Parents beware! We encourage you to do your homework on the sex education curriculum used by your child's school. Let's take a look at a recommended program by The Campaign: Our Whole Lives.
- Teaches kindergartners and first graders about masturbation (refer to page 54).
- For grades 10-12, the curricula includes blindfolded "condom race" exercises and "dental dam" demonstrations for oral sex (refer to page 87- 88).
- "Sexy Safe Fantasy Activity" on page 91 includes instruction for teens to role play their fantasy with candy for prizes.
- On page 180, the curricula suggests reading exotic books, watching erotic movies, showering together, masturbation alone or in front of a partner and giving and receiving oral sex.
The "comprehensive" or "abstinence-plus" curricula selected for this study were chosen based on the frequency and strength of endorsement received from the leading and recognized sexuality information organizations and resources. The purpose of the study was to inform federal policymakers of the content, medical accuracy and effectiveness of "comprehensive" sex ed curricula currently in use. The study includes summaries of each curriculum's content.
Project Reality examined the study and summarized the findings into brief points for easy reference. In the analysis, you will find overall findings of interest as well as specific points for each curriculum studied. Findings of this study indicate that although these programs are being promoted as "comprehensive," they discuss condoms and contraception nearly seven times more than abstinence. In addition, there was virtually no effect on delaying sexual activity in children using these programs and no long term effects.
"This report finally exposes the actual content of comprehensive sex ed programs so that the public can distinguish between the reality of these programs and the rhetoric they use," stated Libby Macke, director of Project Reality.
Click here to read Project Reality's Analysis of Comprehensive Sex Education Curricula Review.