Rasmussen's latest national poll finds that only 30% of respondents believe abortion is morally acceptable in the majority of cases.
For background, read Pro-choice Americans Disagree with Abortionists: Poll and also read Americans Say Abortion is Wrong, Dems Don't as well as Poll: Pro-life America Becomes More So
-- From "Most U.S. voters think abortion morally wrong most of the time: Rasmussen" by Kathleen Gilbert, LifeSiteNews.com 8/26/11
Fifty-five percent of participants in the survey said abortion was morally wrong in most cases, while 30 percent called it mostly acceptable, with 15 percent unsure. The pollster notes that the numbers are little changed since April 2007.
The survey, released Friday, supports a long-term trend in feelings about the moral acceptability of abortion, as well as the dividedness of voters on “pro-choice” and “pro-life” labeling.
Among those surveyed 48 percent considered themselves pro-choice, while 43 percent called themselves pro-life.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "New Poll: 55% of Americans Say Abortion Morally Wrong" by Steven Ertelt, LifeNews.com 8/26/11
Seventy-two percent (72%) of GOP voters and 60% of unaffiliateds think abortion is morally wrong most of the time. The plurality (46%) of Democrats disagree and feel abortion is not morally wrong in most instances.
Despite that pro-life response, 48 percent of likely voters classify themselves as “pro-choice” on abortion while 43 percent say they are pro-life. Fifty-one percent (51%) of female voters say they’re pro-choice, but just 44% of male voters say the same. Voters under the age of 40 are more likely to be pro-choice than their elders, the survey shows, which is also at odds with most polls.
Most Democrats (70%) are pro-choice, while the majority (62%) of Republicans and a plurality (47%) of voters not affiliated with either major party are pro-life.
The poll also found a majority of voters say abortion will affect how they vote in the next election . . .
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
Also read the Rasmussen poll