Friday, September 06, 2013

Obama Breaks Law, Gives VA Money to Homosexuals

President Obama ordered his "justice" department to violate Title 38 of the U.S. Code governing the Veterans Administration and the Department of Defense, which designates benefits only for one-man, one-woman marriage. In carrying out the order, DOJ Attorney General Eric Holder admits that the recent Supreme Court "Windsor" decision on same-sex "marriage" did NOT address Title 38, but Holder said the Obama administration considers Title 38 unconstitutional -- no need for a judicial branch decision.

For background, click headlines below to read previous articles:

President Obama's 'Marriage' Lawlessness Spreads Across America

President Obama Shifts Defense Funds to Homosexuals

President Obama Grants 'Reparations' to Homosexuals via Military

Countering Obama's Military Attack on American Culture

-- From "Same-sex military spoues to get benefits, Obama administration says" by The Associated Press 9/5/13

"Decisions by the Executive not to enforce federal laws are appropriately rare," Holder told Congress. "Nevertheless, the unique circumstances presented here warrant non-enforcement."

He said the Supreme Court's conclusion that DOMA imposes a stigma on everyone in same-sex marriages "would seem to apply equally" to the veterans benefits law.

Although the Supreme Court did not directly address the constitutionality of the veterans benefits provisions, the reasoning of the opinion "strongly supports the conclusion that those provisions are unconstitutional," Holder wrote.

President Barack Obama directed the executive branch to cease enforcement of the provision, Holder wrote.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Same-sex spouses can collect veterans' benefits" by Becca Clemons, Los Angeles Times 9/4/13

President Obama goes beyond the Supreme Court's Defense of Marriage Act ruling, directing the government to stop enforcing provisions that withheld spousal benefits from legally married gay veterans.

The Obama administration has made a series of policy decisions since the Windsor decision to extend federal benefits to legally married gay couples. Wednesday's announcement went further in that it declared unconstitutional and therefore invalid an existing statute that was not considered by the Supreme Court.

Last week, the Internal Revenue Service announced that couples in same-sex marriages could file federal taxes jointly. The Office of Personnel Management has allowed same-sex spouses of federal employees to receive insurance benefits regardless of where they live. And in regard to immigration law, same-sex marriages are now treated the same as opposite-sex marriages.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Spousal Benefits Now Await Gay Veterans, Obama Says" by Barbara Leonard, Courthouse News Service 9/4/13

Attorney General Holder announced the move in a letter to John Boehner, the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, and emphasized its consistency with United States v. Windsor.

Holder's letter also marks an additional step from one the Obama administration took in 2012 when it informed Congress that the Justice Department would no longer defend the Title 38 provisions, but that the Executive Branch would continue to enforce them.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Cost of Federal Government's Benefits Expansion to Same-Sex Couples Unknown, Sources Say" by Michael Gryboski, Christian Post Reporter 9/5/13

Edmund Byrnes, spokesman for the OPM [United States Office of Personnel Management], told The Christian Post via an email sent August 1 . . . "There are numerous benefits that are affected by the Supreme Court's decision . . . [but the OPM does] not have an estimate of same sex spouses that may be added" to the federal government health insurance program (FEHB).

. . . Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, spokesman for the DoD [Department of Defense], told The Christian Post via email in August that "we will assess costs as we move forward with implementation."

"Additionally, we do not have an estimate of how many people this will impact. . . ." wrote Christensen.

When CP later contacted Christensen again as to whether DoD had an estimate, he responded that "Sept. 3 is just the tip of the iceberg" and that "we won't know for some time."

. . . In addition to no present estimates for the possible costs of the expansions from OPM, the DoD, or HHS, there has been no research done by the United States Government Accountability Office.

Jennifer Ashley of the Public Affairs for GAO told The Christian Post via an email sent Wednesday morning that "we have not done any relevant work."

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Also read President Obama's Sexually Dysfunctional Military On Trial

In addition, read President Obama's Army Says Christians are Worst Terrorists