Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wheaton College Features Pro-Homosexual Speaker

From "Wheaton College Features Pro-Homosexual Speaker" by Jeff Johnson, posted 2/19/08 at

Wheaton College is once again featuring a pro-homosexual activist as a featured speaker at its Center for Applied Christian Ethics.

Wheaton first came under fire for inviting self-proclaimed "gay Christian" activist Harry Knox to participate in a panel discussion during which he repeated the claim that his sexual preference is a "gift from God." This evening Wheaton will feature Jim Wallis, editor-in-chief of Sojourners magazine and author of the new book The Great Awakening, in which Wallis claims the effort to legitimize homosexual relationships in the law is "a justice issue."

Peter LaBarbera, with Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, says the college is failing both its Bible-centered charter and its obligations to academic integrity. "We find it hard to believe that somebody who believes in the Bible -- and the Bible teaches that homosexuality is an abomination," states LaBarbera, "... could call support for so-called 'civil rights' based on egregiously sinful behavior -- how you can call that 'a justice issue'?"

One must wonder why on earth Wheaton College would give a man, who claims to be Christian -- yet openly advocates rebellion toward God -- a platform from which to influence its students. I can hardly imagine a circumstance under which they would invite a "Christian" who publicly advocates other sorts of sexual sin, such as adultery, polygamy, bestiality or adult incest. Is advocating the more politically correct sin of homosexuality somehow more permissible? Incidentally, Mr. Wallis also supports legalized abortion.

A person such as this should be considered a wolf in sheep's clothing and therefore dangerous to the flock. The only circumstances under which he should have been allowed to speak would have been one where he would have shared the platform with an able Biblical scholar who could have easily rebuked him.

In giving him a solitary platform, Wheaton College not only provided him a position from which to spread his particular brand of rebellion, it also lent him credibility in doing so.

We can only hope and pray that Wheaton College administrators will realize that they have made a very unwise decision and learn from it...

Read the rest of the article.