Saturday, November 24, 2012

Abortionist Offers 'Black Friday' Holiday Discount

Planned Parenthood and its clinics ring in the holidays with special pricing offers, and a Thanksgiving message of gratitude for President Obama with anticipation for a bounty of business from ObamaCare.  For the holiday gatherings, Planned Parenthood gives its annual advice for advancing abortion propaganda with family and friends.
“Debating when life begins or whether or not abortion is federally funded may get you nowhere.”
-- Excerpt from “8 Easy Steps for Discussing Reproductive Health and Justice at the Holiday Table” by Planned Parenthood
For background, read Planned Parenthood's Holiday Gift of Death and also read Planned Parenthood's Christmas Derision

-- From "Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic Offers Black Friday Discount" by Steven Ertelt, 11/23/12

Planned Parenthood of South Florida and the Treasure Coast offered the special, saying, “Visit our West Palm Beach or Kendall Health Center for special after Thanksgiving savings on Friday, November 23rd.”

Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek noticed the Black Friday discount and responded, “Planned Parenthood brings new meaning to the term, “Black Friday,” doesn’t it?”

This is the same abortion business where [Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz] the chair of the national Democratic party headlined a small rally last year.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Planned Parenthood: Thankful for Abortion, Obama, HHS Mandate" by Steven Ertelt, 11/22/12

Planned Parenthood today released a blog post and the nation’s largest abortion company says it is most thankful for abortion, pro-abortion President Barack Obama, and his Obamacare law and HHS mandate that fund abortions and force religious groups that pay for drugs that may cause abortions.

“Over the last year, women’s health has had ups and downs, but we couldn’t be more proud of the progress we made.  Women’s health and Planned Parenthood became a major focus the last few months of the election.  Thousands of people jumped to defend affordable access to health care, and we’ve got a lot of thanking to do.  Here are just a few of the things we’re thankful for this holiday season,” the blog post reads.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "How to debate abortion around the Thanksgiving table: Planned Parenthood tweets advice" by John Jalsevac, 11/22/12

Instead of debating when life begins, Planned Parenthood suggests you explain “how you believe everyone should be able to afford to go to the doctor, or how the decision about when and whether to become a parent is a personal one.”

“In so many of these political disagreements, when things get heated we revert back to bumper sticker slogans instead of really talking about an issue. Instead, take a few deep breaths and try personalizing the issue, or evoking empathy,” the article suggests.

Instead of debating about whether abortion is actually right or wrong, or when life begins, the article suggests making statements like, “We can try to imagine the heartbreak of a family when they get the news that a test has shown there is something wrong with their baby,” and “I can accept someone’s decision to end a pregnancy, even if I wouldn’t make the same decision myself.”

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.