Like so many institutions of "higher learning," Grinnell College has taken the sexualization craze and "gender neutral" to the next extreme by encouraging boys and girls to shower together.
For background and lists of such colleges, read Rutgers Co-ed Dorms & Showers: Gay Agenda and also read Sexually Confused Legislation Killed in Maryland
-- From "College adds locker rooms to gender-neutral policy" by Mike Kilen and Adam Belz, USA TODAY 11/10/11
In what the National Student Genderblind Campaign calls a "rapidly growing collegiate movement," at least 54 colleges and universities across the country, many of them private, provide gender-neutral housing options this year.
[James Baumann, spokesman for the Association of College and University Housing Officers — International said] "It's usually a campus responding to a need. If the student body either overtly expresses a desire for this, or if the housing staff perceives a need for it, that's when they pursue this as an option."
At Grinnell, the gender-neutral idea was driven by transgender students, those who don't identify themselves as either male or female, and students transitioning from one gender to the other, students and school officials said.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Iowa College Allows Students to Share 'Gender-Neutral' Locker Rooms" by Ray Downs, Christian Post Reporter 11/9/11
"This is a comfortable option for those that have trouble deciding whether to go to the bathroom - with the skirt or the pants on the sign," said Andrea Conner, director of residence life and orientation.
In the residence halls, students vote on whether or not the bathrooms are gender neutral.
With the changes at Grinnell College, at least one transgender student has said the attitude towards gender has made life easier.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.