UPDATE 1/4/12: California Public School Kids Now Required to Study Contributions of LGBT Americans
UPDATE 7/14/11: Gov. Brown signs homosexual indoctrination into law
UPDATE 6/30/11: Legislation consideration continues
For background, read Another Homosexual Training Law for Calif. Schools and also read Calif. Legislature Mandates Schools to Celebrate Homosexuality
-- From "California May Require Teaching of Gay History" by Jennifer Medina, New York Times 4/15/11
In California public schools, students are required to learn about black history and women’s history. And if a bill approved by the State Senate this week becomes law, the state will become the first in the country to mandate that schools also teach gay history.
While the [FAIR Education Act] bill does not set specific requirements about what should be taught to students, it does say that contributions of gays and lesbians in the state and country must be included in social science instruction. So Harvey Milk, one of the first openly gay elected officials in the state, and Bayard Rustin, a civil rights activist, may take a prominent place in the state’s history books.
Advocates say that teaching about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in schools would prevent bullying and shatter stereotypes that some students may harbor. They point to several students who have committed suicide after being taunted by peers for being gay. But the bill has drawn vociferous criticism from opponents who argue that when and how to talk about same-sex relationships should be left to parents.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "California Senate Approves Mark Leno's Gay History Bill" by Carlos Santoscoy, (pro-homosexual) On Top Magazine 4/16/11
[Senator Mark] Leno, an openly gay Democrat from San Francisco, told lawmakers that the legislation would help curb the bullying of gay children.
“We are second-class citizens and children are listening,” he said. “When they see their teachers don't step up to the plate when their classmate is being harassed literally to death, they are listening and they get the message that there is something wrong with those people.”
The measure is expected to be approved by the Assembly and signed into law by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown, an ally on gay rights.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
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