Wednesday, February 16, 2011

IL School Bans Simulated Sex at Dances

Students complained to the school administration about their peers' sexually explicit "grinding dancing" wherein clothed partners simulate front-to-back sexual intercourse.

-- From "Geneva High School bans 'sexually explicit' dancing" by Ashley Rhodebeck, Kane County Chronicle 2/12/11

"We have sensed an increasingly inappropriate style of dancing at our recent dances, and we were approached, in addition to our own observations, we were approached by a group of students who expressed to us they were extremely uncomfortable with the style of dancing that was becoming popular," Principal Tom Rogers said.

Rogers said grinding became more popular during the 2009-10 year and during the dances last fall. He said there was no reason to delay the ban.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Fewer students dance after 'grinding' banned" by Frank Vaisvilas, Geneva Republican 2/14/11

The letter [explaining the ban, sent to parents] included a graphic description of the dance which stated, "In most cases a student stands directly behind their partner. He/she then places their hands either on their partner’s hips or around their midsection. At the same time, he/she presses their pelvic region against their partner’s backside. As the music plays, the students then thrust or “grind” to the beat of the music. Sometimes, the person in front will even bend over as they dance, placing their hands on their knees or the floor."

"Needless to say, this type of dancing is unacceptable for a school-sponsored activity," the letter stated.

Geneva High School junior Tom Fuerst . . . said many students don’t support the new policy and called it ridiculous, but admits the dances can get “brutal.”

“I could see why they would want that policy, but on the other hand, you have to let kids express themselves,” Fuerst said.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.