ABC News is exploring the lives of people struggling with sexual identity disorder, and how society is normalizing this mental health condition and even celebrating sexual mutilation, under the moniker "transgender."
It should be noted that a person's DNA cannot be changed; biologically, there's no such thing as a "sex change."
For background, read ABC's Good Morning America Recruits "Gay" Children
-- From "(Extra)Ordinary Family: Inside the Transgender World" posted at 8/30/11
From a 10-year-old who has felt trapped in the wrong body for years to a "trans-regret," a man who is one of the few people in the world to have changed his gender from a man to a woman and back again, "Primetime Nightline" looks at the issues surrounding transgender.
Jackie is a 10-year-old from Ohio who was originally born as Jack. As a toddler, Jack was drawn to his sister's dolls and clothes, and enjoyed dressing up in tutus and ballerina outfits. At 10 years old, with tears in his eyes, he told his parents "I'm a girl and I can't do this anymore." Within months, with his parents help, Jack becomes Jackie.
She now attends school as a girl, wearing girl's clothing and makeup. We watch as Jackie navigates her transition and meets relatives for the first time as a girl. Soon Jackie will begin taking puberty blockers, a controversial treatment, which will prevent her from going through male puberty.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
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Video: Transgender Teen Prostitutes for Surgery - Vanessa (click to read story)
Video: From Male to Female and Back Again - Charles Kane Read more, what ABC doesn't tell (click here)
Video: At age 16, Kim Petras became the world's youngest transsexual.
Video: Princess Boy Loves to Wear Dresses