From Vermont May Be the Next State to Legalize Assisted Suicide, by Gudrun Schultz, published Feb. 23rd, 2007, by
BURLINGTON, Vermont, February 23, 2007 ( - The Vermont legislature is set to begin a week of debate on assisted suicide, following the introduction of a House bill that would see Vermont follow Oregon in authorizing doctors to prescribe lethal medication.
A bill mimicking Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law was presented in the House early in the 2007-2008 legislative session. Entitled “Patient Choice and Control at End of Life,” House Bill 44 was signed by five sponsors including two Democrats, a Republican, a Progressive and an independent.
Debate on the volatile issue will open Friday with presentations from leaders on both sides of the argument before a House committee, the Associated Press reported earlier today, as well as a public hearing to gain a sense of public opinion on the issue.
Advocates for the disabled have been among the strongest objectors, led by the Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights.
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