated as free speech zones."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Gay Agenda will be Complete when Christians are Muzzled, Say Homosexualists as well as Senator Ted Cruz Says the Gay Agenda Ends Christian Liberty
For background, click headlines below to read previous articles:
Marquette Univ. Bans Conservative Prof, Like a Terrorist
Atheists Force Bible Bans at Colleges Across America
California Univ. Says Student's Cross Necklace Offends Freshmen
Also read myriad examples of censorship of "politically incorrect" speech on college campuses.
In addition, read endless examples of "higher education" hostility toward Christianity in curriculum, and regarding employment, and discrimination in student admissions.
-- From "Federal judge rules against Waubonsee Community College in free speech lawsuit" by Eric Schelkopf, Suburban Life Media (Downers Grove, IL) 1/23/15
“Allowing plaintiffs to exercise their First Amendment rights on WCC’s campus does not amount to the college endorsing [the] plaintiff’s views or speech,” U.S. District Judge Robert Gettleman wrote in an opinion and order he issued this week. “In fact, as plaintiffs point out, the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has publicly stated that its policies should not be carried out in ways that impair First Amendment rights.”
Gettleman granted Lela and McCartney’s motion to preliminarily prevent WCC from denying them access to the campus for purposes of leafleting. [WCC] now must submit to the court on or before Monday a written proposal for a reasonable time, place and manner for leafleting, according to the order.
Gettleman on Wednesday is set to make a definitive preliminary injunction order. In response, Jim Sibley, WCC’s executive director of marketing and communications, wrote in an emailed statement: “While we await the court’s final determination, we consider this a matter of pending litigation. Waubonsee Community College remains committed to maintaining a nondiscriminatory campus that is not disruptive to our educational mission.”
Whitman Brisky and Noel Sterett of Chicago-based Mauck & Baker LLC are assisting The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties organization, in its defense of Lela and McCartney’s constitutional rights.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Anti-gay group claims Waubonsee violated its freedom of speech" by Eric Schelkopf, Kane County Chronicle 7/22/14
Wayne Lela and John McCartney, members of the group Heterosexuals Organized for a Moral Environment, filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court on July 16.
In the suit, Lela and McCartney are seeking to have Waubonsee Community College’s Use of College Facilities declared discriminatory and that it violates their free speech rights. The suit also seeks unspecified monetary damages.
According to the suit, Lela and McCartney contacted WCC administrators in early January seeking approval to pass out fliers titled “The Uncensored Truth About Homosexuality” and “Gay Activism and Freedom of Speech and Religion.” The fliers were sponsored by H.O.M.E.
In the lawsuit, Lela and McCartney claim that WCC’s Use of College Facilities and Services policy is discrimination because it “prohibits all speech which espouse views which WCC deems inconsistent and unfavorable with, or critical of, its philosophy, goals and mission, but not views that are consistent or favorable with its philosophy, goals and mission.”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Free Speech Victory: Federal Court Orders Illinois College to Cease Censorship, Allow Social Activists to Pass Out 'Politically Incorrect' Flyers on Campus" by Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute posted at Standard Newswire 1/23/15
. . . In holding that WCC's actions inflicted irreparable harm upon the activists, U.S. District Court Judge Robert W. Gettleman noted, "provocative speech is entitled to the same protection as speech promoting popular notions." As an attorney, Judge Gettleman successfully defended the Nazis' right to march in their landmark free speech case against the Village of Skokie.
"University campuses once served as the breeding ground for much of the protests that gave rise to needed change in the 1960s—protests that altered the conscience of our nation and created a legacy for future dissenters," said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of A Government of Wolves: the Emerging American Police State. "We are pleased that the district court recognized the value of free speech, provocative or not, in our society. If college administrators today were allowed to have their way, college campuses would be little more than breeding grounds for compliant citizens content to speak only when spoken to, on politically correct topics guaranteed not to cause disruption or disagreement, and in Orwellian areas designated as free speech zones."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Gay Agenda will be Complete when Christians are Muzzled, Say Homosexualists as well as Senator Ted Cruz Says the Gay Agenda Ends Christian Liberty
Friday, January 23, 2015
Brooklyn Homosexual Teacher Paid Boy for Oral Sex
Elementary school teacher Waris Grant, 37, admitted to police that he paid a 16-year-old boy to perform oral sex on him and is now charged with promoting prostitution, criminal sex act with a minor and acting in a manner that is injurious to a child. Grant has been employed at Public School 256 in Bedford-Stuyvesant (Brooklyn, New York) for over a decade teaching art and music.
