In a fit of rage, a California man aimed his SUV at a pro-life activist standing near a Planned Parenthood location; due to his poor driving skills, he was able to inflict only minor injuries.
The episode received little media attention, and no one has suggested that Planned Parenthood or its supporters are prone to domestic terrorism, in contrast to recent abortion-related incidents.
-- From "Calif. man arrested in abortion confrontation" Associated Press 6/26/2009
Chico police say 40-year-old Matthew Haver was aiming his sport utility vehicle at 69-year-old James Cantfield, who was not injured.
Investigators say Haver apparently became enraged when a child traveling with him asked about a sign Cantfield was holding. The sign showed an aborted fetus.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.
From "Chico man charged with using SUV to assault anti-abortion protester" Chico Enterprise-Record 6/26/2009
[Haver] has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
Witnesses said a man driving a 1991 GMC sport utility vehicle had attempted to strike a protester, according the release.
Canfield moved out of the way and was not seriously injured during the incident, but clearly shaken by the experience, Chico Police Lt. John Carrillo said.
. . officers didn't hold him but issued Haver a citation ordering him to appear in Butte County Superior Court at a later date.
Haver was also cited with several misdemeanors as well. He was reportedly driving on a suspended license, and he had switched his licenses plates with another vehicle he had recently purchased.
To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.