Spanish public school Gay Agenda includes telling third graders “nature has given us sex so we can use it with another girl, with a boy or with an animal”
UPDATE 6/11/16: Supreme Court Legalizes Sex With Animals in Canada
-- From "Spain promotes bestiality to school children" by CNA 2/4/10
Parents' organizations in Spain are fiercely protesting the curriculum of the Socialist government’s required education course, “Education for the Citizenry,” after it was revealed that in one Spanish city, students are being taught that sex can be freely practiced, even with animals.
According to the organization “Professionals for Ethics,” third grade students in Cordoba, located in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia, are using course material stating that “nature has given us sex so we can use it with another girl, with a boy or with an animal.” Parents groups say the material indoctrinates children and camouflages an agenda that is pro-homosexual and critical of moral norms and values.
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From "Spanish Government Sex-Ed Program 'Recommends' Sex to Adolescents" by Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, 2/4/10
"Sex is for enjoyment as much as we can or want," Spanish adolescents are being told by their socialist government. "Do and let others do whatever they wish."
Those words appeared in a pamphlet distributed to high school students in the region of Catalonia, according to Spanish news site Forum Libertas (Liberty Forum).
"Enjoying sex is a natural and recommendable thing," the pamphlet also states. "Learn the best ways to enjoy it with security and tranquility."
The pamphlet also endorses homosexual relationships, Forum Libertas reports. No mention is made of abstinence, nor the consequences of sexual intercourse.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.