Tuesday, June 26, 2007

APA Appoints Gay Activists to Monitor Reorientation Therapy: Those With Other Viewpoints Rejected

From "APA Appoints Gay Activists to Monitor Homosexual Reorientation Therapy" by Elizabeth O'Brien, posted 6/22/07 at Lifesite.org

The recently created "Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation", which is part of the American Psychological Association (APA), has appointed five openly gay activists to monitor clients who want to overcome their homosexual tendencies.

The APA's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Concerns Office requested that the task force be created, asking clinicians to submit qualified names for job positions. In response, the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) compiled a list of doctors and professors for the new committee.

Despite the high qualifications of these professionals, a recent NARTH press release stated that all of them were rejected by APA president Dr. Sharon Stephens Brehm.

Instead, five out of the six people chosen this May for the task force, reports NARTH, are "committed gay-affirmative activists who are openly hostile to the reality that individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction can be helped."

How can gay activists who are openly hostile to the idea that people can change or even want to change, evaluate reorientation therapy fairly?

Read the rest of this story.