For background, click headlines below to read previous articles:
Homosexual Teacher Jailed in Penn. for Paying Boys to Sext Him
Homosexual Teacher Rapes 1st Grader in New Orleans
Homosexual Teacher Arrested on Child Porn in Illinois
Homosexual Teacher Says Child Porn OK to View
Drama-teaching Gay Sex Offenders is a California Trend
Also read Mississippi School Attacked for Countering 'Gay Clubs'
-- From "Bed-Stuy teacher accused of paying teen for sex" posted at News12 (New York City cable TV) 1/23/15
Authorities say the teenager is not a student at the school, but they are investigating whether there are other young victims, particularly at the elementary school where he has worked since 2003.
The city's Department of Education released a statement saying in part, "While the allegations against Mr. Grant are not school-related, they are deeply disturbing. DOE took swift action to immediately remove him from the classroom, and he will remain away from students."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Brooklyn teacher paid 16-year-old student for sex act, cops say" by Ben Chapman, Thomas Tracy, New York Daily news 1/23/15
[It was] unclear was how the elementary school teacher knew the boy.
Grant was immediately reassigned to a role away from students after the allegations were made, a DOE spokesman said.
He continues to collect his $72,990 salary.
The teacher was arrested after the teen told his parents what happened and they called police.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Most Americans Say Gay Men Untrustworthy with Boys
In addition, read Pedophilia is Sexual Orientation, Like 'Being Gay' and also read Normalization of Pedophilia Urged by Psychiatrists
For background, click headlines below to read previous articles:
Homosexual Teacher Jailed in Penn. for Paying Boys to Sext Him
Homosexual Teacher Rapes 1st Grader in New Orleans
Homosexual Teacher Arrested on Child Porn in Illinois
Homosexual Teacher Says Child Porn OK to View
Drama-teaching Gay Sex Offenders is a California Trend
Also read Mississippi School Attacked for Countering 'Gay Clubs'
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Click for TV news report |
-- From "Bed-Stuy teacher accused of paying teen for sex" posted at News12 (New York City cable TV) 1/23/15
Authorities say the teenager is not a student at the school, but they are investigating whether there are other young victims, particularly at the elementary school where he has worked since 2003.
The city's Department of Education released a statement saying in part, "While the allegations against Mr. Grant are not school-related, they are deeply disturbing. DOE took swift action to immediately remove him from the classroom, and he will remain away from students."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Brooklyn teacher paid 16-year-old student for sex act, cops say" by Ben Chapman, Thomas Tracy, New York Daily news 1/23/15
[It was] unclear was how the elementary school teacher knew the boy.
Grant was immediately reassigned to a role away from students after the allegations were made, a DOE spokesman said.
He continues to collect his $72,990 salary.
The teacher was arrested after the teen told his parents what happened and they called police.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Most Americans Say Gay Men Untrustworthy with Boys
In addition, read Pedophilia is Sexual Orientation, Like 'Being Gay' and also read Normalization of Pedophilia Urged by Psychiatrists
oral sex,
public schools,
sex offenders,
sexual immorality,
sexual predator,
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Denver Baker Refuses 'Anti-Gay' Bible Cake Order
While Christians in the wedding business are being prosecuted by governments as well as fined and/or bankrupted by lawsuits for refusing to participate in same-sex ceremonies, the gay-friendly Azucar Bakery in Denver, Colorado is being investigated by the Colorado Civil Rights Division for discriminating against a customer who wanted a Bible-shaped cake with words that she considers hateful to gays and against her moral conscience.
Colorado lawmakers are considering new legislation to permit businesses to refuse services that violate the owner's religious or moral beliefs.
UPDATE 4/11/15: Christian Attacked for Placing 'Anti-Gay' Cake Order in Florida
For background, read about Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado who has been persecuted by the State of Colorado for refusing to make a same-sex "wedding" cake that would violate his religious conscience.
