Coalition of Conscience holds 'God Has a Better Way' event in Charlotte, N.C. nearby and at the same time as annual homosexual Pride Charlotte festival
-- From "Charlotte gay pride festival goes smoothly" by Kathy Haight, The Charlotte Observer 7/25/09
A crowd of more than 10,000 celebrated Charlotte's gay and lesbian community Saturday at the Pride Charlotte festival at Gateway Village.
More than 500 protesters, a significant increase from recent years, showed up as well. Among them was a nationally known Christian evangelist [Lou Engle] from Missouri. But conduct was orderly, police said, and there were no arrests.
While festival goers listened to music on two stages and browsed among more than 80 vendors, protestors gathered on a church lawn across the street for a prayer service.
People of all ages, including parents and children, moved through Saturday's crowd wearing T-shirts supporting gay pride. Some protestors walked among the festival goers to spread their message.
“We are not here to have a confrontation…,” Michael Brown, director of the Charlotte-based Coalition of Conscience, told protesters who gathered at First Baptist Church before marching to the festival. “We are here to send the message that God has a better way.”
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From "Opposing rally has 'pridefest' fans enraged" by Bob Unruh © 2009 WorldNetDaily 7/24/09
Since the [Christian] strategy was adopted, the homosexual event has been moved out of a public park and onto private property, and the goal now is to say, Brown said, "This [pridefest] is not welcome, but at the same time we care about you as individuals, friends and neighbors."
But homosexual activists apparently aren't listening.
At the pro-homosexual, a commentary said, "Brown has since launched an online initiative titled 'God Has A Better Way,' in which Brown claims that his agenda is 'Spirit-birthed' – a statement of sheer, unapologetic blasphemy."
The website's attack continued, "Brown refers to his crowd's 'biblical convictions' but his 'convictions' in no way resemble the message of the Gospels or, for that matter, much of Hebrew Scripture. Brown appeals for gay people not to be mean-spirited – but he fully intends to remain as mean-spirited and warlike."
Brown told WND that his event is supported by Lou Engle, the national director of "The Call to Action," seeking to bring cultural change through prayer and fasting.
He also said other national ministries are looking at the model being used in Charlotte.
"We have great love for the gay and lesbian community," Brown said, "and have always treated them with dignity and respect; at the same time, we take strong exception to the gay activist agenda and will be sending a message to the city and the nation that God Has a Better Way."
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.