Thursday, March 15, 2007

Reading and Writing and Ramadan

British Muslim organization makes outrageous demands of British public schools.

From "Reading and Writing and Ramadan," by Irfan al-Alawi and Stephen Schwartz, posted 3/12/2007, at the Weekly Standard (Hat tip: Mel)


The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) is the leading institution representing Sunni Muslim fundamentalism in the United Kingdom. An independent umbrella association of some 400 mosques, educational and charitable institutions, women's and youth groups, and professional bodies, it came into being in 1997. It has generally reflected the ideologies of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, the Saudi Wahhabi cult, and the Deobandi jihadists of Pakistan, whose thinking underlay the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

The council boycotts Britain's Holocaust Memorial Day, observed each January 27, with the argument that an occasion for remembrance should be established for all victims of genocide, and not merely for the Jews killed by Hitler. It produces a steady stream of excuses for suicide terror in Israel and Kashmir. Yet the council professes moderation.

Now, however, its authentic agenda is discernable in its new reommended guidelines for accommodating Muslim students in British state schools...
It's a tall order...

"schools should accommodate Muslim girls so that they are allowed to wear a full-length loose school skirt or loose trousers, a long-sleeved shirt and a head scarf to cover their hair."

A two-page section of the MCB guidelines calls for a Muslim diet at meals.

Then there is the need for time and facilities for prayer by Muslim children at least once a day.
"Schools should be aware that some pupils may request separate prayer facilities for boys and girls, as they may feel more comfortable praying in a single-gender group."
Schools should also provide extra "water cans or bottles" for washing of the hands, mouth, face, arms to the elbow, feet, and private parts before prayer.

On Friday afternoons, Muslims attend collective prayer including a sermon (Muslim males, that is: the guidelines state this is "optional or recommended" for females). The MCB suggests that "a suitable external visitor, a teacher or an older pupil" may lead the observance...

Read the rest of this article.