Also read about states passing religious liberty laws to protect citizens and their businesses from lawsuits by homosexualists and/or fines by courts, and to ensure the free practice of religion without government interference. In February 2014, the homosexualists exposed their goal to end religious liberty when they descended on Arizona's legislature.
Click headlines below to read previous articles:
Lesbians Attack Immigrant Christian Florida Wedding Planner
North Carolina Christians Lose Jobs for Refusing Same-sex 'Wedding'
New York Christian Farmers Guilty & Fined over 'Gay Wedding'
Pastors Face Fines, Jail for Refusing 'Gay Wedding'
-- From "Complaint: Baker refused to write anti-gay words on cake" by Jessica Oh, KUSA-TV posted at USA Today Network 1/20/15
In March of 2014, a customer named Bill Jack requested several cakes in the shapes of Bibles from the Azucar Bakery in Denver, Colo., according to the bakery owner, Marjorie Silva.
Silva says Jack pulled out a piece of paper with phrases like "God hates gays" and requested her to write them on his cakes.
He wouldn't let employees make a copy of the paper and would not read the words out loud, Silva claims. The bakery owner also says the customer wanted an image of two men holding hands with an "X" on top.
"After I read it, I was like 'No way,'" Silva said. "'We're not doing this. This is just very discriminatory and hateful.'"
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Colorado baker faces complaint for refusing anti-gay message on cake" by The Associated Press 1/22/15
She said she would make the cake, but declined to write his suggested messages on the cake, telling him she would give him icing and a pastry bag so he could write the words himself. Silva said the customer didn't want that.
The case comes as Republicans in Colorado's Legislature talk about changing the state law requiring that businesses serve gays in the wake of a series of incidents where religious business owners rejected orders to celebrate gay weddings. Republican Sen. Kevin Lundberg said the new case shows a "clash of values" and argued Colorado's public accommodation law is not working.
"The state shouldn't come in and say to the individual businessman, 'You must violate your religious — and I'll say religious-slash-moral convictions. This baker (Silva), thought that was a violation of their moral convictions. The other baker, which we all know very well because of all the stories, clearly that was a violation of their religious convictions," Lundberg said.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Castle Rock man whose ‘anti-gay’ cake was rejected: ‘I was discriminated against’" by Will C. Holden, KDVR-TV31 (Denver, CO) 1/20/15
In addition to being a state legislator, [Gordon] Klingenschmitt is also an ordained minister and former Navy chaplain who has made suggestions on multiple occasions that President Barack Obama may be possessed by demons. In this case, however, Klingenschmitt said he supports Silva’s right to “not print the Bible on her cakes.”
Klingenschmitt agrees so strongly with Silva, in fact, that he is sponsoring legislation to protect her rights in the state’s current legislative session.
That said, Klingenschmitt was also quick to point out that he also sided with Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips in a similar 2012 incident that was settled in court last year. The only difference between the two cases was that Phillips refused to make a rainbow-layered cake for a Colorado gay couple’s wedding in Massachusetts, citing a religious objection to gay marriage.
This is why, Klingenschmitt said, he is in the early drafting stages of a bill that he hopes will garner bipartisan support for its efforts to “repair an existing flaw in Colorado’s nondiscrimination statues.”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Focus on the Family Sides With Colorado Baker Who Refused to Bake 'God Hates Gays' Cake" by Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter 1/21/15
Jeff Johnston, issues analyst with the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family, told The Christian Post that he sided with the pro-gay bakery on the grounds of First Amendment rights.
"This is a free speech issue, and we support freedom of speech. It's also a religious or conscience issue — the government should not force people to violate their core beliefs," said Johnston.
"Just as a Christian baker should not be required to create a cake for a same-sex ceremony, this baker should not be required to create a cake with a message that goes against her conscience."
Azucar is not the first bakery to find itself in legal trouble over expression regarding homosexuality, but it might be the first to face possible legal action for refusing to cater to anti-gay sentiments.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 4/4/15: From "Colorado bakery that refused to bake anti-gay cakes did not discriminate, state agency says" by Peter Holley, Washington Post
. . . the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies . . . ruled that the Azucar Bakery was within its rights when employees refused to carry out an order from customer William Jack in March 2014, according to the Denver Post.
