Monday, December 20, 2010

Military Damaged, so on to Marriage: Gay Agenda

President Obama has yet to even sign the repeal legislation of the 1993 ban on homosexual behavior in the military, yet the mainstream media can't wait to charge down the slippery slope of the Gay Agenda.

Homosexualists look forward to California's Proposition 8 (marriage amendment) making it to the U.S. Supreme Court, setting up two major Gay Agenda advances within twelve months.

UPDATE 12/24/10: V.P. Biden says "gay marriage" is inevitable

(full V.P. Biden interview at bottom of this post)

-- From "For gay rights, is repeal of 'don't ask' military ban the end or the beginning?" by David A. Fahrenthold, Washington Post Staff Writer 12/20/10

For the American gay rights movement, this is the big question that follows Saturday's landmark repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Is the Senate vote the successful end of one struggle or a turning point for many others?

Activists are hoping that the repeal - which will allow gays to serve openly in the U.S. military - gives them significant new leverage. For the first time they can argue that if the Army trusts gay men and women with rifles, why shouldn't society trust them with wedding rings?

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' vs. Gay Marriage" by Chris Good, an associate editor at The Atlantic 12/20/10

They're the two dominant gay-rights issues today, but how do marriage and "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" compare to each other, politically?

Gay rights, and homosexuality in general, do seem far more supported/accepted now than they were five or ten years ago . . .

The trends are the same. Since 1996, more and more people have supported gay marriage, while more and more have opposed DADT since 2005.

But changing DADT remains far more popular (67 percent per Gallup, as of December 9) than recognizing gay marriage (43 percent for vs. 47 percent against pew Pew, as of September 9).

But when Pew asked in 2009 whether respondents supported "civil unions" that entailed the same legal rights as straight marriages, it found 57 percent support.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

. . . so, the path is "civil unions," then full "marriage," . . . IL Civil Unions Law, so Now to "Gay Marriage"