With great fanfare, the Williams Institute at UCLA has reiterated its numerous past announcements that children raised by lesbians are more successful, well-adjusted, happier, and just "better" than other children, according to Nanette Gartrell, MD, Principal Investigator of the U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study, who happens to be "married" to Diane "Dee" Mosbacher, a high-profile lesbian feminist activist.
For background, read Study: Lesbians Never Abuse Kids and also read Study: Gay Parenting Harms Kids - Media Frantic as well as Explaining Gay Agenda Effect on Children
-- From "Study: Teens With Lesbian Mothers Do Better In School, Happier In Life" posted at CBS News KNXT-FM100.5 (Las Vegas) 11/5/12
A new study has found that 17-year-olds with lesbian mothers had high school GPAs ranging between A-minus to B-plus, while having strong family bonds with their mothers, whom the teens consider good role models. The Williams Institute at UCLA, which conducted “Adolescents with Lesbian Mothers Describe Their Own Lives,” tracked 78 adolescents over a 26-year period.
“These kids were planned and their lesbian mothers were very engaged in parenting,” said Nanette Gartrell, principal investigator of the study for the Williams Institute. “At the end of high school, the teens tell us that they have excellent grades, feel connected to their families and friends, and admire their parents.”
The research, which appears in the Journal of Homosexuality . . .
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Teenage children of lesbian parents excel in school and are happier in life, claims new study" by UK Daily Mail Reporter 11/5/12
According to the report from the U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study . . .
'Adolescents with Lesbian Mothers Describe Their Own Lives' is part of a larger study conducted by professors at the Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law that has tracked same sex families for 26 years as it examines the progress of children raised by two mothers.
Nearly all of them are planning to go to college after high school and all boasted strong family bonds with an open-minded attitude to life thanks to their non-traditional family situations.
The most recent, promising results were drawn after the 78 participants answered a series of questions about their everyday life covering topics such as academia, hobbies, goals, friendships, family dynamics, role models, health issues and wellbeing.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Teens Raised by Lesbian Parents Tend to Be Smarter, Happier: Study" by Makini Brice, Medical Daily 11/5/12
In a blow to one argument against the legalization of gay marriages, one study says that children raised by lesbian parents perform better in school and are happier in life.
The teens were also asked to rank their feeling of overall well-being. In a scale in which the highest number was 10, the average score of the adolescents was an 8.14.
Empirical data can hardly be counted as a scientific study, and the sample size was fairly small, though statistically sound. It is also unclear whether researchers controlled for confounding factors, like age and socioeconomic status. Further studies will need to be conducted and will likely be conducted on this hot-button issue.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read Homosexual Judge Says Children Don't Need Parents as well as Homosexualists Use Children to Battle Christianity