Unlike media attention when "bad boys" sports figures and celebrities appear before tens of thousands of cheering fans, when role model quarterback Tim Tebow speaks on Fathers Day to a stadium of worshiping Christians, the media coverage is scant.
For background, read The Media & Quarterback Tebow's Christian Faith and also read Christian Quarterback Brings NFL to its Knees as well as NBA's Lin Thanks Jesus, without Tebow-like Scorn
-- From "Tebow talks about inspiration from 'Braveheart' at sermon" by Nate Davis, USA TODAY 6/17/12
Tim Tebow spoke of faith and film at a Father's Day service for Shadow Mountain Community Church at San Diego's Qualcomm Stadium on Sunday.
The New York Jets quarterback revealed how his father, Bob, instilled lifelong values in Tebow using the movie Braveheart and Mel Gibson's depiction of William Wallace as a learning tool.
"It had the biggest impact on my life because every time I would go to practice from then on out, I would think of what my father said to me: 'Do I really love what I'm doing? Am I passionate about it? And am I willing to sacrifice more than anybody else?' " Tebow told a crowd of 26,000 of what he gleaned from Braveheart, which is still his favorite flick.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Tim Tebow Urges Men To ‘Get In The Game’ Of Christianity During Father’s Day Chat" posted at WCBS-TV2 (New York) 6/18/12
The Jets star, alongside Shadow Mountain Community Church Pastor David Jeremiah, said “it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out,” if only famous athletes across the board could understand the force of leading by example.
The 24-year-old also touched on his well-known prayer position, which he said he’s been doing since his senior year in high school as a way to humble himself before and after games. The Tebowing phenomenon took off last season, but the quarterback said there’s a positive in it — even when opposing players do it to mock him.
“Most of the people that do it aren’t really praying,” said Tebow. “But at least it’s being talked about. At least prayer is being talked about, at least getting on a knee is being talked about. And I think that’s a good thing.”
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Tim Tebow draws crowd of 26,000 at the Q" by Jeanette Steele, San Diego Union-Tribune 6/17/12
The 2007 Heisman Trophy winner from the University of Florida said the professional sports world does a poor job of providing good examples.
“What’s so frustrating is, you have in today’s society so many famous athletes,” he said. “If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.”
The quarterback has drawn similar crowds at religious events earlier this year [with little media attention]. An audience of 15,000 attended an outdoor Easter service in Texas. An appearance at a Las Vegas church in March drew 20,000.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "26,000 People Flock to Hear Tim Tebow Speak About His Dad" by Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor 6/18/12
The Christian athlete, who was the special guest for a ceremony titled, "Father's Day 2012: Encouraging Men To Live, Love & Lead," in San Diego, Calif., stressed the need for role models for the next generation, and shared how his dad was one for him.
"For me, it was about watching my dad. Because he could say whatever he wanted, but I watched him – how he acted, how he treated my mom, how he treated my four siblings, and that's where I learned the most from my dad is because it wasn't about what he said, it was about what he did," said Tebow, dressed in a pink striped shirt, tan slacks and loafers.
The quarterback told the audience that America's culture should get back to "what this country was based on: one nation under God." He also said he saw no problem in openly talking about his Christian faith, and welcomed the attention his convictions and the "Tebowing" prayer pose draw. "It's being talked about," he said. "That's exciting… It's OK to be outspoken about your faith."
Tebow and Pastor David Jeremiah of the host church, Shadow Mountain Community Church, spoke for more than 50 minutes at the event that was free and open to public. Many in the audience were wearing John 3:16 stickers on their faces.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.