Photo courtesy CNSNews.com
UPDATE 4/16/09: When Laura Bush spoke in same spot, Jesus was NOT hidden
UPDATE 4/28/09: Congressman Says this Reveals Country’s Move toward Socialism, Secularism
-- From "Obama at Georgetown: The mystery of the missing sign" by Julia Duin, Washington Times 4/15/09
The gold-lettered monogram [IHS] appeared near a painting of three female figures -- symbolizing morality, faith and patriotism -- and decorative edging along the wall that spelled out the Jesuit motto "Ad majorem Dei gloriam"—"To the greater glory of God." Georgetown was founded by the Jesuits.
Julie Bataille from the university's press office [said] . . . that the White House had asked that all university signage and symbols behind the stage in Gaston Hall be covered.
"The White House wanted a simple backdrop of flags and pipe and drape for the speech, consistent with what they've done for other policy speeches," she wrote. "Frankly, the pipe and drape wasn't high enough by itself to fully cover the IHS and cross above the GU seal and it seemed most respectful to have them covered so as not to be seen out of context."
. . . the Free Republic blog had photos comparing "before" and "after" depictions of the unfortunate monogram, which the university covered with what looks like a black cloth.
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