At a Senate Committee hearing, Sen. Dick Durbin advocated U.S. ratification of the United Nations CEDAW treaty (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) to force countries to legalize abortion.
-- From "Durbin, Geena Davis press for international women's treaty" by Bill Lambrecht, St. Louis Post Dispatch 11/18/10
[CEDAW] was negotiated by Jimmy Carter 31 years ago and most countries have ratified it.
The last time a ratification effort began, during the Bush administration in 2002, anti-abortion and pro-family groups organized against it, calling CEDAW "the Equal Rights Amendment on steroids."
Prior to a hearing underway now, Durbin . . . acknowledged that ratification was unlikely given that it would require 67 senators voting aye.
But Durbin said he felt it was necessary to keep the discussion alive and to hear testimony about discrimination and abuse suffered by women around the world.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Pro-Abortion CEDAW Treaty Gets Senate Committee Hearing" by Steven Ertelt, 11/18/10
. . . Sen. Dick Durbin made promoting the treaty a majority part of a hearing he held today featuring a who’s who of pro-abortion leaders and activists including representatives of the ACLU, Human Rights First and the National Women’s Law Center.
. . . President Barack Obama supports the controversial treaty.
Steven Groves, a fellow from the conservative Heritage Foundation, testified . . . “Ratification of CDAW would neither advance U.S. national interests within the international community nor enhance the rights of women in the U.S.,” he said.
Groves added that he worried the United States would face pressure from the UN and other nations in the same manner as have other countries.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.