Monday, February 08, 2010

Calif. Science Professor Target of ACLU

Whereas adherents to the ACLU are unfazed by public education indoctrinating children with politically correct pro-homosexual beliefs, scientific inquiry of the subject is considered abhorrent.

-- From "ACLU Accuses Calif. Instructor of Religion Lessons" by The Associated Press 2/8/10

The American Civil Liberties Union says a science instructor at a public community college in California is improperly teaching religious views on homosexuality and abortion as fact.

ACLU staff attorney Elizabeth Gill sent a letter to Fresno City College officials on Monday about the introductory science class instructor, Bradley Lopez. Gill says Lopez's teaching methods violate California laws protecting gays from discrimination and prohibiting religious indoctrination at public schools.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Fresno City Professor Accused Of Teaching Anti-Gay Bias" posted at KMPH TV 26 2/8/10

The ACLU is accusing Dr. Bradley Lopez of teaching "highly discriminatory and religious-based views" in his science class.

They say he has been presenting the alleged anti-gay views as both "fact" and "science."

According to the ACLU, some of these lesson plans have included referencing the bible, claiming abortion to be the leading cause of the death in the U.S. and calling homosexuality a "biological misapplication of human sexuality" with a recommended treatment of psychological counseling.

ACLU members claim the professor has created a "hostile environment" for gay and lesbian students, and that many students have complained about him for years.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "ACLU: Instructor Improperly Teaching Religion, Abortion Views as Fact" Associated Press 2/8/10

Lopez is one of several Fresno City College instructors who teach the Health Science I course, which the college catalog describes as a survey of "contemporary science concepts and medical information designed to promote health." Topics covered in the course include sexuality, nutrition, substance abuse, physical fitness and heredity.

Jacqueline Mahaffey, 24, who had Lopez as a teacher last semester, said his personal beliefs became apparent on the first day of class when he made a point of contradicting their textbook, which listed cancer as the leading cause of death. Lopez told the class that abortions killed more people than cancer.

During the second week, Lopez allegedly gave the students a genetics assignment that involved studying the Bible to research Jesus Christ's biological makeup. He also told students that "evolution is a dead theory" and invited them to visit him in his office "if you want to know about your Creator."

Mahaffey said she and another student filed complaints with Lopez's dean about halfway through the semester following a lecture in which he said that sexual behavior involving less than 5 percent of the population should be classified as a mental disorder and that homosexuality "degrades" society.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.