A new "rain tax" imposed in Maryland was intended to reign over tax-exempt churches, but government officials are instead giving the pastors a choice: If church leaders will trade their Christian teaching for pagan environmental worship, then the tax will be reduced or even waived entirely.
For background, click headlines below to read previous articles:
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-- From "Churches receive stormwater fee discounts by starting ‘green’ ministries, sermons" by Arelis R. Hernández, Washington Post 11/16/14
Maryland’s stormwater remediation fee has been criticized ever since it became law in 2013. One of its main detractors is Gov.-elect Larry Hogan (R), who derisively calls the fee a “rain tax” and has promised to try to repeal it.
The fee applies to public and private properties, commercial and residential, and is assessed according to the size of each property’s impervious surface — solid material that blocks stormwater from being absorbed and filtered by the underlying soil.
In Prince George’s, churches are some of the largest properties in the county, with sprawling parking lots and generous acreage.
Churches, synagogues, mosques and other houses of worship are an “untapped resource” to help inspire the larger community to “do what is right,” Jon Capacasa of the Environmental Protection Agency said.
[Dozens of pastors have] agreed to start “green” ministries . . . and to preach environmentally focused sermons to educate their congregations.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
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