Marjorie Silva, the bakery’s owner, agreed to make the cakes but refused to put the ant-gay imagery on them, according to the AP.
Not long after her refusal, Silva said she received notice from the state’s Department of Regulatory Agencies that she was the subject of a religious discrimination complaint.
While Jack argued that he had been discriminated against for being Christian, the department’s decision said evidence showed Silva refused to bake the cakes because the customer’s requests included “derogatory language and imagery.” . . .
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 4/4/15: From "'Gay' cakes protected, anti-'gay' cakes not" posted at World Net Daily
Last week, the state agency ruled that Denver’s Azucar Bakery did not discriminate against William Jack, a Christian from Castle Rock, by refusing to make two cakes with “groomsmen” X’d out and . . . the following Bible verses: “God hates sin. Psalm 45:7,” “Homosexuality is a detestable sin. Leviticus 18:2,” “God loves sinners” and “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.”
He told the civil rights agency he ordered the cakes with the imagery and biblical verses to convey that same-sex marriage is, in his words, “un-biblical and inappropriate.”
“I find it offensive that the Colorado Civil Rights Division considers the baker’s claims that Bible verses were discriminatory as the reason for denying my claim,” Jack told 7NEWS on Saturday. “I find it offensive that the legal director of the Colorado division of the ACLU called the Bible verses on the cakes obscenities. Especially at this time on the church calendar – Holy Week – I find it offensive that the Bible is censored from the public arena.”
Jack said he is in the process of filing an appeal with the Colorado Civil Rights Division.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
PBS NewsHour report on Masterpiece Cakeshop (1/21/15 video):
Also read Gay Agenda will be Complete when Christians are Muzzled, Say Homosexualists as well as Senator Ted Cruz Says the Gay Agenda Ends Christian Liberty
Colorado lawmakers are considering new legislation to permit businesses to refuse services that violate the owner's religious or moral beliefs.
“The government should not be able to compel bakers to print things that they disagree with.”UPDATE 4/4/15: Colorado Rules Homosexualists CAN Discriminate Against Christians, but not vice versa (see update article excerpts below)
-- Gordon Klingenschmitt, Colorado state representative (Republican)
UPDATE 4/11/15: Christian Attacked for Placing 'Anti-Gay' Cake Order in Florida
For background, read about Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado who has been persecuted by the State of Colorado for refusing to make a same-sex "wedding" cake that would violate his religious conscience.
Also read about states passing religious liberty laws to protect citizens and their businesses from lawsuits by homosexualists and/or fines by courts, and to ensure the free practice of religion without government interference. In February 2014, the homosexualists exposed their goal to end religious liberty when they descended on Arizona's legislature.
Click headlines below to read previous articles:
Lesbians Attack Immigrant Christian Florida Wedding Planner
North Carolina Christians Lose Jobs for Refusing Same-sex 'Wedding'
New York Christian Farmers Guilty & Fined over 'Gay Wedding'
Pastors Face Fines, Jail for Refusing 'Gay Wedding'
-- From "Complaint: Baker refused to write anti-gay words on cake" by Jessica Oh, KUSA-TV posted at USA Today Network 1/20/15
In March of 2014, a customer named Bill Jack requested several cakes in the shapes of Bibles from the Azucar Bakery in Denver, Colo., according to the bakery owner, Marjorie Silva.
Silva says Jack pulled out a piece of paper with phrases like "God hates gays" and requested her to write them on his cakes.
He wouldn't let employees make a copy of the paper and would not read the words out loud, Silva claims. The bakery owner also says the customer wanted an image of two men holding hands with an "X" on top.
"After I read it, I was like 'No way,'" Silva said. "'We're not doing this. This is just very discriminatory and hateful.'"
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Colorado baker faces complaint for refusing anti-gay message on cake" by The Associated Press 1/22/15
She said she would make the cake, but declined to write his suggested messages on the cake, telling him she would give him icing and a pastry bag so he could write the words himself. Silva said the customer didn't want that.
The case comes as Republicans in Colorado's Legislature talk about changing the state law requiring that businesses serve gays in the wake of a series of incidents where religious business owners rejected orders to celebrate gay weddings. Republican Sen. Kevin Lundberg said the new case shows a "clash of values" and argued Colorado's public accommodation law is not working.
