Friday, October 18, 2013

Obama's 'Marriage' Lawlessness: Now North Carolina

Although North Carolina citizens amended their state constitution in 2012 to define legal marriage as one man and one woman, this week North Carolina's Democrat Attorney General Roy Cooper announced his support for same-sex "marriage" and immediately a county clerk began accepting marriage licenses for homosexuals.
“I was frustrated turning down marriage licenses from upstanding citizens from my community again and again. I had a handful of friends come into my office and request licenses, and we had to deny them specifically because of their sexual orientation. And I just didn’t feel like it was fair anymore.”
-- Drew Reisinger, Buncombe County Register of Deeds
Although the 2013 U.S. Supreme Court rulings were INTENDED to allow citizens of each state to define marriage, in fact, the rulings are instituting tyrannical rule over Americans (click headlines below):

President Obama's 'Marriage' Lawlessness Spreads to Pennsylvania

Ohio Judge Negating Voters by Awarding 'Gay Marriage'

New Mexico County Clerk Assumes Role of Judge, Initiates Same-sex 'Marriages'

Gay Agenda Lawlessness in California

UPDATE 12/24/13: Lawlessness Spreads Like a Plague - Activist Judges Say Scalia Right on 'Gay Marriage'

-- From "Asheville official ready to say yes to same-sex marriage licenses" by Mitch Weiss, Associated Press 10/14/13

Attorney general office spokeswoman Noelle Talley said in a statement “these marriage licenses cannot be issued.”

“This is the law unless the Constitution is changed or the court says otherwise. This very issue is the subject of pending litigation against the State of North Carolina,” Talley said in a written statement.

The Campaign for Southern Equality has been going from county to county, trying to find someone to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples as part of its “We Do” campaign.

[Attorney General Roy Cooper's pro-homosexual] announcement worries social conservative groups that supported the amendment’s passage but aren’t sure that Cooper will robustly defend the state in court. . . .

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Also read Gay Agenda will be Complete when Christians are Muzzled, Say Homosexualists as well as Senator Ted Cruz Says the Gay Agenda Ends Christian Liberty

In addition, read Nationwide Marriage Amendment Puts Republicans to the Test