CBS News anchor Katie Couric suggests in an interview that if Americans could learn about Muslims through a TV sitcom . . .
-- From "@katiecouric: 2010 in Review - Katie Couric talks to Politico's Jonathan Martin, comedian Mo Rocca and Sheryl Huggins-Salomon of" posted at 12/22/10
Couric: “The bigotry expressed against Muslims in this country has been one of the most disturbing stories to surface this year. Of course, a lot of noise was made about the Islamic Center, mosque, down near the World Trade Center, but I think there wasn’t enough sort of careful analysis and evaluation of where this bigotry toward 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, and how this seething hatred many people feel for all Muslims, which I think is so misdirected, and so wrong — and so disappointing.”
Rocca: “I’m pretty smart, and I can’t tell you … I mean I went to really fancy schools and I cannot tell you five things about Islam. I know almost nothing about a major world religion that sits at the intersection of so many issues that are undeniably relevant to all of us.”
Couric: “Maybe we need a Muslim version of ’The Cosby Show.’ I know that sounds crazy, I know that sounds crazy. But ‘The Cosby Show’ did so much to change attitudes about African Americans in this country, and I think sometimes people are afraid of things they don’t understand, like you, Mo … but, maybe if it became more a part of the popular culture.”
To view the entire video at, CLICK HERE.
From "Katie Couric's Notebook: 'Mutilation'?" posted at 7/19/07
Female Circumcision: It's a subject you don't hear much about -- but you should. It affects thousands of young girls every day, and can lead to infection, psychological trauma, or even death. It's female circumcision -- and critics call it mutilation..
To hear the commentary in a one-minute video, CLICK HERE.
From "Cleric Says Female Circumcision Recommended by Islam" posted at RUDAW 08/12/2010
The Imam of Hajji Osman Alaf Mosque in Iraqi Kurdistan’s second largest city, Sulaimani, has told his followers that anyone who believes female circumcision is not a recommendation from the prophet Mohammed is “ignorant.”
During his Friday sermon on December 3rd, Imam Mala Yassin Hakim Piskandi said female circumcision was a “Sunnah," a term used to refer to the practices carried out or recommended by Mohammed, the prophet of Islam.
He said, the Sunni Shafeyi, a school of jurisprudence which most Kurds follow, took a tougher stance regarding female circumcision, considering it an “obligation," but that the other three Sunni schools of jurisprudence regarded it merely as a Sunnah, meaning it was recommended, but not compulsory.
“When men and women have intercourse, their sexual organs should be circumcised and clean,” he quoted Prophet Mohammed as saying.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
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