"The state shouldn't come in and say to the individual businessman, 'You must violate your religious — and I'll say religious-slash-moral convictions. This baker (Silva), thought that was a violation of their moral convictions. The other baker, which we all know very well because of all the stories, clearly that was a violation of their religious convictions," Lundberg said.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Castle Rock man whose ‘anti-gay’ cake was rejected: ‘I was discriminated against’" by Will C. Holden, KDVR-TV31 (Denver, CO) 1/20/15
In addition to being a state legislator, [Gordon] Klingenschmitt is also an ordained minister and former Navy chaplain who has made suggestions on multiple occasions that President Barack Obama may be possessed by demons. In this case, however, Klingenschmitt said he supports Silva’s right to “not print the Bible on her cakes.”
Klingenschmitt agrees so strongly with Silva, in fact, that he is sponsoring legislation to protect her rights in the state’s current legislative session.
That said, Klingenschmitt was also quick to point out that he also sided with Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips in a similar 2012 incident that was settled in court last year. The only difference between the two cases was that Phillips refused to make a rainbow-layered cake for a Colorado gay couple’s wedding in Massachusetts, citing a religious objection to gay marriage.
This is why, Klingenschmitt said, he is in the early drafting stages of a bill that he hopes will garner bipartisan support for its efforts to “repair an existing flaw in Colorado’s nondiscrimination statues.”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Focus on the Family Sides With Colorado Baker Who Refused to Bake 'God Hates Gays' Cake" by Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter 1/21/15
Jeff Johnston, issues analyst with the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family, told The Christian Post that he sided with the pro-gay bakery on the grounds of First Amendment rights.
"This is a free speech issue, and we support freedom of speech. It's also a religious or conscience issue — the government should not force people to violate their core beliefs," said Johnston.
"Just as a Christian baker should not be required to create a cake for a same-sex ceremony, this baker should not be required to create a cake with a message that goes against her conscience."
Azucar is not the first bakery to find itself in legal trouble over expression regarding homosexuality, but it might be the first to face possible legal action for refusing to cater to anti-gay sentiments.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 4/4/15: From "Colorado bakery that refused to bake anti-gay cakes did not discriminate, state agency says" by Peter Holley, Washington Post
. . . the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies . . . ruled that the Azucar Bakery was within its rights when employees refused to carry out an order from customer William Jack in March 2014, according to the Denver Post.
Marjorie Silva, the bakery’s owner, agreed to make the cakes but refused to put the ant-gay imagery on them, according to the AP.
Not long after her refusal, Silva said she received notice from the state’s Department of Regulatory Agencies that she was the subject of a religious discrimination complaint.
While Jack argued that he had been discriminated against for being Christian, the department’s decision said evidence showed Silva refused to bake the cakes because the customer’s requests included “derogatory language and imagery.” . . .
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE 4/4/15: From "'Gay' cakes protected, anti-'gay' cakes not" posted at World Net Daily
Last week, the state agency ruled that Denver’s Azucar Bakery did not discriminate against William Jack, a Christian from Castle Rock, by refusing to make two cakes with “groomsmen” X’d out and . . . the following Bible verses: “God hates sin. Psalm 45:7,” “Homosexuality is a detestable sin. Leviticus 18:2,” “God loves sinners” and “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.”
He told the civil rights agency he ordered the cakes with the imagery and biblical verses to convey that same-sex marriage is, in his words, “un-biblical and inappropriate.”
“I find it offensive that the Colorado Civil Rights Division considers the baker’s claims that Bible verses were discriminatory as the reason for denying my claim,” Jack told 7NEWS on Saturday. “I find it offensive that the legal director of the Colorado division of the ACLU called the Bible verses on the cakes obscenities. Especially at this time on the church calendar – Holy Week – I find it offensive that the Bible is censored from the public arena.”
Jack said he is in the process of filing an appeal with the Colorado Civil Rights Division.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
PBS NewsHour report on Masterpiece Cakeshop (1/21/15 video):
Also read Gay Agenda will be Complete when Christians are Muzzled, Say Homosexualists as well as Senator Ted Cruz Says the Gay Agenda Ends Christian Liberty
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