Now an 18-year-old man, Cody Tubman has been given privileges to the girls locker rooms for years at Middleborough High School. Although everyone knows he's male, after ending his high school years dressed as a girl, he's been elected prom queen.
Meanwhile, two "gay boys" have been named "cutest couple" at Carmel (New York) High School.
For background, read how school children are indoctrinated with the Gay Agenda across America.
Also read Massachusetts Government Says Boys Free to Use Girls Locker Room and read about these trends in other states.
In addition, read Gay Guy as Prom Queen at Virginia School, Media Love It as well as Methodist Duke University Ups Fees for Sex Changes
UPDATE 10/28/13: Male Homecoming Queen at University of Northern Iowa
UPDATE 9/22/13: Sexual Confusion Reigns at Calif. High School Homecoming
-- From "Transgender Teen Voted Prom Queen At Middleboro High" by Lauren Leamanczyk, WBZ-TV4 (Boston) 5/31/13
She was born a boy but she started dressing as a girl when she was a freshman in high school. She says she feels more confident and comfortable in her body [which is fully male -- physically and genetically].
The other students, most of whom had known Cody since elementary school were by and large accepting. Cody says her teachers were also supportive.
Being voted prom queen was validation that other students like Cody for who she is.
Cody’s family is proud of her accomplishment . . .
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Transgender student voted prom queen in Middleboro" by Morgan True, Enterprise Staff Writer (Taunton, Mass. Daily Gazette) 5/31/13
“It feels really good because when I was younger I looked up to Jeffree Star,” a transgender singer-songwriter, Tubman said.
“It’s great that other kids might hear about this and feel more comfortable with who they are,” she added.
Now, she says, “I’d tell other kids struggling with gender identity to express themselves however they want.”
School Committee Chairwoman Sara Cederholm said Tubman being elected prom queen shows the culture of acceptance that has evolved in the school system.
Cody’s mother and sister use male pronouns when talking about her, but Cody said she prefers people use female ones.
[Cody] said she hopes to start hormone therapy to lower her testosterone levels, but for now she doesn’t plan on having a sex-change operation.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Carmel High School Seniors Become Internet Celebrities As First Gay ‘Cutest Couple’" posted at CBS News (New York) 6/3/13
Two high school seniors from Putnam County have become Internet celebrities after a friend honored them not only as the first same-sex couple to win the “cutest couple” award for their class, but to be allowed to run for the distinction at all.
Carmel High School principal Kevin Carroll told CBS 2 the decision to feature a gay couple in the yearbook as the “Cutest Couple” was made with the support of both parents and staff. He said [Dylan] Meehan and [Brad] Taylor are both “good kids,” set to receive multiple achievement awards at the end-of-the-year ceremony Thursday.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
Mass. Male 'Transgender' Student Voted Prom Queen
gay agenda,
public schools,