After the League City, Texas City Council was told by the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) to either stop praying, or be sued, citizens of the city of 80,000 supported the Council's decision to stand behind the First Amendment freedoms of religion and speech.
The prayer battle rages across the nation, including in New Hampshire where a Praying Mother is Banned from the School Grounds
For background, read Atheists Threaten to Sue Every School in Mississippi but admit they're Short on Lawyers to Sue ALL Christians
In addition, read Texas Law Tells Schools to Ignore Atheist Threats
Coming soon: U.S. Supreme Court Considers Public Prayer Case
-- From "Nonprofit tells League City council to stop praying before meetings" by Craig Hlavaty, Houston Chronicle 7/23/13
Mayor Paulissen says that they have no plans to change their meeting format.
"The city has been doing this since 1962, and nobody has ever complained, to my knowledge," said the mayor this afternoon. "It's not just my stance. I have the full support of those on the city council, too."
"This is what our forefathers did, too," he adds, mentioning that the first Continental Congress even prayed before their official business.
The mayor says that he has been inundated with supportive emails since the letter was made public, and has done a few radio interviews.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Liberty Institute To Discuss The Constitutionality Of Public Prayer During League City City Council Meeting" by Liberty Institute, PRNewswire-USNewswire posted at The Sacramento Bee 8/12/13
. . . The City Council invited Liberty Institute, the nation's largest nonprofit legal firm dedicated solely to defending religious freedom in America, after the Freedom From Religion Foundation threatened to sue League City if it did not cease the invocations. Liberty Institute has also agreed to help the City draft an invocation policy that complies with constitutional standards.
"We encourage the City Council to continue to solemnize its proceedings with invocations delivered by members of League City's religious community," said Jeff Mateer, Liberty Institute General Counsel. "Building upon a historical tradition that dates back over 200 years, the Supreme Court made clear that invocations before legislative sessions are constitutionally permissible."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Because of the intimidation tactics of atheist lawyer organizations, state governments across America are educating its citizens on constitutional religious liberty by passing laws in Texas, and Louisiana, and North Carolina, and South Carolina, and Missouri, and Mississippi, and Florida, and Tennessee.
The root issue is American Religious Liberty vs. Anti-Christian Totalitarianism
To read the latest attacks on Christian prayer by atheists, click label "PRAYER" below: