“Because, ladies and gentlemen, if abortion really does kill a baby, then in this, the seat of freedom, we are living in the midst of the greatest human genocide in the history of humanity.”The pro-abortion rights Alan Guttmacher Institute reports that there have been nearly 50 million abortions performed since 1973, the year the Supreme Court issued the Roe v. Wade decision ushering in legal abortion nationwide.
-- Congressman Trent Franks (R-Ariz.)
Read related article: Black Genocide in New York City via Abortion
-- From "‘We Are Living in the Midst of the Greatest Human Genocide in the History of Humanity,’ Rep. Franks Says of Legalized Abortion" by Penny Starr, CNSNews.com 2/11/11
Franks said there are three other realities of abortion that include consequences for the unborn child, the mother and society as a whole.
“No. 1, a nameless little baby dies a lonely, tragic death,” Franks said. “No. 2, a mother is never the same, no matter what anybody tells you; and No. 3 all the gifts that that little baby might have brought to this human family are lost forever.”
Franks said he believes Americans understand that “all of God’s children have that divine image stamped on their souls” and then he quoted Thomas Jefferson.
“It was Thomas Jefferson [who] said that the care and protection of human life, and not its destruction, is the only object of good government,” Franks said.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Nearly 50 Million Abortions Have Been Performed in U.S. Since Roe v. Wade Decision Legalized Abortion" by Dan Joseph, CNSNews.com 1/25/11
According to the U.S .Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, there were 846,181 abortions in the U.S. in 2006, the latest year for which government records are available.
In 2008, Guttmacher says, there were 1.2 million "legally terminated pregnancies" in the United States, based on reports complied from state and local health agencies -- down from 1.3 million the year previous.
According to Guttmacher, 35 percent of all U.S. women will have had an abortion by age 45.
Guttmacher also reports that 93 percent of all abortions occur for “social reasons” such as a mother’s decision that the child is unwanted or “inconvenient.”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
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