More and more mainstream media reporting of Christian Americans and the Tea Party demonstrates that liberal journalists are very fearful of a return of 'the moral majority,' as they print quotes from Christian leaders, like this: “From my perspective, our country is going to hell because pastors won’t lead from the pulpits.”
For background, read Christian Tea Party Analysis is Media Priority and also read Proved: Tea Party Movement is Christian
-- From "An Iowa Stop in a Broad Effort to Revitalize the Religious Right" by Erik Eckholm, New York Times 4/3/11
Nearly 400 Iowa ministers [filled] a ballroom here on March 24 and 25. . . .
These meetings are part of a largely quiet drive to revitalize the religious right by drawing evangelical pastors and their flocks more deeply into politics — an effort given new energy by what conservative church leaders see as the ominous creep of laws allowing same-sex marriage and their sense that America is, literally, heading toward hell.
Support from many of the pastors in the audience here helped Mr. Huckabee, an evangelical minister, win the Iowa Republican caucuses in 2008. He had been the only candidate to appear at a pastors’ meeting before the Republican caucuses and went on to gain a surprise victory, with 60 percent of the caucus voters describing themselves in exit polls as evangelicals.
Mr. Huckabee, of course, was warmly welcomed back at the event here as he declared: “We face a spiritual war in this country. Let this weekend be a time when you say, ‘We will not fail, and America will not fall.’ ”
. . . Mr. Huckabee lavished praise on [meeting organizers] for “bringing pastors together so they go back to their pulpits and light them on fire with enthusiasm, to make America once again the greatest country on earth under God.”
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.