Monday, February 04, 2013

Male Porn Users Likely to Favor 'Gay Marriage'

New studies show that men who consume more pornography are also more likely to favor same-sex "marriage" because seeing a variety of deviant heterosexual behavior also opens the mind to deviant homosexual behavior.  By its nature, pornography disconnects sex acts from procreation and the concept of monogamous marriage.

For background, read Gay Agenda: TV's Disproportionate Attention and also read President Obama Enables Pornographers as well as Obama Raises Gay Agenda above Religious Liberty

-- From "Porn, friend to marriage equality" by Kevin Lewis, Boston Globe Correspondent 1/27/13

How does consuming pornography change people? Oddly enough, one effect is apparently to shift their position on a major political issue: same-sex marriage. Controlling for age, race, political affiliation, and attitude toward same-sex marriage in 2006, men who reported viewing more pornography in 2008 were more likely to support same-sex marriage in 2010. This effect was only observed among less educated men.

Wright, P. & Randall, A., “Pornography Consumption, Education, and Support for Same-Sex Marriage among Adult U.S. Males,” Communication Research

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Study: Watching porn boosts support for same-sex marriage" by Paul Bedard, The Washington Examiner 2/4/13

Explaining the findings of the analysis published in the authoritative Communication Research journal, [Indiana University Assistant Professor Paul] Wright said, "Pornography adopts an individualistic, nonjudgmental stance on all kinds of nontraditional sexual behaviors and same-sex marriage attitudes are strongly linked to attitudes about same-sex sex. If people think individuals should be able to decide for themselves whether to have same-sex sex, they will also think that individuals should be able to decide for themselves whether to get married to a partner of the same-sex."

He added: "Since a portion of individuals' sexual attitudes come from the media they consume, it makes sense that pornography viewers would have more positive attitudes towards same-sex marriage."

Of note, the authors suggested that since lesbian porn "is quite popular among males," the change seen in the men toward same-sex marriage suggests "a change in males' attitude regarding male-male marriage."

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Porn Use and Supporting Same-Sex Marriage" by Mark Regnerus, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin 12/20/12

[Pornography] redirects sex—by graphic depiction of it—away from any sense of it as a baby-making activity. Porn also undermines the [marriage] concept that in the act of sexual intercourse, we share our “body and whole self … permanently and exclusively.” On the contrary, it reinforces the idea that people can share their bodies but not their inmost selves, and that they can do so temporarily and (definitely) not exclusively without harm.

Moreover, the web’s most popular pornographic sites do little to discriminate one sex act—or category of such—from another. Gazers are treated to a veritable fire-hose dousing of sex-act diversity. (These are not your grandfather’s Playboy.) So, add to the sharing of bodies temporarily and nonexclusively a significant dose of alternative forms of sexual activity—positions, roles, genders, and numbers—and that’s basically where porn presses its consumers today: away from sex as having anything approaching a “marital meaning” or structure . . .

Data from the New Family Structures Study reveal that . . . [young] men who view pornographic material “every day or almost every day,” 54 percent “strongly agreed” that gay and lesbian marriage should be legal, compared with around 13 percent of those whose porn-use patterns were either monthly or less often than that. . . .

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

Also read Anal Sex is Main Cause of HIV Pandemic: Study