Monday, July 12, 2010

Montana Sex Ed Starting at Kindergarten

Following national guidelines, grade school in Helena Montana will start by teaching kindergarteners about genitals, homosexual behavior to first graders, oral sex to pre-pubescent kids . . . and later it gets more explicit.

UPDATE 7/15/10: Latest TV interviews with parents & school superintendent (see below)

-- From "Sex-ed provisions to get public hearing Tuesday" by Alana Listoe, Helena Independent Record 7/11/10

Helena School District administrators and the [revised health enhancement curriculum] document’s creators defend the comprehensive health education document, saying as a whole it will foster a healthier lifestyle for all students as they mature from early childhood into young adults. Opponents say the proposals on human sexuality give too graphic information to children at too young an age.

A committee made up of administrators, teachers, nurses and health and police department officials met for two years [unbeknownst to parents] considering best practices, as well as state and national standards while they developed the 62-page document that encompasses nutrition, relationships, mental health, environmental health and disease prevention.

But the stirring debate in the community has centered on a few pages about human sexuality.

Some of the sticking points are introduction of body parts by their correct names in kindergarten; understanding in first grade that human beings can love people of the same gender; and understanding in fifth grade that sexual intercourse includes, but is not limited to vaginal, oral or anal penetration.

Much of those points being taught at those specific ages coincide with the Guideline for Comprehensive Sexuality Education put out by the National Guidelines Task Force, as well as other national health education standards. The district’s proposal is somewhat conservative on a few points compared to those national guidelines that, for example, say in early elementary school (ages 5 through 8), students should learn that men and women have sperm and egg cells that enable them to reproduce and that vaginal intercourse is when a penis is placed inside the vagina — the most common way for a sperm and egg to join.

To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.

UPDATE 7/14/10: Video

UPDATE 7/14/10: Video

UPDATE 7/14/10: Video

UPDATE 7/13/10: Video