-- From "Faceoff! Cops versus preachers on public sidewalk" by Chelsea Schilling © 2009 WorldNetDaily 8/27/09
A street preacher is accusing police of violating his constitutional rights after officers arrested him for not having a parade permit while he spoke out against homosexuality on a public sidewalk in Manchester, Ga.
Chris Pettigrew and Pastor Billy Ball and of Faith Baptist Church in Primrose, Ga., were arrested multiple times Aug 24 after they held signs on a public street corner telling people to repent and declaring homosexuality a sin.
"There were four of us to begin with. We weren't preaching with any amplified sound," Pettigrew told WND. "Basically, as soon as we got out of the cars and started toward the sidewalk, Manchester city police officers showed up and asked us if we had a parade permit."
He continued, "We did not have a parade permit, and we informed them that we had no plans for obtaining a parade permit because we weren't in a parade."
Displeased with their answer, Pettigrew said, "they handcuffed us and took us to the city jail in Manchester."
He maintains that his group always obeys the law "as long as it doesn't interfere with constitutional rights." However, he believes authorities detained his small group based on its message against homosexuality.
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