Monday, June 29, 2009

Obama to Homosexualists: "Welcome to your White House"

At President Obama's meeting with homosexualists, he begged for their continued support, promising to fulfil the Gay Agenda. This followed two weeks of demands and threats from homosexualists disappointed that Obama has placed several priorities (virtual transformations of America) ahead of the complete enactment of the Gay Agenda.

-- From "Obama Pledges to Move on Gay-Rights Agenda" by Laura Meckler, The Wall Street Journal 6/30/09

President Barack Obama, under fire from the gay-rights community over slow action on its priorities, promised to deliver by the time he leaves office.

The president gave no new details about how he would advance these issues, but he made passionate remarks saluting the pioneers of the gay-rights movement and expressed solidarity with those working for equal rights.

"Welcome to your White House," the president said at a reception Monday to mark the 40th anniversary of the birth of the modern gay-rights movement. His remarks were greeted warmly by a cheering crowd of some 250 gay and lesbian activists and supporters.

The Obama administration has said it will take congressional action to address both issues. But, aware of both the complex politics involved and its full agenda, the White House has done little so far to prod lawmakers along.

"It's not for me to tell you to be patient," he said, comparing the gay activists' struggle to that of African-Americans in the civil rights movement. "I expect and hope to be judged not by words...but by the promises that my administration keeps."

He added that by the time his presidency is over, "I think you guys will have pretty good feelings about the Obama administration."

Mr. Obama reiterated his pledge to try to reverse the Defense of Marriage Act and the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. He said he would work for legislation aimed at preventing workplace discrimination [ENDA], extending the federal hate-crime law to acts against gays and lesbians, and giving domestic partners of federal workers health and other benefits. And he said he was committed to repealing rules that prohibit people with HIV from traveling into the U.S.

To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.