Monday, August 13, 2012

4-year-old Says I'm a Boy AND a Girl, NYT Loves It

The New York Times reports that when Alex insisted that he wanted to wear a dress to pre-school, his parents consulted with “their pediatrician, a psychologist and parents of other gender-nonconforming children.” Of course, the only reason the story is 5500 words long is to glorify the unanimous decision that Alex should wear the dress, because “the important thing was to teach him not to be ashamed of who he feels he is.”

For background, read Toddler Says He's a Girl, 'Parents' Say OK and also read 2-year-old Says She's a Boy, 'Parents' Say OK as well as Many Kids Need Sexual Mutilation, Say 'Experts'

UPDATE 9/5/16: 'Sex Change' Surgery is Toddlers' Choice, Schools Say

For links to even more news on the transgender tragedy perpetrated on children, see this links list.

-- From "What’s So Bad About a Boy Who Wants to Wear a Dress?" by Ruth Padawer, New York Times 8/8/12

The night before Susan and Rob allowed their son to go to preschool in a dress, they sent an e-mail to parents of his classmates. Alex, they wrote, “has been gender-fluid for as long as we can remember, and at the moment he is equally passionate about and identified with soccer players and princesses, superheroes and ballerinas (not to mention lava and unicorns, dinosaurs and glitter rainbows).”

When Alex was 4, he pronounced himself “a boy and a girl,” but in the two years since, he has been fairly clear that he is simply a boy who sometimes likes to dress and play in conventionally feminine ways. Some days at home he wears dresses, paints his fingernails and plays with dolls; other days, he roughhouses, rams his toys together or pretends to be Spider-Man. Even his movements ricochet between parodies of gender: on days he puts on a dress, he is graceful, almost dancerlike, and his sentences rise in pitch at the end. On days he opts for only “boy” wear, he heads off with a little swagger. Of course, had Alex been a girl who sometimes dressed or played in boyish ways, no e-mail to parents would have been necessary; no one would raise an eyebrow at a girl who likes throwing a football or wearing a Spider-Man T-shirt.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "About That Boy Who Likes To Wear A Dress" by Lisa Belkin, Senior columnist for life/work/family, The Huffington Post 8/8/12

Parents, by definition, are always behind the times. We don't lead our children into the future so much as follow them there -- responding to youngsters like Alex, who ask "why?" and cause us to ask it too.

It is not a one-directional process, of course. We learn, we teach, we learn some more. We are led by children like Alex, who, Padawer reports [in the NY Times article] . . .

It is our job to grab the baton from them, run with it, then hand it back.

"Really, Mommy? There was a time when . . . people who loved each other couldn't get married? Girls had to wear dresses? Boys could not?"

"How did those things change, Mommy?"

To read the opinion column above, CLICK HERE.

From "NY Times Magazine Asks: 'What’s So Bad About a Boy Who Wants to Wear a Dress?'" by Paul Wilson, NewsBusters 8/12/12

. . . This [gender-fluid] worldview was hammered home again and again by Padawer, who wrote [in the NY Times article]: “But the parents of the boys in the middle space argue that gender is a spectrum rather than two opposing categories, neither of which any real man or woman precisely fits.”

. . . Padawer also gave a shout-out to doctors who claimed “gender nonconformity” was normal, writing: “Clinicians who oppose traditional treatments contend that significant gender nonconformity is akin to left-handness [sic]: unusual but not unnatural.”

The author, so hell-bent on tolerance, could perhaps have entertained the idea of quoting experts who might object to boys wearing girl’s clothing. But the one thing the proponents of radical redefinitions of gender cannot tolerate is a view contrary to their own.

To read the opinion column above, CLICK HERE.

Also read
More Than Two Genders, Kindergartners Taught