Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Study: Media Bias FOR Gays is Christians' Fault

The latest study by Pew Research shows that the mainstream news media is five times more likely to favor "gay marriage" over true marriage, but says this is NOT media bias, but rather it's because conservatives don't present a coherent message to report.

In one example, MSNBC coverage was 64% supporting "gay marriage" but only 6% opposing.

For background, read TV's Disproportionate Attention to the Gay Agenda and also read Gay TV, The New ABnormal, UNreality Shows as well as Transgender Cartoons Indoctrinate Preschoolers

UPDATE 12/29/13: ABC News Reports Gay Agenda is Big Success Story of 2013 (video)

-- From "Gay marriage received more supporting coverage in media, study says" by David Bauder, Associated Press Television Writer 6/17/13

The Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism said Monday that . . . the imbalance was largely because many of the stories were about changing public attitudes, or politicians announcing their support of legalization.

Proponents also were more consistent in their message, defining it as an issue of civil rights. Pew said opponents didn't coalesce on a primary reason for not supporting same-sex marriage.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Study Finds Supportive Tilt to Gay Marriage Coverage" by Brian Stelter, New York Times 6/17/13

[The Pew report said,] “The level of support conveyed in the news media examined here goes beyond the level seen in public opinion surveys.” The imbalance was evident both in reporting and in commentary, and on all three of the major cable news channels, Fox News, MSNBC and CNN.

The study lends credence to conservative charges that the nation’s news media have championed the issue of same-sex marriage at the expense of objectivity. Others have argued that news organizations are right not to overly emphasize opposition to what many see as a core civil rights issue.

The researchers noted in their report that many of the developments that the news media were covering were intrinsically positive for the gay rights movement, including votes in favor of same-sex marriage on the state level.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "News Coverage Conveys Strong Momentum for Same-Sex Marriage" by Paul Hitlin, Amy Mitchell and Mark Jurkowitz, Pew Research Center 6/17/13

Almost half (47%) of the nearly 500 stories studied from March 18 (a week prior to the Supreme Court hearings), through May 12, primarily focused on support for the measure, while 9% largely focused on opposition and 44% had a roughly equal mix of both viewpoints or were neutral. In order for a story to be classified as supporting or opposing same sex marriage, statements expressing that position had to outnumber the opposite view by at least 2-to-1. Stories that did not meet that threshold were defined as neutral or mixed.

This news media focus on support held true whether the stories were reported news articles or opinion pieces, and was also the case across nearly all media sectors studied. All three of the major cable networks, for instance, had more stories with significantly more supportive statements than opposing, including Fox News.

In addition to the main set of news media, this study also examined same-sex marriage coverage in three other media segments: Twitter, the Huffington Post - which has a dedicated microsite to "Gay Voices" and produced so much coverage that it was examined separately from the rest of the news media - and a mix of LGBT news outlets.

Within the media debate on the subject, this report found that those arguing for same-sex marriage had a more consistent message than those arguing against.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Pew Reports Media Bias on Marriage Debate" by Joan Frawley Desmond, Senior Editor, National Catholic Register 6/17/13

Brian Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage, the primary institution defending the nation’s marriage laws, told the Register that the Pew study provided valuable context for evaluating the true state of the debate on “marriage equality.”

“If there is overwhelming media bias and we are not able to get out our message broadly through broadcast television, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy,” said Brown in a June 17 interview.

“During Proposition 8, the largest social ballot issue in history,” Brown recalled, “there were very few invitations for us and our allies to be on broadcast television.

“Over the past four years, we have met with Washington bureau chiefs and laid out the problems we are facing.  We have seen a little bit of improvement, but media coverage is still overwhelming biased.

“The Human Rights Campaign will be invited to speak and there will be no one from the other side,” he said, referring to the leading organization promoting same-sex ‘marriage.’

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

As an example of the pro-homosexual media bias, see the PBS reporting of a different Pew Poll a few days ago.

Also read Media Admit Propaganda Overstating Gay Population

UPDATE 6/21/13 - PBS NewsHour: Being "Christian AND Gay" (video)