The Pope has again demonstrated that the Roman Catholic Church is not prone to defy God Almighty in favor of advocates for sexual deviancy and infidelity, who find themselves "at the mercy" of the Church which cares for their victims.
For background, read Media Blows It, re: Pope on Condoms
-- From "UNAIDS to Vatican: Pope's HIV-condom view helpful" by Nicole Winfield, Associated Press 5/30/11
The Church does . . . play a crucial role in caring for HIV-positive people, particularly in Africa where some two-thirds of the world's 22 million infected people live. It runs hospitals and hospices, orphanages and clinics and has played a critical role in helping to de-stigmatize those with the virus and stress the need for changes in sexual behavior to stop its spread.
The Vatican's emphasis on the need for changes in sexual activity has been boosted by studies showing that at least in Africa, prevention programs focusing on condom promotion aren't working and that what works is male circumcision and reducing the number of sexual partners.
Yet Dr. Edward Green, former director of the AIDS research project at Harvard University, said there is little financial support for programs that advocate partner reduction, particularly among Western donors who uniformly insist on condom distribution as part of prevention efforts.
Green says he belongs to no particular church and bases his findings on empirical evidence, not morality.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Church reiterates opposition on condoms to prevent HIV" posted at 5/30/11
The Church has reiterated its oppositon to condoms in the fight against HIV, again labelling them an ineffective prevention tool that encourages immoral behaviour, reports PBS Newshour.
An AIDS conference hosted at the Vatican over the weekend quickly stamped out any lingering speculation that the Church might shift or broaden its policy against use of condoms to protect from HIV, the report added.
Instead, Vatican officials hailed recent findings that AIDS medications can be highly effective in preventing transmission and called for a change in "amoral sexual attitudes" that contribute to the spread of HIV.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.