Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Calif. Congresswomen Push Aging Homosexual Benefits

Sen. Barbara Boxer and congresswomen supported protesters marching in Hollywood demanding social security benefits for same-sex couples.

-- From "California Protesters Seek Social Security Benefits for Homosexuals" by Associated Press staff 4/12/10

Before the march, U.S. Rep. Linda Sanchez told the cheering crowd she would author legislation that would extend survivor benefits to older gay and lesbian couples.

"We now have quality, affordable health care coming to all," Sanchez said. "What good is the quality of our health care in America if Americans are not treated equally under all of our laws?"

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

-- From "Equal Social Security benefits for same-sex couples urged" by Ruben Vives, Los Angeles Times 4/12/10

State and local officials joined hundreds of people outside the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center in Hollywood on Sunday morning to kick off a national grass-roots campaign demanding equal Social Security benefits for same-sex couples.

As of now, people in same-sex relationships are denied Social Security survivor benefits from their deceased partners because the federal government does not recognize same-sex marriages or domestic partnerships as valid relationships.

Rep. Judy Chu (D-El Monte), who also attended the event, offered to coauthor the bill.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.