From " Hometown Heroes of San Diego Series: The Mike Farmer Story, A Real Hometown Hero" by James Hartline, posted 8/7/07 at California-Christian-News
...Mike Farmer never set out to cause trouble for anyone when he became a Christian. However, once the Padres decided to expose the kids of San Diego to homosexuality at Petco Park, Farmer decided that the team needed some trouble from their number one fan. Farmer made his feelings known regarding the Padres and their promotion of homosexuality at a July 10, 2007 San Diego City Council Meeting. Mike demonstrated his passion for protecting the kids of San Diego in a powerful three-minute clarion call that was reminiscent of the founding fathers during the early days of the Revolutionary War.
Farmer told the members of the San Diego City Council that it was the first time he had ever spoken at city hall. "Mike's speech was one of the best that I've ever heard. What is so incredible is that it was the first time he'd ever spoken at the city council," said Hartline, a veteran of many city council meetings. You can watch the entirety of Mike Farmer's speech by logging onto:
View Video - July 10, 2007
Go to Non-Agenda Comment - Slide Time Ruler to Time of 1:04:50
"We as parents have a right to determine if and when we choose to discuss issues of sexuality with our kids, not the gay pride organization," declared Farmer. Mike's speech culminated with a powerful challenge to the city councilmembers who claim to be Christians, particularly during elections when the Christian vote is needed to win. Farmer stated, "There's Christians on this council. I'm looking at a couple. Every year you vote for this gay pride celebration. It is time for you to reconsider your vote on this matter!"
...When he became a Christian approximately thirteen years ago, Mike Farmer didn't know much about the Bible or Christian activism. He never even imagined that in 2007 he would find himself in the middle of a battle to save the kids of his city. Yet, that is where Mike's love for his son and his commitment to Jesus Christ have taken him.
At the same time that Mike married his loving wife Suzie they were studying Christianity under the Bible teaching of an up-and-coming young pastor by the name of Leo Giovinetti.
...Over the years, Giovinetti has encouraged his thriving congregation to stay steadfast in their commitment to some very basic Christian principles. "Read your bible every day and take what you learn and enter the story," Pastor Leo reminds the 1,500 weekly attendees of Mission Valley Christian Fellowship.
Enter the story means active involvement in the culture. And that is exactly what Mike Farmer has done in his very public stand on behalf of the young kids and their families in San Diego County. Hopefully thousands of other dads in San Diego will follow the example of Mike Farmer and go to battle for the youth of their city. In a time when the San Diego Padres have chosen to promote homosexuality over Christianity, the kids of San Diego are desperately counting on real men like Mike Farmer to step up to the plate each and everyday to be the real heroes in America.
Read the whole article.
Read the whole article.