Wednesday, December 13, 2006

FDA Invites Commentary on Harvesting Tissue from Aborted Babies

The FDA has invited public response to the current and future practice of using aborted fetal cell lines in the production of vaccines.

Certain childhood vaccines were developed with cells extracted from the retinal, lung, skin, muscle, kidney, heart, thyroid, thymus and liver tissue of babies aborted electively up to 18 weeks gestation. Currently, the National Institute of Health is working with pharmaceutical companies to develop new vaccines for Ebola, Flu and Avian Flu in the event of a pandemic outbreak. Some companies are using aborted fetal cell lines although others are using ethical alternatives such as bacteria, insect cell lines and chick embryo.

Ethical alternatives can and should be pursued. The public comment period ends December 28, 2006. Please take the time to voice your opinion on this issue.

To register and send an email to the FDA go to:

To mail in a response, write the FDA:

Division of Dockets Management
HFA 305
Food and Drug Administration
5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061
Rockville, MD 20852
NOTE: You must include Docket Number 2006D-0383 on your US MAIL FDA correspondence.

Your action could dictate the direction pharmaceutical companies will move in the future.

“Science without conscience is the death of the soul.” (Rabelais 1537)