The trend is dramatic: The decline in prayer at commencement ceremonies is contrasted with the rise of invitations to the Obama administration, and myriad other liberals, to speak at institutions of 'higher learning' (or, indoctrination).
-- From "Group sees Graduation Day bias for left" Washington Times 5/25/10
A survey by the conservative Young America's Foundation found that nine officials from the Obama administration have been invited to speak at commencement exercises at the nation's 100 top-ranked universities this spring alone — compared with 14 officials from the administration during President George W. Bush's eight years in office.
Foundation officials say the results, part of an annual survey conducted for the past 17 years, show that the liberal dominance of graduation day has only increased under President Obama.
The survey also found that members of the press and actors are among those scheduled to speak at graduation ceremonies at the nation's top 100 universities, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report. The schools surveyed include Harvard, Princeton, Cornell and Boston University.
The invitations to administration figures is "only the tip of the iceberg," according to the survey. "This year's research found that a myriad of speakers were not only White House officials, but also liberal ideologues, newsmakers, authors and entrenched Washington insiders, while conservative best-selling authors, business leaders and free-market Nobel laureates were once again absent from our list."
"This year the trend proves that just as the media have been in love with Obama, so have America's universities," said foundation President Ron Robinson.
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